
(Not so) Lonely Christmas Eve
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Oh my god I have subscribers. Hope I don't disappoint you guys! :>

Beta-ed by myself but I don't think my own eyes can point out my own mistakes, please excuse them.

And have a great Christmas!




It was Christmas eve and as much as Mark had wanted to stay in his apartment and hide from the cold, he couldn't. Because it was lonely and he couldn't feel the Christmas spirit.



If he could he would fly back home, back to Los Angeles where at least he could be with his family or help out with last minute decorations of the Christmas tree. But he was too busy trying to catch up on the projects piling and drowning him that when he finally finishes it, its 2 days before Christmas and the flights are all fully booked for the week.



Maybe he should have accepted Jinyoung's invitation to spend Christmas with him and his family but he didn't want to be a third wheel. He didn't want to feel like an outsider intruding into their celebration. But maybe that was still a better choice than spending a lonely Christmas.



So he puts on his thick black coat, wraps a red wool scarf around his neck and slips into his boots before heading out of his apartment with nothing but his phone and his wallet. He doesn't know where he's heading but he lets himself stroll down the street, wherever his feet takes him. It isn't like he is unfamiliar with the roads of Seoul, having been here for almost a year. But being busy with school, he couldn't move around to explore much.



Bright colorful lights decorate the streets, lighting up the entire pathway down even if it was already past 11 at night. Even at this hour and weather, there are still people up and about with their family and friends or alone like him. Mark tugs his scarf to cover up the small smile finding its way on his face. He feels better already, the lights seem to have brighten up his spirits. It doesn't feel so lonely now with all the people chattering around him.



As Mark walks further down the streets, he realises that there are a lot of people walking the same direction as him. The sound of Christmas carols get louder and he sees that the food street has been decorated to suit the occasion. His stomach growls at the smell of fried food so he fishes out his wallet and makes his way over to one of the food stall.



He orders himself a plate of hot tteokbokki which could hopefully keep himself warm along with odeng.



"Alone for Christmas?" The ahjumma asks as she hands him his food.



Mark nods. "I'm a foreigner, my family is back in America and I couldn't go visit.



"That's a pity! I'll give you some sundae. Take it as a Christmas treat."



Flustered yet thankful, Mark accepts it with a wide smile, bowing his head. It makes him feel lighter. It's amazing how a simple act like this could brighten someone's day (night) even if it is by a mere stranger.



"At midnight, there will be a fireworks display." The ahjumma tells him as he bites into the fishcake. "You can head down the street out to the open area beside the mall but there would be too many people. I'll let you in on a better place where it isn't so crowded."



Mark hasn't realised how hungry he was until he finished his tteokbokki to the very last bit of sauce. He bows to the kind ahjumma and thanks her for the food before taking his leave.



It was 20 minutes to midnight when Mark made his way to the hill the ahjumma had informed him about. The walk didn't take long as it isn't very far from where the food street was located but it was tiring having need to walk up the street of an old fashioned neighborhood. He is surprised when he reaches though because even though the hill is small and is illuminated  by a single street light nearby, the view was stunning.



A lone tree sat on one side and at the very edge of the hill there was a sort of brick wall. This was probably one of the highest point in the neighborhood because he could clearly see the rooftop of houses below when he leans over the brick wall. The night sky is dark and is surprisingly glittered with stars which is funny considering it was snowing in the morning till evening. Mark takes in a deep breath, filling his lungs with cool air as he leans further for a better view.

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Chapter 1: agh... your short oneshot is so long compared to my stuff. It's so adorable and fluffy and I wanna squish the beles out of you because jus' damn yo' writing is fine ;)

kudos bby~
Chapter 1: This is so cute and sweet!
Christmas is very special to me, so seeing Mark finding his happiness and not spending the day alone makes me very happy <3
Jackson is a cutie pie with his English/korean mixture haha
Thanks for this sweet fic author-nim~~ <3
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year =)
Chapter 1: Aw this is so sweet <3
shinshiro #4
Aaaaws! That little misunderstanding was funny xD markson spending Christmas together cute
eyesmilegyu #5
Chapter 1: Awhh that was good!
Maakoto #6
Chapter 1: Aww :D Is cuute <3 ^_^ Merry Christmas ;)
AllHailMochi #7
Chapter 1: Yes. A Christmas MarkSon story! It's so fluffy I could just drown in feels. Fluffy feels. I love lonely Mark and adorable Jackson!
tk1995 #8
Chapter 1: Omg that was sooo cute and sweet ^^ perfect Christmas story ;)