

a/n: I'm sorry if it's not like what you expected! Please comment what do you think abt this~ And please correct the wrong words (or better word) if there's any mistake~ I hope you enjoy this~ :D




It was all started by Jimin’s sudden sneeze on the waiting room two days ago. Jimin, Taehyung and Seokjin were waiting for Jungkook on the bathroom, while the rest was already on their van, ready to go back to the dorm. Seokjin acted like a worried mom immediately; he placed his hand on Jimin’s forehead, tried to feel the younger’s temperature. Jimin frowned.

“I’m okay, hyung. I just need a little rest.”

Jin still believed they needed to buy something like antibiotic and extra vitamin on the way back home. He talked to Namjoon about it, but the leader agreed with Jimin. He just need a proper rest and he was going to get it right after they reached the dorm. Jin mumbled about his disagreement and something like don’t blame me if something’s up with him tomorrow and he was like ‘okay, whatever you say, leader’.

On the next morning, Jin’s prediction was right. Jimin got a high fever. He was found sweating on his shared room with Taehyung, panicking because his own body temperature. The situation worsen by the cough and flu he caught three hours later. Their manager scolded them all about not having a proper rest and skipping meals, but Jimin was sick already so the rest needed to extra protect their own health.

“It such an advantage we have a week off from today,” Jungkook said. “Poor Jiminnie-hyung, get well soon, ‘kay?”

Jimin just nod weakly from his bed. He stared at Jungkook who stood up in front of his room door. Jin made a rules for them to not approaching Jimin and not to be in the same room with him. If someone else got sick too, it would need more than one week to them to recover, Jin said. Him and Hoseok were the only one who can entered Jimin’s room (because Jin was sure to Hoseok’s cleanliness; and Jin himself, well, he’s the mother after all). Taehyung moved into living room, because no one wanted to sleep in the same room with him. Jin forbid him to be in the same room with Jungkook eventhough Jungkook wanted to. Something bad would happen, he said.

On the first day of Jimin’s sick period, he didn’t feel like a sick person. He felt like an alien instead, because every time Jimin went to the kitchen to have a glass of water, Taehyung would make a noisy sound; declaring that a dangerous alien just entered the kitchen. Then Jimin would chase Taehyung and Jungkook with his raspy voice all over the dorm. Then Jin would stop them with a yell and Jimin would ran to his room. It was happening every time Jimin got out from his chamber, because Taehyung and Jungkook basically stayed on the dorm all the time.

Then on the fourth day, Jimin walked to the kitchen for the nth time just for entertain himself with Taehyung’s loud voice. Stayed on his room all day was literally boring. He did nothing other than played with his phone, took a few selca, reread Taehyung’s comic books, slept, charged his phone, played with his phone again and it continued like an endless cycle. But when he stepped on the kitchen with his usual playful sound, nothing came to him. Where’s Taehyung? He thought. Where’s the real alien?

“Hey, a very dangerously virus-infected short alien,” Namjoon greeted playfully. “Looking for something?”

“Please left out the short, hyung,” Jimin snorted. “Where’s Taehyung?”

“Taehyung?” Namjoon frowned. “I believed he dragged out Jungkook and Hoseok hyung this morning. Going somewhere, I don’t know.”

Jimin sighed. Here’s the time when everyone was bored with me, he thought. He didn’t want to play with Jin, or else he would be lectured with something like ‘protect-your-own-health’ thingy. And he’s out somewhere, anyway. Namjoon was off to Bangtan Room; he said he had a new lyric on his head and he was going to discussed it with Yoongi. Jimin was completely alone on the dorm. Actually he could do a movie marathon because he had the couch for himself, but doing a movie marathon alone was boring.

Jimin walked back to his room sadly. He never know being a sick person was this lonely. Back then when he was a child, his mom would always stayed with him all day if he didn’t attend the school because of high fever. His mom would tell him stories, played some board games together, or just simply laid together under the same blanket, both silent and enjoying each other’s presence.  Ah, he missed his mom.

“What happen with your face, shorty alien?”

Jimin’s head turned to the door immediately. He was sensitive to that S word. He was about to yell, but when he saw Yoongi leaned on the door frame, he just throw one of his used tissue paper to him.

“Ew! What the hell?”

“You called me Shorty, hyung. In fact, you’re shorter than me.”

“How come? I’m one centimeter taller than you, Park Jimin.”

Jimin smirked. “I’m only nineteen, hyung. I still can grow a lot more before twenty five. And you? My chance to grow taller is bigger than yours.”

Yoongi cringed to the fact. Being the second oldest of the group was definitely not a benefit right now.

“Okay, fine. You win this time. Bye. I’m leaving now.” Yoongi said and waved his hand to the younger.

“No, wait, hyung!”

Jimin chased the older but Yoongi was already outside the door. He was too lazy to open the front door and ran after Yoongi, so he puffed out his cheeks and decided to watch the TV instead. It’s been a long time since his last TV show. He never had the chance to regularly watch the TV because of his busy schedule.

A few minutes later he dozed out on the couch. He was too lazy to turn on the air conditioner, hell he was too lazy to do anything than breathing. Soon he could feel his head burn. The dorm was abnormally quiet. Jimin didn’t bother to decrease the volume of the TV. He didn’t hear the door creaking. He sat up quickly when something cold touched his cheeks.


“You better grow taller or stuck in this height forever, Park Jimin,”
Yoongi held a cold can of Diet Coke and handed it to Jimin. He himself had the regular coke. He opened the can and throw himself on the couch. Jimin looked at him with confused gaze.

“Why are you buying me this?”

“Because today is freaking hot and I don’t want you to die,” And Yoongi received a light punch on his stomach. “Because I just want to! Happy?”

“Jin hyung will mad if he knows this,” Jimin looked at the can.

