(Not Recorded) Scene #4

When The Cameras Are Off: Again (Sequel)

Scene #4 (Not Recorded)
"Let's Make A Promise."

Author's POV

Tonight, the stars coated the midnight sky as they hovered high over the two trailers in which all of the Roommates cast members slept soundly in. They decided to celebrate their three months of living together by going on a camping trip in Gangwondo, which was near Dongwook's filming location in Pyongchang and after a long and eventful day full of sauna like car rides, good food, entertainment,  and deep campfire conversations, everyone was finally able to rest comfortably within their own group campers.

Even the Spring Goddess, who wasn't really keen on the idea of camping being fun and was involuntarily a victim of riding in hot aired vehicle with a fatigued driver, ended having  a great time camping with her fellow roommates and was sleeping peacefully on the side of the bed next to Soo-hyun, with Ga-yeon occupying the other side.

But if  the producers were to interview her and ask her what was the best part of the camping trip, she would have to voice the second best part because the producers still hadn't gave her or Dongwook the green light to let their relationship go public, which Bom knew Dongwook was starting to get impatient about, but rather than dwelling in that mutual feeling as well, she just decided to enjoy the few moments that they did have together whether when they were with their cast mates or when it was just them two.

And that's exactly what she did as soon as she stepped on the hard dirt covered ground of the campsite, along with the rest of her group, and laid eyes on a 34 year-old man that was the 11th roommate of the house, a charming, handsome, and caring actor, and who also just so happened to be her secret boyfriend because finally being able to see him was the best part of the trip.

Bom's POV (Earlier That Day)

"Pay attention to me." Dongwook suddenly said, causing Kang Joon, Soo-Hyun, and I to look over at him in surprise as we all started walking down the trail towards where the lake was, guessing that the other group was probably already fishing by now.

"Oh, it's you! You're here." I exclaimed happily, along with the rest of the group, as we walked beside him, with me on the far end. Ga-yeon had spotted and approached him before the rest of us so she got to walk directly beside him which was fine with me.

"Yes. I was already here." He answered as he walked with his hands behind his back, glancing over at me through his black shades as he added, "So I was waiting all day long for you." Aigoo...why does he always have to look so young and cool? 

"You suddenly look so young. Even younger than before." I couldn't help but complement as I looked back at him while trying to fix my hair up, looking at him through my swept bangs. 

"Thank you." He replied with a slight smile before asking, "How was the trip?"

"It was full of ups and downs." All of us answered unanimously  as we looked down at the ground. 

"The air conditioner didn't even work." Kang Joon added.

"The air conditioner didn't work?" Dongwook repeated as he glanced at us in disbelieving tone.

"No." The team leader answered

"Because the car was broken?" He said, his eyes wandering between all of us with much curiosity and surprise, probably wondering how we managed to sit through all that heat on the way here.  "In the middle of summer?"

"We rolled down the windows." Soo-hyun mentioned.

"Then why did you bother? You should have just gone home." He stated, causing me to smirk a little. See? That's what I said. Great minds think alike...

"We thought about it." The actress said.

"Home is best." Dongwook said as we finally started to approach the lake and participated in the fishing competition, which Chan-yeol's team ended up winning. Then we gathered around a picnic table, where Minwoo appeared a few minutes later to apologize for falling asleep behind the wheel on our way to the campsite, which scared me so badly that I cursed out loud. I really need to be more careful... 

Sadly, Dongwook had to leave again to film another scene for his tv drama but he told he everyone that he would be back later so I wasn't too disappointed by his absence. In fact, as we all started setting the table and cooking the food that Mama Shin, Se-ho, and Soo-hyun caught before sitting down to enjoy the delicious meal of trout, grilled pork belly, and shell fish as well as each other's company, I had almost forgot that the actor wasn't even there.


Soon enough, after we finished eating our dinner, Team Leaders Chanyeol and Kang Joon  went on to start the next set of activities, the first being a hackey sack challenge  where both teams had to compete against each other in to see which one would have to clean the dishes. Unfortunately, our team lost so we had to clean up but we didn't really mind because we had fun even though I was still a little bit embarrassed at the fact that I was only able to catch the sack with my foot once, even if I did looked up in the air and played it off like it wasn't a big deal. 

