
The Cold War Part 2

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! I just came back from my minor hiatus. Finally settled down from moving houses, WOOHOO!!

I decided to write a part 2 for this one since EVERYONE begged me to do it. But let's face it, 6 year old baby Hyuk? You cannot help but want to write about him. Hehehe

So, as promised, The Cold War Part 2.

I'm not going to write Part 3 because I'm all out of ideas on where to go with this series. We'll see how popular this story will be and I may or may not reconsider on carrying it on for the sake of laughs. Might need some help so comment down what other weird things you want to read about this series and if I get inspiration, I might (emphasis on 'Might') put up Part 3.

Enough of this blabber talk!

Enjoy!! ^_^

Disclaimer: All songs rights goes to their respective owners. Song used: 'My Jolly Sailor Bold' by Pirates of the Carribean (I think, it's a pirate shanty. Idk who's the songwriter, aight?) & 'Fall For You' by Secondhand Serenade

It has been a few days since the time you were at the park, since the day you were a part of 'The Second Cold War'. More importantly, the day you'd last seen Lee Jaehwan so happy. At school, he seemed to be avoiding you the best he could, looking away from your eye contact and even squeezing himself inside his locker when you walked down the hallway. It got quite troublesome to see the janitor fondling with the locker combinations when he got stuck in it one time.

This time however, Jaehwan dived into a trashcan when you were walking pass him. You fumed, frustrated that he was avoiding you to such great extents but you kept your distance. Who knows how he'll react when you corner him to talk. He'll probably jump out of the window next.

You decided to confront him after school, at the park once more and ask him why he has been avoiding you like the plague. You were confused on why he was acting this way to you. Could it be that he's afraid that you'll spread rumours that he hangs out with kindergarten kids?

You shook your head, thinking for sure that he can't be that stupid.

And so, once the last school bell rang, You turned to stare at Jaehwan who scrambled in from his seat before making a mad dash to the exit. It was true, he was always one to escape from school first. You shook your head and took your time to pack up your bags.

You headed down to the same park area and crouched around stealthily, hoping to catch Jaehwan off guard. You can't afford to have him escaping once more. You glanced around at the park, the winter snow blanketing every nook and cranny of the trees and shrubs. Your spine shivered when a small gust of wind blew and you couldn't help but feel a runny nose creeping up to you. Letting out a sigh, you continued on your pursuit for Jaehwan.

You heard loud shouts from the distance, one that sounded like the group of boys you fought together with in 'The Second Cold War'. Now, their small shrieks were accompanied by an impersonation of canons being shot and swords being clanked together. Along with bad pirate accents and impersonations.

"Hoist the sails, ye matey! Stir the beauty off to starboard! Put your backs into it man!" You heard 'Blackbeard' Jaehwan commandeering a large snow fort that resembled a ship's front. A dismantled snow woman figure was placed at the tip of the fort which was sporting large baddonkas. Too bad she was missing a head.

You frowned as you drink in the sight. There doesn't seem to be any wars or revolutions today. Instead, the boys appeared to be role playing as pirates, delighting second mate Sanghyuk, who had drawn a beard on his face with a marker to match Will Turner. You spot Hongbin sulking in the corner for having to play pirates.

You watch as Jaehwan steered what looked like a wheel made out of bended twigs taped together and a long stick for a sword in his hand as he brandished it forward to seek whatever treasure they were finding. You heard him claiming loudly that he was not going to rest until he had found the 'One Piece'. Whatever that meant.

On the lower part of the fort, you see Wonshik rowing the ship with a stick, Hongbin creating large snowballs with the help of baby Hyuk and even the quiet kid, Taekwoon was seen adding a small snowman next to the ruined snow woman. He blushed when he caught sight of her tatties.

"Hey you! Stop picking your nose!" Jaehwan yelled at Wonshik, who was merely rubbing his nose from cold snot. "And you, stop drinking that beer. That beer is mine!" He screeched at Taekwoon, who gave him a blank stare, nothing in his hands. Jaehwan seemed to be taking his role play seriously. So much so that he didn't noticed that You were witnessing his embarrassing play.

