Hot Hot Chocolate (FINAL)

Hot Hot Chocolate

"We are all a little weird and life is a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible to ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."

Dr. Seuss


"Winter break!" Jongin beamed as they shoved all the books inside the bag.

"Yeah we got many times to slide down the snow!!" Tao jumped like a 5 years old when they met at the gate.

"Naah I better drink hot chocolate all daaay~," Sehun commented.

"Well let's go anyway," Jongin referred to his lovely warm home.

He just opened the door and put his coat to the respectable place until his mother called him.

"Jongin darling! Glad you went home earlier!" Mrs. Kim greeted as Jongin narrowed his eyes because he was suspicious with his mom's over cheerful tone.

"Yeah, winter break," Jongin replied unsurely.

"I just signed you up to a daycare child! They got some winter event and need bigger child to help them!"

"You what?!" Jongin snapped because hey, he just entered middle school this July and he was still a kid too, basically.

"You must go okay?? I promise them already. Okay Jongin?"

"But moooom~..."

"No but. You can ask Sehun and Tao to accompany you if you want," Mrs. Kim suggested.

"What? Sehun? He will corrupt all kids' mind and Tao will be another baby to take care with," Jongin murmured as Mrs. Kim shook his head in disbelief.

"And you think you are normal," Another voice interupt cutely as Jongin groaned over his brother.

"I am normal," Jongin emphasized as Mrs. Kim choked on that statement.

"Yeah say a kid who sleep almost 20 hours a day in summer holiday. You got a clinomania," Kim Joonmyeon, the first son of Kim family concluded.

"What the hell is that?" Jongin asked.

"Language, Kim Jongin," Mrs. Kim reminded.

"Excessive desire to stay in bed," Joonmyeon explained.

"Wow that's similar. Good that you're in psychological major. Have you learn about psychopath?" Jongin curiously asked.

"Oh I will learn it someday," Joonmyeon cheerfully said as Mrs. Kim shook her head in disbelief because she knew where this chat would go.

"Don't forget Jongin! Volunteer work for winter event!" Mrs. Kim reminded before she went to meet Mr. Kim who just came back home.

"So Jongin agreed about the work?" Mr. Kim asked curiously.

"Apparently yes," Mrs. Kim answered.

"Forced to!" Jongin snapped.

"Don't worry son. It's going to be great, I guess," Mr. Kim replied.

"Yeah yeah. Let's go upstairs bro," Jongin smiled as Joonmyeon nodded.

"I got some psycho films to watch!" Joonmyeon grinned.

"Horaay!" Jongin beamed as Mr. and Mrs. Kim shook their head.

"They are having a weird taste in movie," Mrs. Kim commented.

"At least they don't really murder someone," Mr. Kim laughed upon their sons.


"Wake up Jonginnieee! The work will start in 9," Joonmyeon said as Jongin rolled to the other side of the bed...

which didn't exist at all.

"yaaah!" Jongin fell with a 'thud' as Joonmyeon laughed out loud.

"Are you okay kids?!" Mrs. Kim shouted.

"Jongin just fell but he is okay!" Joonmyeon replied.

"Are you not coming with me?" Jongin referred to the volunteer work.

"I got classes to do. Too bad I don't get any break like you," Joonmyeon sighed as he threw the towel to Jongin.

"No problem hyung. Maybe it's better to go to a class," Jongin said as he went to take a warm bath.

"Mooom. I told you that I'm not a kid anymore and it is the third coat mom. I feel hot," Jongin whined as his mom lingered a scarf on his neck.

"It's cold outside, Jonginnie. I don't want you to get sick," Mrs. Kim smiled warmly as Jongin melted away.

"Fine. I'm going," Jongin hardly walk with the amount of the coat.

"I look three times fatter," He complained as Joonmyeon who escorted him there laughed.

"And I can go by myself. Bye hyung," Jongin said as he waved goodbye to a colorful building ahead.

"Bye bye Jongin! Have a nice day," Joonmyeon replied as he smiled over his little bro.


Jongin stumbled upon the snow as he arrived in front of the colorful building with playground on it. He saw a crowd near the yards full of snow and went there in instant.

"Jongin you are here!" A voice he recognized as his mom's bestfriend, Mrs. Do, cheerfully greeted him.

"Yeah I'm here. Nice to see you, Mrs. Do," Jongin bowed politely.

"Now you can pair up with Kyung Soo to watch the kid play!" Mrs. Do beamed as she pointed at a kid who sat beside a little boy.

Jongin's eyes widened when he noticed the pale skin and owl wide eyes that sparkled in the snow. He wore grey coat with fur on it's collar so he guessed that he must be warm.

"Jongin? Are you okay? You can say hello to him. He just moved here from his father's home so he don't know anyone," Mrs. Do said as Jongin gained his conciousness.

The tanned boy nodded and walked to the white skin boy. He didn't know how to greet someone so he tugged the latter's coat and he felt his tongue went numb right away.

"Uh hello," Jongin started shortly.

"Hello. So are you Jongin?"The boy asked as Jongin noticed the sparkle in those big eyes.

"Yes I am," He startled but at last managed to answer.

"Well I'm Kyung Soo! Nice to meet you," Kyung Soo extended his hand and Jongin gladly shook it.

"Kim Jongin. Nice to meet you," Jongin tried to smile upon the coldness in winter.

"Shall we start watching the kid play with snow?" Kyung Soo beamed as they let go of each other's hand.

"Yup! Who's on for snowball fight?" Jongin smirked as Kyung Soo laughed.

"They're too small for that okay. Let's help them make snowman," Kyung Soo pointed to some kids who rolled the snow to a ball form.

"That is okay too," Jongin agreed and they went closer to join the fun.

Jongin never felt so exhausted and happy like this before. The tanned boy was rarely nice to kids but now, he understood how to approach them, courtesy to Kyung Soo who taught him well. He even helped the kids to create a big snowman twice his size. They cheered in happiness when finished it.

"I will get the cameraa!" Kyung Soo beamed as he ran to Mrs. Do who gladly took a picture of them all.

Kyung Soo went closer to Jongin as the kids surrounded them. The snowman visibled at the back and all the available parents awed in happiness to see their child play happily.

"Now we are going to drink hot chocolate! Please line up to get the cup," The teacher said as Jongin and Kyung Soo helped the child to form a line.

One by one got their cup and entered the indoor playground. The heater was switched on so the kids felt warmer.

"This is for you two! Thank you for playing with them," The teacher gave the middle schoolers a big size of hot chocolate as Jongin beamed a very cute thank you.

"Let's drink inside," Kyung Soo pulled Jongin by hand as the latter stunned to see the contrast between their skin colour.

They happened to find a comfortable corner and sipped their hot chocolate in comfortable silence. Jongin caught Kyung Soo who shivered a bit because of the cold. He quickly wore off one of his coat and gave it to Kyung Soo.

"For you hyung," Jongin shyly gave the coat.

"Thank you so much Jonginnie. Don't you feel cold?" Kyung Soo grinned and wore the coat.

"I-I radiate the heat so I don't feel cold. Mom and my bro used to say that I'm good in winter," Jongin admitted because he rarely felt that cold in that season.

"Really?" Kyung Soo touched Jongin's hand as the latter blushed.

"Woah they're right, you're not that cold," Kyung Soo said as he let go and hold his mug again.

"Yeah," Jongin smiled as they sipped the hot chocolate in comfortable silence.

Maybe this volunteer work isn't that bad, Jongin thought as a call heard for them to supervise the kids again.

"Let's go Jongin!" Kyung Soo offered his hand and Jongin gladly took it.

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