Chapter 2


Chapter 2

Donghae was drenched completely in rain and snow as he lifted his package up again to bring them up the steep and narrow stairs to his dormitory. His sister has been waiting for him outside in her car with his packages and the rain has increased dramatically during his conversation with the principle. After they bid a goodbye and shared a few hugs and comforting words, Donghae made his way back to his room. As he reached the right floor he dropped his heavy package, panting hard because of its weight. His hands were all red and his hair hung flatly above his forehead. He must for sure look like right now, thought Donghae. But he shouldn’t be nagging all the time and find his room instead. Everything was quiet and only his own heavy footsteps could be heard as he brought his package down the hallway. What had he packed anyway, that his bags were that heavy? Donghae almost lost his balance and stepped over his bagpack as he read the writing ‘27b’ on a door on the left side. The room was far away from the next one ‘28’ and also at the end of the corridor. Biting his lower lip, he searched for the key the principle gave him before in his pockets. His hands nervously shivered in the warm inside of his coat and after he touched something cold, the grip on the little metallic thing tightened. Donghae didn’t know why he was so nervous. It wasn’t the first time he had to share a room with a stranger far away from home and his family. He was used having friends and new people around him but this was something different. What, if he and his new roommate didn’t get along with each other? What, if his new roommate was a weirdo or a ert who would jerk himself off every night next to him, while watching ? What, if his new roommate wouldn’t talk to him? That was probably Donghaes biggest worry. When his roommate wasn’t going to talk to him, who would? He was very shy he had to admit and going to college alone wasn’t an easy decision for him, but he wanted at least have a good relationship with his roommate. Donghae turned the key a few times until he heard a sound. The door was unlocked. Slowly he opened the door and expected a squeaking noise like in those movies when they open an old door which leads to a hidden place or something like that, but he didn’t. He simply opened a door and felt pathetic about his own excitement. As he took a step inside the smell of wood and cold air welcomed him. Donghae shrugged as he saw the open window on the wall ahead. A few curses left his lips as he ran to the cold part of the room to close the window. It was snowing again, he noticed as he pushed it close and locked it with all his strength. Who was his roommate actually to let the window open in the midst of January?

The room looked quite neat and Donghae found himself standing in front of a huge loft bed. A grin appeared on his face. He was definitely going to sleep on the higher one! In his childhood, Donghae and his sister had shared a room with a loft bed, but because his sister was older and really bossy and he was well, let’s say not that good in persuading people and having arguments (he would always apologize first) it ended up his sister sleeping on the bed at the top. Now he was going to do that for the first time in his life. Donghae knew he was quite childish sometimes but that was actually also one of his charms. He climbed up the conductor and took a look at the top. It looked neat and Donghae assumed his roommate had taken the bed underneath. On the lower bed, the pillows and blankets were folded messily and some notebooks and pencils were laying around. This was probably the other ones bed, he thought, observing the furniture in his room happily. There was a couch and even a TV. They even had a little kitchen, a frigde and two closets. one the left side, there was a table with some chairs and on the other side an open door. Donghaes gaze fell on the inside of the room, but he couldn’t recognize anything. As he stepped inside his assumptions were right, it was the bathroom. There was a shower, a shelf with some towels even a bathtub and a sink with a few soaps and shampoos. The towels that were laying on the floor must be from his roommate and also the perfumes and shampoos, Donghae thought, inhaling the manly and refreshing scent in the room.

A wide and clear mirror hung across the wall in front of him and his own reflection was showing inside. Donghae had cut his hair before he went off to college so that his brown, milky bangs hid his forehead. The back of his head was cut short and only a few centimeters long. With the back of his hand Donghae roamed around his short hair, loving the ticklish feeling it gave him. Actually he was always the type who would like long hair and until now it fitted him perfectly. But with the years Donghae wanted to get rid of his childish image as the “shy boy” and started to look manlier and cooler in front of others. Surprisingly it worked out pretty well and he would have a lot of phone number request from girls and invitations to parties of popular classmates and such, but his inside was the complete opposite. He hated trying to fit in, to make himself a place in the huge crowd, to shout out for attention and to be the main topic in a conversation. His lids were half closed and the brown orbs in his eyes barely visible. Donghae had beautiful face, according to others and he had been complemented about his looks very often. His lips were swollen, from biting on the all the time and dry because of the lack of water he drank today. Sighing, he made his way back to his package, which was standing in front of the door and tried to forget the thoughts he had after staring into the shiny mirror. In his bag he found a bottle of water. It was misted on its walls and touching the cold bottle made him think of the terrible weather outside. Luckily the liquid wasn’t frozen and Donghae swallowed it in a few gulps, gritting his teeth in pain afterwards. Damn that hurt.. so cold. He threw the plastic bottle into the nearest bin, which was next to the lower loftbed and dragged his packages inside to unpack them and arrange his room. A bit later Donghae was sitting on his bed, (the higher one) skipping through the pages of one of his books. His clothes were neatly inside the closet on the left wall and his other things like his towels and shampoos het had set up in the bathroom. It felt quite comfortable, Donghae thought, sinking into the soft fabric of the matress. His eyelids were heavy already and he felt like he could sleep for years right now, but something told him he should at least wait for his roommate to arrive. Humming a song Donghae thought about how this whole thing could turn out. He could be the most popular and beloved student by tomorrow and his roommate could be his best friend, but on the other side he could also be the bullied one, who everyone laughs about. Unfortunately he couldn’t look into future and didn’t know what was about to happen next. He sighed. As he finally gave in to his tiredness and turned around to sleep, Donghae heard a dangerous sound on the other side of his door. That was surely him; his new roommate. The boy on the bed hesitated and sat up, ready to face the other one.