By the time Dongwook had came back, were at the end of our dancing competition and were about to start the next game that Chan-yeol and Kang Joon planned for us.

"The name of the game is Kang Yeol ballon popping." Chan-yeol informed us as he walked to the side and explained the rules of the game. "The rules are simple. You must pop the balloons using two bodies. The couple that pops the most balloons within a minute wins." 

Then Chan-yeol motioned for the guys to step forward as he added, "And the ladies will choose a guy they want to be coupled with." My eyes widened a little at that statement. Really? We get to choose?

"Understood!" I heard Dongwook yell, which made all of us girls laugh in amusement as we glanced at one another in curiosity of who we would pick.

"Please choose a guy!" Chan-yeol instructed and before I could change my course of direction, I walk straight towards Dongwook and stood behind him patiently, holding my hands in front of me with a nervous expression because I didn't really know how he would take it. We were suppose to be low key after all. Please don't be mad, Oppa...

"Please turn around and see your partner." Chan-yeol said, causing all the other men to turn around immediately to see who had chosen them, while Dongwook turn around slowly with his eyes closed. When his brown eyes finally met mine, to ease my nervousness, I bowed my head with a sheepish smile while he laughed happily and wrapped his arm around me, a huge smile dawning his face.

After we finished the Kang Yeol balloon popping game, we took a seat around the campfire side area while Kang Joon and Chan-yeol prepared us for the last activity of the day, which was a couple of oldies but goodies of some of the roommates on the big screen. So-Ra was the first as we got to watch her when she first became a model along with her hair and exercise commercials. Dongwook was next as they began his segment of the video with a picture of him when he was young, causing him to bend down, smiling shyly as Seho teasingly said, "Who's this guy?"

Then the video showed clips of all his kissing scenes from the movies that he had been in, which he was surprised and embarrassed about as he stood up and yelled, "Why is all of my footage just me kissing?" 

"What will people think of me?" He added with an embarrassed smile as another kissing scene came on while everyone around him laughed. "How could this be?"

I looked over at him skeptically, wondering just how many women has he kissed, before smiling amusingly at his reaction when Se-ho smirked and said, "You're a great man." Dongwook just bit his lip and glanced over at me before giving up on trying not to laugh, that cheeky smile of his appearing on his face.

Soon after that, they showed Seho's comedic debut from when he was 20 years old and how funny and talented he really was. The last one was Mana Shin, who was the epitome of rock and roll and also did some commercials as well as movies in his day too. They even showed him and another actress's kidding scene from an old movie he was in too, which he was also embarrassed about and Dongwook had made a comment on when Chan-yeol said, "I think everyone here has a kiss scene!"

"So everyone kisses!" Dongwook replied in a sarcastic yet joking tone, while everyone laughed. "They just do it everywhere!"

Soon enough, the video went off and we started to talking about more serious and heartfelt things such as our lives and how hard it is for celebrities, especially the ones the in the entertainment industry to break out of their comfort zone and socialize with new people and we should always have good people around us that mean well and make us happy. 

Then we talked about Nana receiving harsh criticism from the fans on what is really  just her natural bright and energetic behavior and gave her encouraging words. Seho even apologized for liking her and it made her cry to see how much we cared and how highly we thought of her.

Last but not least, we talked about Minwoo's behavior and how he felt about the incident during the drive here. In the end, Mama Shin just advised him not to take everything so seriously and just enjoy being on Roommate and becoming a family with us. Soon after that, we, as in the girls,  headed inside our campers while the boys went to their tents and got some well needed rest.


"Poong-Poongie...save some corn for me too." I murmured in my sleep, feeling like I was having the best dream in a while before I suddenly the faint sound of something hitting the window next to the bed, almost like someone was knocking on it, causing me to instantly wake up from my sleep as my eyes to pop open. At first, I wait for the sound to come again but after a minute, I thought it was just my crazy imagination so I attempted to go back to sleep. 

That's when I heard it again.

My eyes shot back open like they did before and I quietly turned my head towards Soo-hyun & Ga-yeon, who were sleeping soundly and deeply, not disturbed at all by the noise. Eh? Why am I the only one that heard that sound? I thought to myself as I turned my head back around with a small frown on my face. Maybe I should just ignore it and go back to sleep...

