finally together?

Like A Star


Since the incident that day at the park Wooyoung and Taeyeon have been in love with each other even more and have been dating ever since that day a month ago. Now they were performing their song hoot on music bank while the 2pm members were watching their performance on the tv screen, and Wooyoung only had his eyes on Taeyeon.

"Hey! Woo!"

"Oh sorry what is it Junho?"

"So how is it going with you and Taeyeon?"

"Its great :)!"

"So have you heard the news?"

"What news?"

"That SNSD is going to Japan to promote their new japanese album Mr. Taxi"

"Oh yeah I heard about it"

"you know that they are going to be away for a year right?"


"Your not worried?" asked Chansung that butted in to the conversation

"No Chansung the one I'm more worried about is Wooyoung" said Junho.

"What? Why? you know that I wouldnt do what leeteuk had did to Taeyeon"

"Well just making sure because in high school you had a reputation of being a player"

"That was in high school Junho I've changed"

"Okay I just dont want you to make any stupid mistakes like you did in the past"

"Dont worry about it Junho you can trust me"

"Well Okay"

As they were talking amongst themselves Hara of Kara came in and tried to hug and kiss Wooyoung which Wooyoung dodged from. ( For your information Hara was Wooyoungs ex-girlfriend, they broke up because Hara fell in love with another guy)

"What are you trying to do Hara?"

"I'm making up with you for what I did to you when we broe up, I know you still love me"

"No I dont Hara the only relationship between us is friends thats all, nothing more"

"Why are you acting like this Wooyoung? I want to be your girlfriend again wont you accept me?"

"I'm sorry Hara but I only like you as a friend"

"Are you in love with somebody else?"

".....yes in fact I already have a girlfriend"

"What? Who is she"


"Oh.....I see....Taeyeon unnie"

"Yeah I'm sorry Hara but were still friends right?"

"Yeah...well I wish for happiness for the both of you"

"Thank you Hara"

"Your welcome well I better go back to my dressing room now bye"

And as she went out she quickly ran into her dressing room and slammed the door behind her and begin throwing and ripping clothes for she was at her boiling point in madness as her members tries to calm her down

"WHY HER!!?? I'm more prettier than she is arent I!!!???

"Hara calm down and just tell us what happened" Said Gyuri

"Wooyoung has a girlfriend now and its Kim Taeyeon!!!"

"Well then why did you leave Wooyoung oppa in the first place than" said Jiyoung

"It was a big mistake for me to have done that thats all, anyways I want Wooyoung back and you guys are going to help me, SNSD is going to Japan for a year in a couple of days and during that time I will make Wooyoung fall in love with me, but I cant do it without your help so are you going to help me?"

"Even though this is an evil plan but your still one of my members and you are like family and I dont want to see you sad so I'm in" said Seungyeon

"Yeah me to but I just dont want to hurt anyone physically okay after all we are close to the SNSD unnies"

"Dont worry Jiyoung  we wont hurt them physically just hurt Taeyeon mentally but dont worry she will get over it and we will still be friends"

"Umm ok Hara Unnie than I will help to"

"And Count me and Nicole in as well" Said Gyuri

"Great I love you guys you are such great friends"


Will Hara's plan work? Or will it fail?

and I'm sorry towards the fans of Leeteuk and Hara I really like them to but I couldnt think of anyone else to be the bad guys so please forgive me

And sorry for the late update as well enjoy heres a new twist to the story

Also sorry for making a big twist right after Taeyeon and Wooyoung got together hope you wont get mad >.<


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Khairol #1
Chapter 24: Next please....
woo304 #2
Chapter 24: update plsss~
Chapter 24: update soon pls~
woobaby_2pm #4
Chapter 24: Tae was so cute *.*
Update soon!
Angieaay #5
Chapter 24: Please!!! Update update!! I want MOREEEEE
Fionlqy #6
taeyeon chng of attitude seems a little too fast n sudden.....
anyway, gd jb authornim! pls continue to update ;)
Thank you for all the comments, they make me do happy!! :D and just updated so hope you enjoy!!