“Who the hell unlocked my door?! I´m sure I locked it before going to class!”, the voice outside cursed out loud. Donghaes grip on the sheets tightened as he saw the doorknob moving down and heard the creepy sound of the opened door. He put on his most angelic and beautiful smile and wanted to greet his roommate friendly as he saw a tall guy with brown, messy hair entrating. He didn’t dare saying a single word when he noticed the cold expression on the other ones face. Cho Kyuhyun, this is Cho Kyuhyun; my new roommate, Donghae thought, biting his lower lip. As the guys’ gaze fell onto Donghae a huge and very scary frown appeared on his face. “Who are you?” the other ones voice was deep and full of anger. Although Donghae would like to just die right here he managed to answer, stuttering.

“I´m Lee Dongha-“ 

“Why are you here? What do you want here, huh?!”

“It´s just I´m your new room-“

“Stop interrupting my talking, would you? Now listen”, the male in front of Donghae was surely about a head taller than him and lowered his voice, not averting his gaze from Donghae.

“This is my room, understand? MY room. So it would be very nice if you could just take your things and come down from my bed and go out!” Donghae had a lump in his throat. He never was good at dealing with such people, but he didn’t want to give in either. Apparently this ‘kyuhyun’-guy owned the upper bed and he was mad of Donghae sitting on it.

“Let me explain things”, Donghae started, trying not to look in the other ones hatred eyes. “I´m new here and this is my new room and you are my new roommate. I promise I won’t bother you but please don’t kick me out. And about the bed, I´m sorry. I thought, because the lower bed was full of things and clothes, it seemed like it was yours.”

“At first, do I look like I would sleep on this ty bed?” the other guy hissed annoyed, looking at the lower bed in disgust. “And secondly, I don’t care whether you´re my new roommate, this is MY room!” before Donghae could answer he felt two strong hands around his shoulders, pushing him outside and as he turned around in objection, the door was already locked. “Yah! Let me in! Do you think this makes a good impression on a new student?!” he tried, boxing with his fists against the door. No answer. The other guy wouldn’t cure for sure. As Donghae looked through the keyhole, he saw the male sitting calmly on the lower bed, eating a snack and checking something on his laptop. Donghae scoffed, how could someone have a that terrible attitude? Class was over in the most of the courses and a lot of people were going down the hallways to their rooms.

“hey, are you new here? I never saw you before. Can I help you?” a random guy asked him, smiling so brightly that all his gums were shown.

“Uhm, yeah thanks. I´m in a room with a “Cho Kyuhyun” but somehow he wouldn’t let me inside”, Donghae pouted. The others smile faded away when he heard the word Cho Kyuhyun. He looked at Donghae with pity and flashed the latter a weak smile. Then the boy turned around and walked to his friends.

“Guys, this boy over there.. he´s the new roommate of Cho Kyuhyun!” as soon as those words left the boys´ lips everyone went crazy. Donghae heard whispers “Omg Cho Kyuhyun. That’s so bad” “this guys life just ended” “pwahaha I´m so sorry for him”. A huge crowd built in front of Donghae and he was the center of attention. Everybody asked him question or just laughed about him.

“Hey, shut up! Its no one of your business anyway”, the boy with the gummy smile shouted and found a way through the crowd to Donghae. As the many people disappeared in their own rooms the guy turned to Donghae. “Listen, Cho Kyuhyun isn’t an easy person, but don’t let them take you down! I´m sure you can be friends with him so don’t have thoughts like this ok? I can’t help you with this matter but if you want we can hang out together sometimes. Then you don’t need being around that bastard every second. My name is Eunhyuk. And yours?”

The boy flashed Donghae an assuring smile and somehow he looked trustworthy and nice. Donghae could finally let the sigh he had built up for so long out.

“I´m Donghae, nice to meet you, Eunhyuk!” he said happily. Eunhyuk stared at the door, biting his lower lip. Donghae could tell he had something on his mind but he didn’t know what yet. Suddenly Eunhyuk started kicking against the door.