But as soon as my eyes closed, something hit the window yet again.

Yah! I huffed and closed my eyes in frustration before coming to the conclusion to go outside and see where the noise was coming from. Pushing the covers from off of my body, I slowly got out of the bed, being more than careful enough so that I wouldn't wake the other two girls up. "This better not be one of the boy's pranks."I said tiredly to myself as I tip toed through the trailer until I got finally got to the door and slowly but quietly opened it, sticking my head out of it first to meet the midnight air and the sound of Mother Nature at work.

My head then turned as I scanned the area in front of me before it wondered towards where the window was located, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. I thought about going over there to survey it a little just in case I noticed anything strange but then I decided against it the minute a long yawn had left my mouth. Sleep was desperately calling me and I didn't feel like ignoring it.

I looked around one last time before bringing my head back inside to close the door but when it was almost shut, the noise started again and before I knew it, I opened the door again and peeked back to see everything still as it was before. Not being able to brush off the fact that something strange was going on, I leaned back in the trailer and quietly walked over towards my bag, hearing the now aggravating sound again as I pulled out a pair of flip flops and hastily slipped them on. 

Silently opening the door again, I peeked my head out for the last time before bringing my whole body past the doorway and into the outside as I slowly closed the door behind me. I descended down the small section of stairs until my feet touched the ground and made my way over towards the other victim of this unusual situation-the window, my eyes widening as I surveyed the glass for any scratches since I couldn't touch it, being that I was too short to really reach it. 

Then, I heard something rustling in the trees and suddenly started to think that this investigation thing I was doing right now might not have been a good idea after all. Rubbing my chill bump covered arms in an up and down motion, due to the cool midnight air and the fact that I was on guard, I sighed and turned around, glancing behind me once more before walking back towards the trailer door. 

And just when I grabbed the door handle, the sound of something eerily similar to a stick being stepped on rung through the air, making my head whirl back towards the location of the noise, which was at the back of the trailer. "Whose there?" I called out in alarm as I scanned the area around me before quickly running over to the back of trailer. My assumption was proven correct when I laid eyes on a small broken stick lying the ground as well as a foot print, causing a silently gasp to flow out of my lips. Someone's out here. I just know it...

And that assumption was also proven correct because just as I turned around to quickly run back in the safety of her group's trailer, my eyes grew almost to the size of saucers as I felt someone's hand cover my mouth keep me from screaming  while the other hand wrapped around my waist to keep me from running away in fright. Of course, my fear quickly died down, as well as the worst scream that I could accomplish through his palm, when I looked up and realized who the culprit of all this was. Bwoh?

My one and only boyfriend, Lee Dongwook.

"Ssh, it's just me, Bommie." He whispered as he as he stared directly into my eyes, instantly warming the coldness I was feeling from the cool forest air surrounding us, dropping his hand from my mouth as he bit his lip to keep from laughing at me.

"Yah! It's not funny, oppa!" I yelled silently as I pushed him away, glaring up at his handsome face as he let out a short laugh while smiling. "You really scared me!"

"I know and I'm sorry." He told me as he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me, giving the top of my head a light kiss that suddenly eased my anger away and made me hug him back. I buried my face in his chest while he rested his head on top of my head as he added, "I just had to see you before you go back home." 

I pulled my head back, causing him to mimic the same action as I said, "You're not coming back with us?"

Dongwook shook his head sadly. "I have to go back to Pyongchang tonight and get ready to shoot the next episode for Hotel King." I nodded my head in understanding but he must have saw the sadness hidden deep in my eyes as I glanced down at the ground because he unwrapped one of his hands from around my waist so that he could caress the side of my face and bring my eyes back up to his rich brown ones. "But we only have a few more episodes to film until the show is over so I'll be at the house a lot more often and 2NE1's is almost finished so we'll be able to see each other more often. Maybe the producers will give us the green light to go public by then."

 "I hope so..." I whispered as I noticed my breath slow down considerably when I felt him trace my bottom lip with his thumb as he stared longingly at it. "I'm tired of hiding this."

"So tired that you just had to pick me as your partner for the ballon pop game?" Dongwook teased with a knowing smirk before laughing.

