Ruby eyes and the healer

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Can cold iced heart, be melted and healed by warm and kind heart? Or is the heart beneath the ice to broken?

Lee Hyukjae had one of the biggest companies in Korea. Being Ceo of a multi billionaire company at the age of 25 was remarkable, which he had build up himself, working hard with blood and tears.

But people would say he was cold, mean and insensitive, He rarely showed basic human affection towards other people except from his grandma. He drove people to the edge, things needed to be perfect, or they would be fired. 

What they didn't know was that he was one of the few that was called ruby eyes, which meant that his eyes was ruby red, and he could read people's mind if he looked into their eyes, which he hid behind his contact lens.


Donghae was 24, and just graduate from the best university in Korea. He was nice, and gentle and he helped who ever he could. He had this warm aura around him that made people calm and relaxed. He was pure and innocent. Only few people had heard about the term healers, which was people who did exactly what Donghae did, but they also had the ability to read minds, and know what to do to heal the other person and their eyes was light blue. But as far as Donghae knew he wasn't a Healer and he could definitely  not read minds and he had brown eyes.









Okay this idea just popped into my head when I was trying to sleep, and just had to get up and write. Don't know where it will take me yet. 

The color red will be used whenever Hyukjae reads someone's mind. 



Hyukjae's Pv :

I walked in the Cafe where I was going to meet my Grandma for breakfast before work. I spotted her back, and was about to walk towards her, when this guy, cant be older then me, walked to her and asked

"Grandma, can I sit with you, I dont like sitting alone, and pretty lady like you shoulde'nt sit alone"

What? did he just use a pick up line on my Grandma, and of course my grandma loved it. I decided to sit behind them and just listen, and from here I had clear viwe of his eyes. I dont usually read other people's mind unless I need to know something that has to do with me. 

Grandma looked so lonly, no one should sit alone this beautiful morning.


"Grandma do you want something to drink or eat?" 

"No no its fine sweetie, I'm waiting for my grandson, he will be here soon"

"Oh okay, well I'll keep you company til then, besides I have an interview this morning"

Totally nervouse for 

"Oh really, where?"  He pointed at my company and I thought oh really.

"Oh I heard the boss there is really strict and aweful"  I know she said it to test him

"well from what I'v heard, he worked really hard for what he have, which is something I admire in a person, so I really want to work there, even if it means working like crazy. Besides, I dont judge people based on rumors" he said smiling.

I hate people spreading rumors, they . I heard my grandma chuckle, she likes him.


When he left I walked and sat with my grandma,

"You have to hire him, no matter what"

"what, nana, I dont know anything about him or his skills, I cant promise"

"Yes you will, Hyukjae-ah, I never ask anything from you, but trust me, and do me this favor and hire him"

No point in trying to read her mind since she can block it. Ugh what is she up to. But honestly I was drawn to him for som reason,dont know why, but woulden't hurt to find out. 



Okay, working on the next chapter, might do a double update if I don't get to tired :)


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Chapter 21: Aww its sweet story. But i really want to know, who is the stealer?
I just read this in one night woah!!!
But still curious about the stealer...
billu1 #3
I am still confused about the stealer
972 streak #4
Chapter 21: Thank you so much for this charming story of two extraordinary people with powers. It's also good that you were able to tackle the issue of discrimination because the other is different. Congratulations!
972 streak #5
Chapter 18: You really have great timing. That is awesome!
972 streak #6
Chapter 15: You sure know how to get us on edge and get us to the next chapter quick. I really like the way you put us on cliff hanger at the end of most chapters. That is great! I would have finished this story in one go if I didn't have to complete my presentation for an out-of-town client yesterday.
Donghae is such a sweetheart and Hyuk's love for Nana made him agree to the healing. But it sure is causing Donghae his life. Nana's condition is still critical. But then, Donghae promised to return and he will.
Thank you so much for this charming story!
MyeolchiHyuk #7
Chapter 21: Hae sure have his own charms and hyuk is like a gentleman protecting and he sure love to do surprises... 4 years without each other is very hard but they manage for their family safety..

Seems like hyuk father like a stealer to me... He is the only person. I could thought off...

Finally they are married...

Ruby eyes and healer are bond to be together... Wish has someone like hyuk... So in love and into the story so much...
972 streak #8
Chapter 1: Donghae is a real charmer and an honest one! This seems like an exciting story.
Chapter 21: Curious about who's the stealer and what happened to him/her?
gotasdemiel #10
Oh my God! I read this in one night! I was totally caught up! At first I thought it would be just another cold guy/cute guy fic but with the rubi eyes and the healer stuff everything change completely! I was so immerse in the story! And OH GOSH when you said FOUR years had passed and Donghae hadn't come back I almost threw my cellphone away! I was like WTH Donghae! Why didn't you come back yet?! But then everything had an explanation and I was totally in awe with Hae being pregnate!
I still have doubts about who was the Stealer, but doesn't really care now that both the Hae and the kids are safe since they're fully healers now
For a long time I had my doubts about Heechul, and then the mother and many people, but gladly none of them was!
Thank you so much for this fic, it was beautiful!
I'll check your other stories!