“So don’t drink! Give it back, I can finished both of these.” Yoongi leaned closer to reach the coke in Jimin’s hand.

On the moment when Yoongi moved himself a centimeters closer to the younger, Jimin’s cheeks burned. Yoongi could feel the warmth all over him. Yoongi was right in front of Jimin; his right hand stretched out, tried to reach the can. Jimin freezed, he felt his face redden but he couldn’t move. He just stared into the older’s eyes with his heart marched.

“So,” Yoongi said with a low voice. “Are you going to give it back to me,” He pecked the younger’s warm lips. “Or not?”

Jimin handed over the coke can and turned his gaze to the TV screen immediately. His face flushed bright red. He found the TV suddenly so interesting. Yoongi just laughed at the dancer’s reaction.

“Are you sure you don’t want this?” Yoongi asked. Jimin shook his head.

“No, thank you, hyung,” Jimin answered with a slightly trembled voice.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, hyung.”

“Are you one hundred percent sure you don’t want this coke?”

“Yes, hyung.”

“Are you sure you like me?”

“Yes, hyu –WHAT?”

“Oh, finally. You like me, right?” Yoongi smirked.

“What, no! How you can said that proudly!?” Jimin yelled. But his face was still red.

Yoongi still laughed –he walked to grab his phone on the table. He went to his phone for a second and he showed Jimin a video.

“What is this??”

“Just take a look. It won’t hurt,” Yoongi said with an amused face.

The video was taken in Jimin’s room. He recognized Taehyung’s bookshelf and his own phone on the table. The table lamp was switched on, but the lighting on the room wasn’t so bright. The camera slowly approached the sleeping person on the bed.

“So this is Jimin’s own room for now,” a deep voice heard. It was none other than Taehyung’s. “I have to sleep on the couch because of him. He will pay that someday,”

Jimin’s face appeared on the camera. He was sleeping peacefully, not knowing about his bandmate’s movement beside him.

“Look at his face,” Taehyung said on the video. “He doesn’t like a sick person at all. I wonder if that’s only an excuse for…”

Taehyung’s sentence was cut by Jimin’s murmurs. Taehyung’s face suddenly appeared on the camera. He made a surprised expression before he recorded Jimin’s face again. The real Jimin realized that he was sleep-talking on the video. The recording’s sound wasn’t so clear, but the silence was silent enough to record that Jimin was mumbling Yoongi’s name on his sleep.

A chuckled heard –Taehyung’s– and the camera shifted on him again.
“He just said Yoongi hyung’s name on his sleep,” Taehyung said with an amused-shocked face (you know what I mean). But the weird expression turned into a mischievous grin.

“He just say hyung’s name,” Taehyung continued. “So I have to tell him about this!!”

Then the camera moved outside the room. Namjoon was eating on the couch.

“Hyung, where’s Yoongi hyung?”

“His room, maybe,”

The camera moved again, this time walked to Yoongi’s room. Taehyung knocked the door before easily opened the door and showed Yoongi sat on the floor, played something on his phone. He frowned at Taehyung’s sudden appearance, but it’s gone when he saw the camera recording.

“What is it, Taehyung?”

With a laughter, Taehyung whispered to the camera. “Ha ha, I’m really telling him!” and and with that, the video went black.

The real Jimin glanced to the real Yoongi with horror.

“So, you do like me, eh?”

Jimin held the phone tightly. If it wasn’t Yoongi’s phone, maybe he would throw it outside the window. Or just ripped the phone into two.

“I-it’s not like that…” Jimin whispered. “I was dreaming about –about us, about bangtan, Hoseok hyung also appeared…and, and…”

“Ah, so it’s sad ending, then?” Yoongi sat quietly on the couch. “I thought my feeling will be returned.”


“I’m just saying,” Yoongi raised his shoulders. “Will you go out with me?”

Jimin coughed. “You –what?”

“OH COME ON,” Taehyung’s voice suddenly heard. “Jimin you’re not funny, just say yes to him and let me eat! I’m starving!”

Jungkook’s head popped out, followed by Jin who walked in with a huge plastic bag on his hand. Namjoon walked behind him, carried a box of egg. Hoseok was already sitting nicely on the floor, watching them.

“So your answer is no, I guess?” Yoongi said, he sighed. “Well, okay…”

“No, not that! I mean, yes, okay! Okay! I, uh, I will go out w-with you and, and…” Jimin cut the older’s sentence and his cheeks blushed.

“And let me eat, right?” Taehyung poked Jimin’s cheek and grinned. “You should thank me. If I didn’t record that video…”

“You brat!!” Jimin was about to smacked Taehyung’s head.

“Don’t touch him, Taehyung! He’s still sick! Stay away from him, RIGHT NOW!” Jin yelled to everyone.

Yoongi ignored Jin’s yell and kissed Jimin’s lips. “So you’re mine now,” he whispered on Jimin’s warm lips. Jimin blushed. A loud ‘oooh’ and ‘aaah’ was heard, but still, Jin smacked their heads immediately.

“Yoongi! What if you get sick too?? What will the manager said?? Stay away from each other now!!”

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Halfway done everyone! Maybe tomorrow I'll update! School is starting here :/


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Jungkooklovesme #1
Chapter 1: So cute
Chapter 1: I love it so much!!!
Chapter 1: I love it so much!!!
Chapter 1: Haha their love is so strong, not even Jin eomma can keep them apart XD
MinnieMingie #5
Chapter 1: This is sooo cute..^^ I couldn't stop smiling while reading it..:D
Chapter 1: Yoonmin!!~ <3 haha I love Jin umma ^^
Dencavitta #7
Chapter 1: Yoonmin is love!!! xD
eyesmilegyu #8
Chapter 1: Jin's motherly mode ! Hahaha that was so cute btw :)