
Fascination (Taehyung-centric)

Taehyung was fascinated. The idea of death sent chills down his spine and gave him a thrill that not even being on stage could match.

"Taehyung, get out of the bath! You've been in there for an hour," Hoseok called, pounding on the bathroom door. Taehyung rolled his eyes, lowering himself into the water, his head completely submerged while his feet stuck out, legs bent at an awkward angle.

Death was something Taehyung gave a lot of thought to. Well, he corrected himself, blowing out a part of his air into the water, more like what's after death.

He had researched and searched and searched and yet found nothing to tell him exactly what happens after death. People who had said that they'd died and come back all gave different stories, some of them telling of just a dark emptyness, while others say there where pearly white gate, and a handful who gave detailed out of body expieriences.

If only there was a way to know, the websites he found read, exactly what happens when our hearts stop beating and the brain shuts down.

There is a way to know, Taehyung smirked, blowing more of his air out of his lungs, watching the bubbles rise to the surface. It's by dying yourself. That's the only way to be sure of anything.

After some more research, he found that people who drowned had a more chance of survival, assuming, of course, thatthey were found (Taehyung hoped he would be, because despite being obssessed with death, he didn't really want to; he had plenty to live for).

He heard Hoseok's muffled pounding on the door and smiled. His vision was going black aroung the edges, so he shut his eyes, letting out the remaining of his air.

He figured he must have looked beautiful, dark hair swirling around his head slightly, dark eyelashes resting on his cheeks, eyes closed and peaceful. He felt peaceful, like he was floating in space. Then, just as he was starting to feel his essance slip away, he was ripped back into reality.

His first instinct was to take a big breath when he was pulled out, his eyes wide open but unfocused. He felt hands gripped tight on his arms as water dripped into his mouth, causing him to cough, still trying to bring air into his lungs.

"Jesus, Taehyung, are you insane?" Hoseok's voice sounded paniced as he dragged Taehyung out of the bath. Taehyung's vision was blurry and his hair hung in his face, but he saw the other boys standing in the doorway, staring at him in shock. "You could have died, you know that?"

And Taehyung calmed his breathing, but his heart was still pounding, and his vision was still blurry; and he looked at all of them. At Yoongi's blank face, at Jimin and Jungkook's wide eyes, Seokjin and Namjoon's concern. Then at Hoseok-- sweet, caring Hoseok-- who's face was still paniced and full of worry. The he looked at the clear water in the bathtub, his eyes taking in the ripples as the faucet dripped down, down, down, into the water.

Taehyung looked back at Hoseok's worried face and smiled.

"I know."

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Jia_Yi #1
Chapter 1: wow that was so nice!
tigosxx #2
Chapter 1: Nicee I liked it
Ahhh i didnt think it meeded to be longer x) and 6:05? Sleep! Sleep is good for the body and soul~
Chapter 1: damn. that was amzing. considering my pity condition at 6.05 a.m. im still reading it. hahahha. till that? y u no continue? ;)