"Alright, it's a windy one today fellas! We're on our way to the promised land known as Havannah! First mate Hongbin! What's our bearings for our course of journey?!" Jaehwan ordered.

Hongbin pulled out his watch and fondled about it as though it was a compass. He glanced at the sun, his finger and held it up to dry. "Our bearings are 22 Northeast and a quarter to 10! If we follow in that direction, we should be able to pass the Spanish brigade in 30 minutes!"

"And leaving us plenty of time for beer and chocolate milk. Fantastic! Good job boys! By this time tomorrow, we'll have the One Piece in our arms. Yar har har!" Jaehwan chortled merrily.

"If I can make a suggestion, sir?" Hyuk piped, his wet hair sticking out in directions. "I think we should stop by Mermaid's Cove on our way to Havannah! Who knows what treasure may lie there!"

"Great idea Hyukkie! You deserve a promotion! I hereby announce you First Mate!"

"But he can't be First Mate! I'm First Mate!" Hongbin cried.

"Huh, true. Okay, Current First Mate Hongbin, walk the plank!"


You giggled as the quarrel escalated loudly on who gets to walk the plank. You let out a sigh at how ridiculous Jaehwan was. Who knew he had this side of him?

Suddenly, a dark skinned boy appeared from the bushes. You recognised him as Hakyeon and you frowned when you saw two large leaves on his chest, making it seem like they were bras. You frowned further when you spot him wearing leopard striped wristbands and a small rubber band tied to his hair to make it look like he has a small antenna. What was more suprising was that he had tied his legs together with toilet paper.

"La~ La~ La~ Where is my Jolly Sailor Bold~?" Hakyeon the Mermaid sang dreamily, teetering towards the fort with his arms flailing gracefully(?) above his head. You watched Hongbin covering Baby Hyuk's eyes, Wonshik mouth gaping wide open and Taekwoon giving himself a hard palm to his own face as Hakyeon ditched the mermaid persona and began losing himself to dancing to Sunmi's song.

Jaehwan let out a loud gasp and brought his two palms to his cheeks, mirroring the screamer before yelling out in horror. "Oh no! This poor sailor must have been cursed by mermaids to roam the seas forever as an ugly, dark skinned merman! Quick Wonshik! Get the poor creature on board!"

Offended, Hakyeon threw a snowball at Jaehwans direction. "YAH! The least you could do was thank me for actually dressing up as a mermaid! And don't call me ugly! As if you're any better yourself!"

Baby Hyuk quickly pulled Hakyeon aboard the snow fort. "If it makes you feel any better, I think you make a nice mermaid, hyung!" He piped, eyes glistening in hopes to cheer his hyung up.

He slowly regretted ever doing that when he's suddenly smothered by hugs and kisses by the older.

Jaehwan crossed his arms and an invincible beard, thinking out loud. "How do you think we should attract a mermaid? Any ideas?"

Silently, a long hand rise amidst the sounds of smothered kisses. Everyone directed their attention to the quiet Taekwoon. He had a blank expression on his face, albeit a small blush on his cheeks.

"Sing." He muttered.

The vague answer was met with five confused faces staring back at him. Not liking the sudden spotlight, Taekwoon directed his attention to a far away shrub before muttering a more clearer answer. "Mermaids like to hear singing."

The pirate crew turned to each other, exchanging looks before baby Hyuk started singing.

"My heart is pierced by Cupid~ I disdain all glittering gold~ There is nothing can console me~ But my Jolly Sailor Bold~" Hyuk sang in his 'Not yet destroyed by puberty' voice.

Hakyeon blinked at hearing his young friend sing. "Wow, Hyukkie! I didn't know that you can sing so well!"

Hyuk blushed, rubbing the back of his head. "Mum always asks me to sing whenever we're cooking together."

"What surprises me more is that he knows the lyrics for 'My Jolly Sailor Bold'. How many times have you watched Pirates of the Carribean?" Wonshik asked his baby cousin.

"15 times."

