Chapter 2

Ruby eyes and the healer
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Donghae's Pv : 

I was really exited to get the job, after a month I could afford to move to a place that will let me keep choco. I met choco a year ago, the cutest dog ever, it was love at first sight. Unfortunately where I live doesn't allow dogs or cats, so she lives with a friend close by. 

I got up, got ready for my breakfast date with grandma. 


"Good morning grandma"

"ahh sweetie you got the job! and pleas call me nana"

​"yes I did, what do you want to eat nana?" 

"Just a sandwich and some tea please"  She has the most adorable smile. 

"So what do you think about the boss, now that you have met him yourself"

"Hm, I don't think he likes me, but I don't find him scary thou,he seem more sad then mean"


"yeah his eyes looked really sad" 

"oh  I see"  We where talking and eating, when suddenly this man came up to us. 

"What do you want mother?"  Oh its her son, should I leave or stay? its only 7.30 I could start work earlier.

"I said 8.00 its only 7.30, cant you see I'm on a date" She said

"Its okay nana, I can leave"

"No he will be leaving in 10 minuets, so stay"

"Well why did you want to see me?"

"You do know its your sons birthday this weekend, I'm planning on inviting you and Mia to dinner."

"And you know I don't have a son, the moment he decided to be a freaking gay, he was no longer my son, because of him my daughter died." What did he just say? whoa I was boiling with anger, how can a parent be like that.

"How is Sora's death his fault? she died in a car accident, nothing to do with him, and how can you have so much hate for you own son just because he wants to love another guy, I am very ashamed to call you my son" She said trying to control her voice.

"Did you really call me here to waste my time like this, then I'm leaving" I couldn't hold it anymore.

"Excuse me sir,  I do not know you or your son, but what you just said is just ridiculous, I'm gay and my parents are more then proud of me, they never hides it, and tells me to never hide it either. Do you know how much gay people gets stabbed at, for what`? liking the same gender, its not like we killed anyone. Your son must be very unlucky to have you as a father, the one person who is suppose to protect you, love you no matter what, is the one breaking his heart in thousand pieces. If I could choose I would choose to be gay any day over being a straight and evil person like yourself. One day when you wake up and realize how stupid you are, it might be to late, with that have a great day"  

Oh crap maybe I went overboard, he just looked at me, and left. Nana just smiled while a tear escaped her eyes.

"I m so sorry nana, didn't mean to offend your son" I said looking down

"No sweetie, you stood up for my grandson not even knowing who he is, sadly he doesn't have to many people on his side. I know his mom, wants to see him but she is afraid of her husband. My grandson was kicked out when he was only 16, so he moved in with me and his grandfather. When Sora found out she soon followed, she never forgave her parents, and she became his shield, protecting him. But only a year after, she died in a car accident, and it changed him, he never smiled anymore, he became distant toward us, and people, he even stopped dancing, which always helped his mood. And whenever we tried to make him open up to people, he was just used,

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Okay, working on the next chapter, might do a double update if I don't get to tired :)


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Chapter 21: Aww its sweet story. But i really want to know, who is the stealer?
I just read this in one night woah!!!
But still curious about the stealer...
billu1 #3
I am still confused about the stealer
961 streak #4
Chapter 21: Thank you so much for this charming story of two extraordinary people with powers. It's also good that you were able to tackle the issue of discrimination because the other is different. Congratulations!
961 streak #5
Chapter 18: You really have great timing. That is awesome!
961 streak #6
Chapter 15: You sure know how to get us on edge and get us to the next chapter quick. I really like the way you put us on cliff hanger at the end of most chapters. That is great! I would have finished this story in one go if I didn't have to complete my presentation for an out-of-town client yesterday.
Donghae is such a sweetheart and Hyuk's love for Nana made him agree to the healing. But it sure is causing Donghae his life. Nana's condition is still critical. But then, Donghae promised to return and he will.
Thank you so much for this charming story!
MyeolchiHyuk #7
Chapter 21: Hae sure have his own charms and hyuk is like a gentleman protecting and he sure love to do surprises... 4 years without each other is very hard but they manage for their family safety..

Seems like hyuk father like a stealer to me... He is the only person. I could thought off...

Finally they are married...

Ruby eyes and healer are bond to be together... Wish has someone like hyuk... So in love and into the story so much...
961 streak #8
Chapter 1: Donghae is a real charmer and an honest one! This seems like an exciting story.
Chapter 21: Curious about who's the stealer and what happened to him/her?
gotasdemiel #10
Oh my God! I read this in one night! I was totally caught up! At first I thought it would be just another cold guy/cute guy fic but with the rubi eyes and the healer stuff everything change completely! I was so immerse in the story! And OH GOSH when you said FOUR years had passed and Donghae hadn't come back I almost threw my cellphone away! I was like WTH Donghae! Why didn't you come back yet?! But then everything had an explanation and I was totally in awe with Hae being pregnate!
I still have doubts about who was the Stealer, but doesn't really care now that both the Hae and the kids are safe since they're fully healers now
For a long time I had my doubts about Heechul, and then the mother and many people, but gladly none of them was!
Thank you so much for this fic, it was beautiful!
I'll check your other stories!