Cat & Mouse

Cat & Mouse (The Word Alternate Universe)

Attention passengers, we will be arriving at Incheon Airport in the next 20 minutes.  Please secure all belongings and fasten your seatbelts.  Again, we will be arriving at Incheon Airport in 20 minutes.”


K.A. slowly opened her eyes and winced at the bright light coming in from the window.  She straightened up in her seat, slowly trying to unwind the tension that gathered in her neck, lower back, and hips.  The calming scenery almost fooled her into thinking that she was on vacation for once. That thought dissolved not even a fraction of a second later when she looked down at her company badge.   Before going out to do anything, she was to rent an apartment for the time being under an alias name and occupation to avoid any suspicions.  She heaved a huge sigh before fastening her seatbelt and praying to God that she was right to take on this case. Reality began setting in as she ran through customs and was in back of a taxi on her way to the hostel in Seoul. 

“You American, right?”  K.A. found the driver’s choppy, heavy accented English cute.

Ne…er, yes I am.”

“What...ah…what you study?”

“Mechanical engineering.  I’m in my fourth year at my university,” K.A. rattled off the lies with ease.  That acting class worked wonders. 

“Very good!” The driver beamed.  He made eye contact with her through the rear-view mirror.  

“I have son who is ah…24. I should have you meet.  He’s single!”  The way the middle-aged man wiggled his eyebrows caused K.A. to practically dissolve in a fit of giggles.   This easy-going banter almost put her mind at ease until she ran her hand along the smooth plastic of her badge, tucked away at her waist.  Unease began to fill her stomach again and she quietly cleared .  Her attention was back on the driver. 

“Maybe we should,” a small grin on her lips.


            K.A. spent the next few hours organizing all her possessions for her three month stay.  She closed the drawer to her wardrobe then immediately situated herself in front of her laptop checking for any emails that her supervisor sent.  She scrolled through the many condolences left by fellow colleagues who shared her grief of those slain in her department.  Those messages would continue for the next month and a half.  She came across an email titled “Current Leads” and double-clicked to open it.



The target I want you to focus on is Kwon Jiyong from YGUA.  He is their strongest shooter with impeccable precision. Be mindful of your surroundings because he’s able to discern the enemy and does not hesitate to take anyone out when there are people around. Remember what we’ve talked about prior to you leaving. 


Take care,

Dean Maes


K.A. closed her laptop and stood to her feet.  Right ankle popping, she padded over to her suitcase.  As she pulled out the manila folder that contained criminal records, half of its contents spilled out onto the floor.  Sighing, she grabbed them without bothering to arrange back into their neat order. 

Flopping on her bed, K.A. began to sift through the photos until she came across a blurry one of a slight young man with blonde hair. She could barely make out his features as a few feet away from where the picture was taken.  The initials J.K. was inscribed on the back.  According from the written description at headquarters, it was a match.   K.A. stuffed the photos back into the manila folder and tucked them away in her suitcase.  From here on out, she was on duty to shoot and kill on sight to avoid any civilian casualties.  She decided it was best to sleep for the night. 

That following morning, K.A. took her time getting ready.  She slipped her camisole over her head, adding the ‘no-show’ bullet proof vest , and then finishing the ensemble with a cream cable-knit sweater.  She pulled on her jeans and put on her socks, then fastened the gun holster around her waist and added the nine millimeter to the left holder.   Her reflection didn’t look intimidating. No one could tell that she was fully armed. She took a shaky breath to try and calm her nerves. K.A. made a mental note to put her passport and badge in her purse should she be questioned by authorities.  

She left the hostel not knowing exactly what she was looking for.  It was only known that the suspect would strike unexpectedly, whether there were innocent bystanders or not.  K.A.’s only resource was to go to the library to look up old magazine articles on YGUA’s existence and past crimes that made the news.   She turned left on Banporo and was completely oblivious to the pair of eyes that followed her into the library. 


As the automatic doors opened, the atmosphere of the building flooded her senses.  The library always had a calming effect on K.A. It brought a sense of familiarity As a child, she would spend hours in a corner reading her favorite book series.   Her heeled boots clicked on the marble floor as she approached the front desk.   A young librarian, who appeared to be in her mid-twenties, looked up.

“How may I help you?” 

“Where is the magazine archieve?” K.A. hated how mechanical her Korean sounded.

“Oh! On this floor, to your left.” 

“Thank you,” She gave a small bow of gratitude and immediately beared left.

The shelves of information were incredibly daunting. Volumes of information in colloquial Korean were light years away from K.A.’s basic reading and comprehension skills.  She found the Korean Times rack and began searching.  She could read Hangul fairly well though the different type of font made it a bit more challenging.  A half hour and several volumes from the early millennium later, K.A. felt an impending headache.  

