Something's wrong

Hold MY hand
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*Jackson is mad at me. He's acting kinda cold. I can tell by the way he acts like the usual jackson with the other but he doesn't even talk to her.. But why did I do wrong? Did I make joke to his height again? No I didn't.. Then what.. Do I need to buy him cheese again? God jackson can eally be like a kid sometimes..*


"Youngjiah.. Is something wrong?" Seho asked a little worried.

"no oppa, don't worry I was just thinking.." *fakes a smile*

"Really? Okay. Lunch is ready come down now"

"Yes oppa, i'll go down just in moment!"

*Oh everybody is already there.Great, the only free sit was in front of jackson. GREAT. Youngji just act like you always do. Smile.. Smile..*

-The roommates are noisy like always. Seho and gukjoo are making everybody laugh, except youngji and jackson.

Youngji tried to act like she always did, but she was kinda nervous and uneasy, jackson was staring at her again, with that deep gaze like he's trying to see your soul.

*why is he staring me like this? Gosh do I have rice stick on me face again?! Don't look at him.. Don't look at him.. Don't.. DAMN IT why did you look at him.. Gosh his eyes.. I could get lost in them..*

"Ya guys! Did you fight again? Why are you so silent?" Dongwook asked

"No hyung! I'm just a little tired.. We're practicing a lot these days"

-He looks at Youngji again and then keeps eating

Seho: "Guys remember that in a few days we're

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dzrt12 #1
Chapter 1: Jackji fighting !!
Chapter 4: sweet like candies, kkkk..
Floriana #3
Jealous Jackson!cutie!
Luveunji4ever #4
Chapter 4: Oooooooooooo cute meh!!!! Gonna read your second fanfic^_^
Chapter 4: ohhhh, how cute they are
jayeldi #6
Chapter 4: Wow.. Cute.. Thanks for sharing this.
bbwil20 #7
Chapter 4: i love it<3 jackji<3
mandywang #8
18jjae #9
Chapter 4: Two thumbs for your story author-nim.
KpopLuvrIzya #10
Chapter 4: Daebak!
Twas Really Good ^.^