“Come out, Kyuhyun! Do you think you´re cool now? It’s just a roommate! Stop being such a dramaqueen!” Silence. Eunhyuk ruffled his blond hair in frustration and took a glance at Donghae, who was observing the floor very clearly. “I´m sorry”, Eunhyuk mouthed when they heard footsteps from inside approaching the door. When they heard the unlocking sound of the door, a victorious grin appeared on Eunhyuks face and he put his hands on his hips to welcome Kyuhyun. The door opened and Donghaes eyes widened exited thinking he could finally move in. But they both frowned when Donghaes package flew against the wall behind him and all his other things were thrown on the ground. “You forgot something. Now piss off. You too, Eunhyuk!” Before Eunhyuk and Donghae could protest the door was locked again and they stood in the hallway clueless. “I´m sorry. I didn’t mean dargging you in my problems.” Donghae smiled apologetic and started to collect his things on the floor. “It´s not your fault, Donghae. This guy has a few anger iussies I think”, Eunhyuk laughed looking at the door. “I sometimes mess with him during class. He´s very smart and doesn’t talk much actually. He always hangs out with Ryeowook and Yesung, his only friends here. Actually, nobody knows exactly why he´s like that. He´s been like this since I´m on this college and I think he won´t change..”  Donghae gulped and lifted his things to his shoulders ready to leave. “Where should I stay overnight? And do you think I should tell this the principle?”

Eunhyuk shook his head maniacally and widened his eyes. “NO! this will make everything worse! Just stay in my room then. Leeteuk, my roommate will understand for sure and there is a couch where you can sleep. Just for the time until our dramaqueen has calmed down, alright?” the blonde swept his silky hair behind his left ear and stared at Donghae optimistic. The brunette nood lightly and got dragged away by Eunhyuk, to room 24.

“Here we are!” the other one announced exited and lead Donghae in his room. Another guy was sitting on the bed, reading a newspaper. He smiled when he saw Donghae and sat up to greet the latter. “Oh Eunhyuk who do you brought with you again?” he chuckled amused and his dimples made him look more friendly than he already was. “His name is Donghae. He´s new here and well, the roommate of our beloved Mr. Cho. So can he sleep at the couch until things are settled?” the blonde asked while placing Donghaes things next to the brown leathercouch.

“OMG of course! Just being near him is a torture, isn’t it? I sometimes can feel the holes his stares are burning inside my back, when I interrupt him!” the black haired complained and made Donghae giggle a bit. “Yeah, but maybe that’s also because you really interrupt people often hyung!”, Eunhyuk fought back smiling. “Are you just defending Cho Kyuhyun?”

“What the hell no!” Eunhyuk and Leeteuk burst out into laughter and Donghae felt more relaxed. He placed his tired body on the soft and comfortable couch and was amused seeing his new roommates having fun like that. “Oh yes I nearly forgot! I´m Leeteuk!” Donghae lifted his head as he found the guy smiling at him and holding out his hand. The latter accepted it and smiled back. At least they were friendly. “And just a friendly reminder, Cho Kyuhyuns attitude has nothing to do with you! He´s been like that for always!” Leeteuk tried to cheer Donghae up again.

“I think I´ll take a shower and sleep then, I had an exhausting day” Donghae said, searching his shampoos.

Damn! He forgot them in Kyuhyuns bathroom, he thought and panicked for a second. “Is something wrong, Donghae?”, Eunhyuks asked with a worried expression and suddenly stood next to him. “Uhm.. I-I forgot my soaps and shampoos and such .. in Kyuhyuns bathroom”, he stuttered. “Oh, that´s no big deal tho. You can take mine” Leeteuk sang from behind. “Thank you”, the brunette smiled and went to the bathroom. “Feel free to use mine too, Donghae. Make yourself feel like home!” he heard Eunhyuks voice shout and couldn’t help but grin. Eunhyuk was really nice and somehow made his ty day brighter. As he stepped into the shower he groaned when the warm water met his skin and flew down tenderly. It was exactly what he needed right now. He finally had time for himself and the warmth in the shower and around his body made the terrible cold that had stuck with him for the last few hours go away. Donghae breathed in and out calmly when he put a towel around his waist and used his hand to brush off the fog that was sticking on the mirror. “Fighting Donghae!”,he whispered to himself, suddenly having a little hope to overcome the whole Kyuhyun-matter.





sry guys its quite long this time kkk and well I promised at the weekend there will be an update! have fun ~~~

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where are u dear ??why don't u update urn story ??
plz update soon
I really wanna read it
Chapter 2: ROFL Apparently the only worse thing than having a very erted roommate, is one who won't talk to you, in Donghae's opinion.... lol so cute. I also loved the 'failed attempt to re-enter the apartment only to get belongings thrown out at you' scenario. <3 <3 <3 Can't wait for your next update. <3 <3 Hwaiting!!
Chapter 1: new reader here..
hoping for more kyuhae moments!
fighting! ^^
taghridnugraha #4
Chapter 2: omgomgggg i love thissss
OMG Update!
marissachan #6
i love it!
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Fantastic intro to the story!! I love the cliff hanger you left at the end about Kyuhyun's attitude. lol Looking forward to your next update. ^_^ <3 Hwaiting!!
lenski777 #8
Chapter 1: Interesting :) waiting for the next chap.
ita_21 #9
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the next chapter...Very interesting story..Tengkyu author^^
Chapter 1: great I love this story
update soon
I can't wait anymore
that's amazing
I can't wait to see Kyuhae moment