She dropped an issue from 2004 and rubbed her temples vigorously.  Nothing she read made any sense and there wasn’t a trace of any incidents or information on YGUA.  K.A. closed her eyes and took a deep breath to try and regain her focus.   

“Excuse me, is this what you’ve been looking for?”

K.A.’s eyes popped open and she whirled around to come face to face with a 2007 issue of Korean Time.   On the front cover was a headline that read “Yang Han Suk Poses A Threat to the Normalcy of Korean Lifestyle.”   

“Ne…er, Yes!  Um, Kashaminda,”  

The person who held the magazine laughed and dropped it out of her view.

“It’s okay. I speak English.” 

The fact that his eyes were hazel is what caused her to stare.  They held a little mischief, wisdom, and something else that she couldn’t detect.  Whatever it was, it was hidden quite well and it almost bothered her.  It wasn’t until the stranger laughed again that K.A. thoughts were jarred back to the present. 

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare. You have nice eyes- I mean, I never thought Koreans could- wait,” K.A. sighed and glanced back up at the young man and her gaze dropped again when she saw the amused look on his face.  She took a deep breath to try and collect her thoughts.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to be offensive…”

“It’s okay.  Yes, it isn’t common for most Koreans to have lighter Brown eyes, but quite a few do. It runs in my family.” He replied and handed the magazine over to her.

“Thank you again.  Um, how did you know…?”

“That you were looking for articles on the YGUA gang?” the young man finished with a knowing smirk. K.A. nodded sheepishly.

                             “Usually when foreign students need an essay topic, they tend to go for YGUA.  It’s, ah, interesting for them to write about. So, how long is your essay?”

                        “Five pages,” she answered a little too quickly. To make it seem more natural, she added, “I’ve been putting this off for a week. It’s due in three days.”

                        “Well, the best of luck to you…” The man paused waiting for a name.

                        “Julissa,” K.A. tried to smile but it faltered.  She cleared and shifted her weight to her left foot. 

                        “Thanks, again…ah”

                        “You can call me ‘G’,” he replied smirking.

            It was something about that smirk that seemed…off.


            “Julissa,” “G’s” tone mocking, “Amazingly, I never did get ask how your “essay” went.  You must have done well. Did you get full marks? “ 

K.A. stayed silent. Her heartbeat increased as she felt the barrel of his gun press against her back.  Her eyes scanned the parking lot quickly, making sure there were no civilians around to witness what was going on so they wouldn’t become a part of it.

She didn’t want to think of what G would do if there were innocent people around. 

“You and I both know why I’m here.  It was almost a good cover.  Though, you should’ve been careful about having your profile and assignments in an accessible database.”

K.A. eyes widened.  She heard him chuckle silently.

“We have some of the best programmers at YG.”

He removed the gun from her back and came around to face her.  K.A. looked up made direct eye-contact.  His hazel eyes held mischief, wisdom, and something that he masked well; insanity.  Her gaze flicked downward. It was purely insane to follow her to the library and actually help her retrieve the information that she needed to find the agency’s whereabouts. It was insane to enjoy in friendly banter when he knew her identity from the beginning. It was insane to let her live months after they’ve met.

But that’s what’s made him who he was, she figured.  She should have really taken heed about the severity of the mental states of the members of YGUA.

“K.A., is it?  I think that stands for…Krystal Ann, right?”   

She drew a sharp intake of breath.  He laughed heartily at her skittish reaction. 

“So this is the best spy that the United State has.” Kwon circled her slowly, as if appraising her value. K.A. kept her eyes on him, trying to follow his every move should he try to ambush her at any second.  He stopped before he glanced at her.  She held her breath.

“You’re so cute.  I almost don’t want to have to hurt you,” his face was only a few inches away from hers; so close she could feel his soft breaths on her nose. 

“But that would ruin my reputation that you know so much about.”

Her eyes made contact with his again and she took another deep breath.

Remember what you’re taught.

“Kwon,” his eyes lit up in minor surprise.  “You are absolutely insane.”


“If you knew all about me from the time I set foot in this country, why not live up to your expectations? I mean for the best sniper that YGUA has, you’re pretty docile. Or are you losing you edge?”  K.A. remarked, straightening up a bit. 

“Ah, so the little rabbit has finally found her voice.  To quell your suspicions, I decided that I should change things up a bit. According to your file, you are just as intelligent as you are beautiful.” Kwon stated, his demeanor changing immediately to the charming young man from the library.  

“Cut the crap, Kwon.” K.A. demanded.  She pulled out her gun and in one swift movement and aimed for his chest. 

His lips twisted into a smirk.  He walked right flush into the barrel of her weapon, unflinching.  K.A. stiffened. 

“I think the one who should “cut the crap” is you.” 

Her heartbeat began to pick up again.

“After all, this is your first case. “

Kwon’s mocking grin turned into a wicked smile.





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