Chapter 4

Ruby eyes and the healer
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Oh gosh thank you all for the comments and subs! 



Donghae's Pv : 


Woke up , was so thirsty, looked around, and saw nana, sitting next to me reading a book. After opening up my eyes fully, I noticed I was in the hospital. 


"Donghae sweetie, how are you?" 

"Thirsty" I chuckled

"Sweetie you been sleeping for 3 days" 

"I have? what happened?" 

"Your boss found you in his office, unconscious"

"Oh"  and then I remembered the whole thing with Siwon.

"Lets go home sweetie, the doctor said your free to go when you woke up"

"Okay nana" 

A car was waiting for us, when we got out, and she told me to get in. We drove in silence, wait I didn't tell her where  I live, and this isn't the way to my home.


"Your moving in with me sweetie"


"I don't want you to be alone, and I live alone, and I'm lonely"

"But nana"

"No buts sweetie, already packed up you stuff and placed it in my apartment, you are my dear Suzys grandchild which means your like my own."

Didn't know what to say, was thank full, honestly knowing Siwon was around scared me to be alone. 

"Thank you Nana" 

When we got to her apartment, wow is all I can say, when she opened her door, a fluffy dog came running to me, Oh my god

"Choco!"  My Choco, I lifted her up and she started to my face.

"I missed you too choco"

"I talked to your friend while we where getting you stuff, and I thought you would want to have choco here with you" 

"Thank you so much nana" and I gave her a tight hug.


After getting settled, I walked around just looking around, while nana was cooking.And I noticed something. 

"Do you need any help nana?" 

"Oh no sweetie, I'm almost done" 

"Nana, why don't you have any family pictures around?"

"well it just reminds me of how bad our family is, plus it hurts my grandson whenever he is here to visit me. I have 1 picture of him and his sister when they where younger thou in my bed room."

"Oh I see" Since I live here now, it would be a big chance that  I might meet him, I really want to be his friend. 


I was walking choco outside for a bit during the afternoon when I heard,

"Donghae?" I looked up

"oh boss" What is he doing here

"How are you feeling?" 

"I'm fine thank you for helping me" he just looked at me, then choco suddenly ran to him, trying to get him to pick her up

"She want's you to pick her up" and he did, she started his face, which made him smile. Oh my god his smile is so beautiful. I kept staring at him.



"What's her name?" 


"Hi choco, aren't you just beautiful princess"

and he smiled again. Why is my heart beating faster when I see him smile. I need to snap out of it. 

"So boss, what are you doing here?" 

"I live here" 

"Oh really? I just moved in with  grandma" He looked at me

"I see"

We walked together,and found out his apartment was only 2 doors down the hall from us. 

"I guess I will see you tomorrow boss"

"No, I gave the weekend off, its my birthday tomorrow, was going to do something with my grandma but something came up"

"Oh so your not doing anything tomorrow?" 

"no, probably work from home"

I just looked at him, he should at least do something fun. He looked at me, then punched in his code, and was about to walk inside, when I said,

"Have a nice evening boss" He nodded

"your suppose to say you 2 Donghae or something" 

"Have a nice evening Choco" and he smiled and walked in. Well at least that's a start. 

I walked in and saw nana, sitting on the couch with this beautiful woman. 

"we're home nana" 

"sweetie, come here for a minute"

I put choco down and walked towards them, and sat down.

"This is Mia, my daughter in law" I bowed and greeted her. wow, she looked so sad, really sad. 

"I heard what happened with you and my husband, you must think I am a terrible mother" she said with a weak voice.

"I don't want to be rude Ma'am , but can I be honest?" I said while looking down


"I don't think you are terrible, you might be scared, I don't know how things are with you and your husband but, I can tell you don't agree with him, if you did, you wouldn't be this sad as you are.

But as a mother I think you are a coward, because your suppose to protect your child no matter what, and right now both you and him are suffering.

When my mom and dad fights, and if my mom is 100% sure she is right, she would do everything in her power to make him realize it, cant count how many times she has moved out of the house in anger, but dad can't live without my mom more then a day, so he always thought things through, either he admitted his wrong doings, if he was wrong, if he wasn't he would try and get my mom to see it, either way they worked it out."

"I don't think my husband would come after me if I moved out"  then nana said,

"hunni, what dose that tell you if he don't?" 

"Nana, but "

"I know he is my son, but I do not wish for you to be with him if your not happy, I am again

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Okay, working on the next chapter, might do a double update if I don't get to tired :)


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Chapter 21: Aww its sweet story. But i really want to know, who is the stealer?
I just read this in one night woah!!!
But still curious about the stealer...
billu1 #3
I am still confused about the stealer
972 streak #4
Chapter 21: Thank you so much for this charming story of two extraordinary people with powers. It's also good that you were able to tackle the issue of discrimination because the other is different. Congratulations!
972 streak #5
Chapter 18: You really have great timing. That is awesome!
972 streak #6
Chapter 15: You sure know how to get us on edge and get us to the next chapter quick. I really like the way you put us on cliff hanger at the end of most chapters. That is great! I would have finished this story in one go if I didn't have to complete my presentation for an out-of-town client yesterday.
Donghae is such a sweetheart and Hyuk's love for Nana made him agree to the healing. But it sure is causing Donghae his life. Nana's condition is still critical. But then, Donghae promised to return and he will.
Thank you so much for this charming story!
MyeolchiHyuk #7
Chapter 21: Hae sure have his own charms and hyuk is like a gentleman protecting and he sure love to do surprises... 4 years without each other is very hard but they manage for their family safety..

Seems like hyuk father like a stealer to me... He is the only person. I could thought off...

Finally they are married...

Ruby eyes and healer are bond to be together... Wish has someone like hyuk... So in love and into the story so much...
972 streak #8
Chapter 1: Donghae is a real charmer and an honest one! This seems like an exciting story.
Chapter 21: Curious about who's the stealer and what happened to him/her?
gotasdemiel #10
Oh my God! I read this in one night! I was totally caught up! At first I thought it would be just another cold guy/cute guy fic but with the rubi eyes and the healer stuff everything change completely! I was so immerse in the story! And OH GOSH when you said FOUR years had passed and Donghae hadn't come back I almost threw my cellphone away! I was like WTH Donghae! Why didn't you come back yet?! But then everything had an explanation and I was totally in awe with Hae being pregnate!
I still have doubts about who was the Stealer, but doesn't really care now that both the Hae and the kids are safe since they're fully healers now
For a long time I had my doubts about Heechul, and then the mother and many people, but gladly none of them was!
Thank you so much for this fic, it was beautiful!
I'll check your other stories!