"Don't laugh at me, oppa." I whined with an embarrassed smile as I buried my face back in his chest, inhaling his minty like cologne. "I just thought it would be nice for us to win something together." I told him, which I really didn't consider a lie. "Would you rather I have picked someone else?"

"Of course not." He replied without hesitation as he laid his head back down on mine. "I'm glad you picked me."

"Even though we didn't win?" I questioned.

"But we did win. Well at least I did." He answered, causing me to look up at him in confusion. Really?


He smiled as he simply said, "I won you." 

A huge blush crept on my cheeks along with a soft smile as I watched him slowly descend down to close the distance between our lips until I abruptly pulled back and unwrapped my arms from his body. "Wait! The cameras-we forgot about cameras!" I exclaimed in panic as I looked around the area again. 

Dongwook grabbed my arms and pulled me back towards him as he said, "Ssh, don't worry, Bom. I took care of that already."

"You took care of it? What did you do?" I questioned in a curious tone as I eyed him skeptically.

He smirked mischievously as he said, "Let's just say that the cameras got a little wet so the cameramen went into town to get them fixed." 

I gasped silently, trying to hide my amusement as I said, "I think you've been hanging around Seho oppa too much." 

"Well, he is my roommate." He stated as he wrapped his arms around me once more. "Besides, don't you like it when I help spread mischief?" He asked with an raised eyebrow as he smirked at me ily.

I laughed softly while bringing my arms around his neck. "I like everything about you, oppa." I said genuinely, painting a full smile on Dongwook's face before he leaned down to kiss me again. "Except for the fact that you've kissed like 10 pretty girls." I teasingly whispered a millisecond before our lips could touch.

"Remind me to beat up Chan-yeol and Kang Joon when I get home." He whispered with a serious yet joking expression as we both laughed quietly, our breaths meeting each other's lips instead of our own until Dongwook said, "Do you know what's better than kissing 10 pretty girls?"


"Kissing you." He answered before leaning down and finally doing just that. I sighed softly in content as I kissed him back, causing him to pull me closer to his body as the kiss got more passionate and intense. Almost as if it would be our last.

I sure hope not. I thought as he pulled away and laid his head against mine, his eyes boring into my own. "Let's make a promise."

"What kind of promise?"I asked curiously.

"That no matter what happens to us, we'll always stand by each others side." He replied as he caressed the side of my face again before placing his lips on mine for the second time, showing me the seriousness of this promise and how he really felt about me.

When he finally pulled away again, I slowly nodded my head and looked into his warm brown eyes. "Okay, Oppa. I promise." I told him before we both bided each other goodnight after one last kiss. 

Dongwook stood and waited by the camper door until I completely made it inside without waking Soo-hyun and Ga-yeon up, giving him a thumbs up through the window before blowing him a kiss, which he pretended to catch with a laughing smile, and slipping back inside the bed with a soft peaceful smile permanently glued on my face, feeling as if this kind of happiness would never go away no matter what happened.




But I couldn't have been any more wrong than I was then...

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Chapter 4: Please update!
Chapter 3: thanks fr the update authornim :D

I'm rly excited for the next chap, I cant wait for it.

Good job and ganbatte ne :D
Here's the third chapter everyone! Please check this story at least once a week because I haven't forgot about it at all. I'm still in high school so i'm always distracted by my school work but I promise that I will dedicate myself to this story more cuz I don't want anyone to forget about the best ship ever- BODONG! Anyways, thanks and happy reading!
chesilia #4
Chapter 2: Authornim, Thank you very much for updating this story.

Please update more.
ilovebombom #5
Chapter 2: Thanks for updating authornim!
Chapter 2: Here's the second chapter everyone! Sorry for not updating for long...I'll try and make for it by being more dedicated to finishing this sequel and the next one. Anyways, thanks and happy reading!
Bodong Hwaiting!!! update please :)
Kays3r #8
Chapter 1: Update pleaaaase
Chapter 1: awwwwww update sooonn
ilovebombom #10
Chapter 1: *sniff* *sniff* I really hate how Bom had to quit RM. Bodong almost happened! And btw I was that fan who held that green I <3 Bodong banner that was shown in RM. :)