
9th Christmas

It was their 9th Christmas and their first Christmas they spend apart, ever since they got to know each other about a decade ago. Their loose plans of spending the holiday together were dashed when one got his schedule and the other had an impromptu family trip.


So there they are, on this very special day, despite the time difference and different continents, separated by vast oceans, facing each other. Slight smiles and twinkling eyes, feeling snug in their thick sweaters and old socks, as familiar Christmas songs filter through their laptop speakers.


The younger flops down on their king sized bed, hands clasp under his chin, supporting his head. "How is your day?" he asks casually, already knowing the answer. He has, in fact, been given an hour by hour account, by the man opposite him, through their private chat room, since they parted.


Mirroring his action, the older one keeps silent, just drinking in the other's presence, his head tilting slightly. Adorable, fluffy yet with a dash of deadly poison, he thinks to himself of the person on the screen. And it took them a while to realise that they are the missing piece in each others' lives. Too damn long, he admonishes himself.

"I missed you, Kyu," he says softly after the other scrunches his nose, trying unsuccessfully to hide his blushing face, no doubt embarrassed by his raking eyes.


"But I am just here!" the singer protests lightly, even though their hands simultaneously move towards the screen, remembering how secure and safe they feel when they clasped their hands together. Always.


"You look tired," the older man lets out, seeing the deep eyebags, as the other tries to stifle a yawn. His heart aching at the punishing schedule he has, wishing that he could whisked him to where he is, so that he could pamper him. But he knows and understand, how this is his moment, doing what he loves and being acknowledge for his immense talent.


"But I have this..." the younger teases as he dangles a metal flask in front of the screen. He was surprised to find a registered package addressed to him in his dressing room after his successful performance, upon recognising the familiar handwriting. He remembers shaking his head as the others tried to crane their necks to see what he had received. His hand holding tight to the warmer bag containing a flask of the homemade Christmas special, concocted specially for him. Just for him. And he would not share it with anyone. Nope.

Taking a sip of the delicious chocolate treat, the musical talent allows the sweet velvet liquid to slid down his pale throat as he moves his hand over the other's face, trailing softly over the contours of his sharp facial features, sharp nose, bushy eyebrows, thin kissable lips. He loves, so much.


And for the next two hours, they speak in hush tones despite being alone, talking about mundane everyday things, gossiping about the members, occasionally pausing to enjoy the christmas carols, humming along to the infectious tunes. And they would pause, just relishing the fact that they are together on this special day somehow.


The younger man yawning again for fatigue finally hits him as he tries to open his drooping eyes, before the other attempts to cajole him to go to bed. Pouting his plump red lips, he drains the christmas treat before crawling under the thick covers under the watchful eyes of the stubbled man. "You stay till I am asleep," he demands childishly, satisfied as the other nods his head, imagining the big warm hands tucking him to bed, as always.


"Merry Xmas, Won..."

"Merry Xmas, Kyu baby...sleep tight."


"Hurry come back to me..."

"I will."

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Chapter 1: Feel so special to me^^! cute^^
Mydeluluworld #2
Chapter 1: `(*∩_∩*)′`
bl4ckm4lice #3
Chapter 1: short and sweet <33
Chapter 1: :'))))))))
Chapter 1: They will be together soon. :*
heartbabykyu #6
Chapter 1: D'awwwwww this is so warm and fluffy like an old blanket :) they are both apart yet there for each other, their love is strong
Angela17 #7
Chapter 1: Aaawwwwww.... Why do i feel a bit sad.. :((
It so so sweet but sad at the same time.. I'm really hoping to see WonKyu moment soon...
Chapter 1: Awww....poor wonkyu...they can't spent the christmas together....kyukyu really hv soooo many sched now...sweet always...
Chapter 1: this was the cutest thing ever!