
Wrong Conclusions

Jimin throws open the door to Taehyung's room, glaring. Taehyung slowly turns on his spot on the floor, no expression on his face.


"Don't give me that look." Taehyung just tilts his head slightly, confused. Jimin points a finger at him. "I know what you're up to, Tae. You may be my boyfriend but that doesn't mean I'll let you get away with this."


"Okay?" Taehyung furrows his eyebrows slightly and Jimin squints.


"I'm watching you," Jimin says as he walks out.


"Don't forget our lunch at two!" Taehyung shouts after him. Once the door clicks shut, Taehyung immediately gets up and grabs his phone off of the bed. He sends a text to Seokjin and lies face down on his bed. Seokjin comes in several minutes later, holding his phone.


"You do realize I live right across the hall, right? You have your own key and I'm not unused to you barging into my apartment at random hours of the day. But instead you send me a text demanding- are you even listening?"


Taehyung sits up with a groan. "I thought you said he wouldn't find out."


"Explain, Tae. I have no idea what you're talking about."


"The engagement!" Taehyung slaps a hand over his mouth as glances at the door. He lowers his voice. "Jimin said he knew about it."


"That's impossible. Did you accidentally let it slip? I feel like that's something you would do."


"No, I'm not an idiot. What am I supposed to do? Everything is ruined!" Taehyung says dramatically, covering his face with his hands.


"Calm down," Seokjin replies, rolling his eyes. "You can still propose; it just won't be a secret."


"But that takes away all of the fun," Taehyung pouts. "I want to see Jimin's reaction and if he'll cry and other stupid, romantic things."


Seokjin grins, shaking his head. "I really don't think that matters. You two will still do stupid, romantic things."


"We better." Taehyung pauses. "Hey, what about you and Namjoon? Do you guys still-"


"That is none of your business, Tae," Seokjin reddens, cutting him off quickly, and Taehyung shrugs. He glances at his phone and curses.


"It's already one!" He jumps up and walks over to his closet. Seokjin winces as he hears several things fall to the ground. Taehyung steps out with a pair of jeans in hand, lying it on his bed. "Jimin will come inside any minute, so you should leave." Seokjin gives him an offended look and Taehyung adds, "Thank you for your help."


Seokjin heads towards the door, calling back, "Tell me what happened afterward!"


Taehyung ignores him and pulls on his jeans, almost tripping. Jimin walks in a few minutes later. He smiles when he glances at Taehyung, taking in his appearance. Jimin walks up to him and s Taehyung's shirt. Taehyung's eyes widen but Jimin just buttons his shirt again.


"You buttoned your shirt incorrectly," Jimin explains, smoothing out the material. He fixes the collar and uses it to pull down Taehyung, giving him a quick peck on the lips.


"Where are we going, anyway?" Jimin steps into their closet and puts on a white button down.


"Nowhere fancy. That Korean restaurant we go to all of the time."


"Really?" Jimin glances at Taehyung behind him through the mirror in the closet, "Then why are you all dressed up? Are you going to a wedding?" he teases.


Taehyung laughs nervously. "You're wearing the same thing."


"Yeah, but I always wear this. Once, you wore your pajamas when we went there."


Taehyung shrugs and Jimin grins. "Well, I'll be outside." He places a kiss on Taehyung's cheek and walks out of the room.


Taehyung immediately turns to his jacket hanging in the closet and checks its inner pocket. He pulls out a velvet box and sighs, relieved. He slips on the jacket and walks out to where Jimin is waiting, wearing a dark blue trench coat. He glances up from his phone and smiles at Taehyung. His heartbeat speeds up and he takes Jimin's hand, stepping out of their apartment.


They enter the restaurant and the owner greets them warmly. Jimin glances around, halting. The place is completely empty.


"Where's everyone?" He turns to the owner but she just smiles and ushers the pair to a table.


Jimin sends Taehyung a curious look but he just shrugs in response. A waiter comes out several minutes later with plates of food despite the fact that they hadn't ordered yet. Jimin looks around, incredulous, oblivious to Taehyung fidgeting in his seat.


"Did you do this?" Taehyung's eyes widen and Jimin laughs. "No one could know that I've been craving bulgogi unless they've heard me constantly whine about it. But..." Jimin hesitates and Taehyung's heart thuds against his chest, "you do know today isn't our anniversary, right? It's next week."


Taehyung nods, almost eagerly. "I know! I wanted to do something special today."


Jimin smiles. "This is really sweet, Tae."


They eat their lunch slowly, talking animatedly about random things. Besides the line waiter who passes by every so often to check if they need anything, Jimin and Taehyung are undisturbed. After the plates have been cleared away and the check paid, Jimin sits up, stretching slightly.


"We should get going, Tae. It's getting-"


"Wait!" he blurts out. Taehyung abruptly stands up, his chair almost falling over. Jimin stares at him with a confused and amused look. He pats his pockets, looking for something. He panics and glances around, spotting his jacket hanging on his chair. Taehyung grabs his jacket and checks its inner pockets, pulling out a box. He awkwardly gets down on one knee, feeling like his heart might beat out of his chest. Taehyung doesn't speak for a moment.


"I had this huge and heartfelt speech prepared but right now, seeing how beautiful you look, I don't remember a word of it." Taehyung admits sheepishly. "But I will say that I love you more than the moon and the sun and all of those other cheesy things. Will you marry me?"


Jimin, unable to contain his smile, hugs Taehyung tightly. He pulls back slightly and presses his lips to Taehyung's. "Of course I'll marry you."


Taehyung grins and places the rings on both of their hands. He entwines their fingers, watching the metal gleam in the sunlight from the windows.


"I should've realized you were going to propose. I mean, why else would you dress up and empty out an entire restaurant?"


"Wait, why are you surprised? Didn't you say you knew what I was up to?" Taehyung glances at Jimin.


"This isn't what I meant! I just knew you were the one that kept taking my sweaters!"


"Oh." Pause. "They're really soft."


Jimin laughs and pulls away, putting on his coat. "Come on, fiancé. Let's go tell everyone the news."

Written for my wonderful friend Laura!! Also my first BTS fic.

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Chapter 1: so cute vmin
heaveninfrance #2
Chapter 1: Vmin is fluffy as always♡
Chapter 1: very cute :D
jun-kiseob_b2uty #4
Chapter 1: wow, it's cute and hillarious at the same time when tae purpose to jimin.. they're so adorable.. this stories was cool enough!! hoping to see more of your fluffy works:)
Chapter 1: sooo fluffy! omg this is just too adorable. vmin is so precious ;--;
Chapter 1: Can't they be anymore cute than this???
freysan #7
Chapter 1: *insert ugly adoring sounds here*

this fic is just soooo adorable~!!!