Ignoring Hyukkie's innocent look as he answered, Jaehwan cleared his throat. "Well, you guys keep on singing until a mermaid comes up. I'm going to take a short nap!" He cried before climbing on the fort and laying himself on it. What surprised you was that he wasn't at all affected by the snow and that the fort could actually withstand his weight.

First mate Hongbin looked to his crew members, a look that screamed 'Is he serious?' on his face. Hyuk shrugged, the same confused look on his face as well.

Sighing, Hongbin turned to the crew. "So, what song shall we sing then? And no, we are not singing a pirate shanty. Not all of us know how to sing pirate songs, Hyukkie."

Hakyeon raised his arm, waving it excitedly. "OOH!!! We could sing Sunmi's song!!"

"NO!!!" The crew echoed their answer to Hakyeon's proposal.

The group thought hard when suddenly, you saw Taekwoon cleared his throat and began singing. Recognizing the song, the group turned to him before smiling widely. You perked your ears at the song. You knew it and it brought back nostalgic memories. You never thought that kids these days even knew that song.

"Best thing not tonight that we're not fighting. Could it be that we have been this way before~?" Taekwoon sang.

Picking up from there, Hakyeon sang, "I know you don't think that I am trying. I know you wearing thin down to the core~"

Hyuk joined in before everyone began together for the chorus. "But hold your breath~"

"Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you, over again, don't make me change my mind. I won't live to see another day. I swear its true~ Because a girl like you is impossible to find... You're impossible to find~" The group sang together, a happy Baby Hyuk and Hakyeon, a smirking Wonshik and Hongbin and a blushing Taekwoon. You saw Jaehwan closing his eyes, smiling at hearing the song. It occurred to you that he had taught them that song.

Starting on the second verse, Hongbin took a deep breath and continued. "This is not what I am tempted," Wonshik joined in with his friend. "I always swore to you I'd never fall apart~"

Baby Hyuk joined in with Hakyeon. "You always thought that I was stronger. I may have failed but I have loved you from the start."

Taekwoon took the following line alone, grinning and content that they were singing together. "Oh, but hold your breath."

"Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you, over again, don't make me change my mind. I won't live to see another day. I swear its true~ Because a girl like you is impossible to find... It's impossible to~" They sang together, swaying to the the rhythm.

Taekwoon, Hakyeon and Hongbin continued the next lines, Hyuk, Hongbin and Wonshik offering back-up lines.

"So breath in so deep. Breathe me in, I'm yours to keep. And hold on to your words, cause talk is cheap. And remember me tonight, when you're asleep~"

Thinking it was time for you to make your presence known, You approached them from the tree you used as cover and sang as you walked. Baby Hyuk and Hongbin grinned wildly in surprise at your appearance whereas Hakyeon blushed at seeing you. Wonshik gave you a pleasant smile and even Taekwoon gave you a slight curl of the lips.

"Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you, over again, don't make me change my mind." Jaehwan eyes opened as he sat up slowly at the sound of your voice. "I won't live to see another day. I swear its true~ Because a boy like you is impossible to find..."

Jaehwan blushed furiously as he watches you approach the fort. You couldn't help but giggle to yourself at the sight of his shocked expression. And you continued the last few verses.

"Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you, over again, don't make me change my mind. I won't live to see another day. I swear its true~ Because a boy like you is impossible to find... You're impossible to find~"

At the end of the song, you were standing in front of a furiously blushing Jaehwan, the 5 other kids spectating from the sides as they anticipated what would happen.

Flustered, Jaehwan's mouth babbled open and closed like a fish out of water, trying to find the right words to say to you.

Grinning, you punched his shoulder playfully, Jaehwan letting out a painful 'Oww'.

"That's for ignoring me at school." You grumbled at him, clearly not over the fact of his constant antics of hiding away from you.

Jaehwan somehow managed to pull out a sheepish and shy grin. A hand rubbing the back of his head, he glanced up to you with apologetic eyes, "Hi.. Sorry."

You put your hands to your hips. "Well, you should be! What do you think I was going to do? Eat you up?" The 5 kids at the sides gasped in fear, thinking that you actually meant what you said. You rolled your eyes and shook your head. "Stupid boy," you muttered to yourself, "I just wanted to talk."

This made Jaehwan look up to you, a curious glint in his eyes. "About what?"

"Uh, for starters, the fact that you've been avoiding me at school. Why's that? Are you afraid that I'll tattletale that you hang out with small kids?" You asked him, slightly upset at him.

Jaehwan blinked, eyes wide that you actually came to such a conclusion. His cheeks blushed a vermilion shade at you, resulting in the 5 kids to squeal after putting heads to tail. The way Jaehwan was cowering and blushing under your gaze, it sent a misguided explanation to the small premature rascals.

"Oh my God! Jaehwan hyung has a crush on Noona!" Hyuk cried before smiling cheekily at the both of you two.

"Who knew Noona was into nutjobs, eh Hyukkie?" Hakyeon sniggered at his younger friend.

"Not surprising, since Noona herself is a nutjob." Wonshik elbowed Hyuk, making the younger double over laughing.

The group began singing a chorus of 'Jaehwan and Noona, sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-Gs', clearly enjoying the sight of their hyung blushing and you steaming out of embarrassment and annoyance.

Not liking their antics, You gave them a foul glare, one that would make even goliaths tremble. Seeing your glare staring straight to their soul made Hyuk, Wonshik and Hakyeon scream bloody murder and they ran, flailing their arms as they did. Hakyeon returned to yank a dazed Taekwoon from the scene whereas Hongbin gestured 'I'm watching you' at Jaehwan before running off with his friends.

You let out a sigh. "Well, that's done and over with." You turned to him, arms crossed. "Right, well spit it out then. What's your excuse for ignoring me?"

Jaehwan fumbled, fingers fidgeting with his hoodie strap. His eyes darted side to side nervously. Giving up on himself, he let out a defeated sigh. "Okay fine, I'll tell you."

You crossed your arms, looking down on him with a slight puff of your cheast. "Well, let's hear it. Do I scare you? Threaten you? Or are you just that socially awkward with me?"

"NO, I THINK HE'S SOCIALLY AWKWARD WITH EVERYONE, NOONA!!" You heard Hyukkie cry out from behind the trees a little ways from the pair of you, before being shushed by Hakyeon. 5 heads popped from the sides of a tree trunk.

"I didn't knew that about you, Jaehwan." You pulled a mock shocked face. "Had I known of your social awkwardness, I would have been more understanding to you. Do you want me to enroll you in a class for the socially impaired?" You chided with him.

Jaehwan grew redder at the notion of being called socially awkward and you laughed at how flabbergasted he was. "I'm not socially awkward!" He yelled angrily at you, stomping his feet on the ground.

"Then what's your excuse of avoiding me if that's not the case?" You were enjoying the moment, forever remembering how flushed a boy can be. Who knew someone could be this red from just out of embarrassment?

"I... I just.. I like you!" Jaehwan all but yelled exasperatedly at you.

Aaaaaaaand that moment crashed and burned down to the ground.

Like the harsh, unforgiving wind, the silence that wafted the area between you two was cold and devastatingly awkward. You were in utter shock, too tazed by Jaehwan's sudden confession to respond. The boy however endured the far end of the stick as he's left to face the ugly fact of rejection.

Now, it was your turn to blubber like an idiot. Your mouth let out incoherent sounds that vaguely souded like a small confused walrus in heat. Lots of 'Ahhs' and 'Uhhs'. Not a good way to answer a confession, eh? Way to go, You! Here, in front of you is a socially awkward albeit cute pterodactyl who had just confessed and you decided to play the 'Blundering Blubbering Blob of Blubber' card? Try saying that 5 times. No? Your loss then.

"L-Look, Jaehwan!" You quickly spilled out. "You are a seriously sweet guy but I think it's best if we became friends first before pulling out the 'Relationship' rings."

You spot Jaehwan quickly keeping a small box into his pocket at your statement. Wai- Was that a ring box?

"Relationship? I was just joking!" Jaehwan chuckled to himself, amused that you fell for the trick. "I never knew you would be assertive. Just to be safe, you sure you don't want to-" He pulled out the ring box again and moved to kneel.


"MARRYING?!?!" You heard Hongbin yell in his falsetto from the tree. You turned to see the bespectacled boy sprinting to his brother and launching himself onto Jaehwan's face. The two fell into the snow, wrestling, Jaehwan flailing in mercy and Hongbin choking his brother's neck.

"I trusted you, hyung!!!" Hongbin cried, one minute choking and the other minute punching the large nosed boy.

"It was a joke! Hongbin! We needed to escape the awkward! The ring is for mum, not her! Get off!" Jaehwan begged his smaller brother.

Having endured the awkward fake confession of Jaehwan and having to put up to his weird antics, you couldn't help but burst out laughing at the squabble between the two brothers. You moved in to break up the fight hesistantly. You had wanted to drag it a little bit more but it became clear that despite Hongbin's small fists, you highly doubt having the back of your head banged to hard snow and ice was good.

You felt your uniform being pulled softly and you turned to see Hyuk looking up to you. "You should go first, noona. We'll split them up so don't worry about them."

"You sure? Don't you need help in breaking them up?" You asked as you see Hakyeon and Wonshik trying desperately to pull the two brothers apart. Wonshik had to bear hug Hongbin to the ground but only to pushed violently down by his friend. Froth began to bubble at the corner of Hongbin's lips.

Baby Hyukkie shrugged. "Nah, we have Taekwoon hyung for that." The both of you turned again to suddenly see Hongbin and Jaehwan kneeling and pulling both their fists up in the air when Taekwoon muttered a small 'Hmm'. Beside him was his sole groupie, Hakyeon who blabbered on how cool his icy friend was.

You smiled. "Well alright then. I'll leave it all up to you. See you later." You turned to head home.

"Don't you want to play with us? You can be the mermaid!" Hyuk called.

"I'll come by tomorrow. I'm scared that if I stay any longer, the two alphas will have a go at it again." You giggled. You waved at the group. "Bye guys! See you tomorrow!"

The small crew of 'Blackbeard' Jaehwan and their captain waved goodbye to you as they watched your disappearing back. Hakyeon suggested they resume their game and the crew raced to board the fort. Only their sole captain remained outside, staring where your silhoutte had disappered to. The troubled boy let out a longing sigh.

"She didn't took me seriously..."

Comment down your ideas for Part 3 and I'll reconsider it. :)

PS. To those who knew Secondhand Serenade and his old albums, you grew up in a life with good music taste. :')

Hoped you enjoyed it!! ^^

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Lenorre #1
This is too good to just leave it like this! Please do a third part~
I suggest that they you make it that they've already befriended each other and a while passed before VIXX babies try to set them up themselves, and Hongbin tries to mess it up for them. XD
They could be playing spies and that matchmaking them would be their mission.
WAHHH PLEASE MAKE A PART 3 ;A; ♡ I'm drowning in my feels this is so cute and fluffy (=^ェ^=) When jaehwan confessed I thought he was really kidding but omg he wasn't ><;; I love this so much~~ please make a part 3 ♡ ( okay I'm going to go drown in my Ken feels now ;-; ) *sorry, I said too much*
Chapter 1: i love this omfg ;^;
for part 3, can you write something like Jaehwan asked the little VIXX to help him confessing to you again?
they will do some kind of roleplays and it will end up with him confessing again :")
Nurul_dayat #4
Chapter 1: I love it! Its so cuteee, part 3 pleaseee ^^
Chapter 1: Hahaha baby VIXX are CUTEE !!! I LOVE IT~~ ^O^

Fall for you !! I love this song !!~~
Part 3 pleaaaaaaaaassssee~~~~~~~~
Chapter 1: I love it!!! for part 3 can you make romance fluffy scene? I want sweet time for them!
Chapter 1: hahaha! this is very funny I really imagined that N as a mermaid,but Ken was unlucky,it's okay Ken I'm here for you!,this worth reading authornim! I love it!