The Winner is.............

Be Mine,Please?

Chapter 26


The winner is…………..


Minho POV


Today is the day. Yeaaahhhh,I grab my miniature and going to Cho’s company with Donghae hyung.

“We’ll win hyung” I said and he smiled

When we arrived there,Kwon’s company already arrive first.

First,from kwon company. Their build a mall.

Nickhun give their proposal to Cho’s president. I am do the same thing.

“Nickhun Horvejkul” Cho’s president called him

He get up and clear his troath then,he started to explain everything about his plan.

“Good presentation Mr. Horvejkul” Everyone congrats him

I smiled and get up. Its my turn. “Minho fighting!” Donghae hyun said

I clear my troath and start to speak up,”I am Choi Minho from Choi’s company. We’re here because we want the free land too” I said

Everyone laugh,”Well,we’ll build an orphanage” I said and starting my presentation

“Hah everyone love mall of course!” Nickhun yelled

I smiled at him,”Everyone love mall. But all the orphan and motherless child need an orphanage” I replied

Donghae hyung give me a “Good reply” look



“Ok everyone! Time to announcing the winner!” Mr.Cho said

My heart started to dugeun…….dugeun……..

“The winner is………………………………………………”

“Choi’s company! Congratulation Mr.minho! You deserve this!” He yelled

I jump happily and hugged donghae hyun,”Hyung we get it!!!!!!!!!” I said happily

“Ne minho,thankyou for your smart presentation” He replied

“Chukkhae Mr.minho,I love your presentation” Cho’s president said to me

I smiled,”Thanks god”

I see Nickhun and Yuri went near to me,”Uhm Mr.Minho” He said

I smiled,”Hei. You doing great. But maybe this land aren’t belong to you” I said

“Ne,I bet you’re right. Congratulation” and we shook hand each other

He smiled,”Chukkhae Mr.choi” Yuri said and gave me a weak smiled

“Ne thankyou. Hope we’ll get another challenge, Business Partner haha” I said

They just smiled.


End Minho POV


Yuri POV


Huhhhh we lose!!!!!!!!! Yeah good choice,they build an orphanage and we’ll build a mall?! What the heck!!!!!!!! Dad must be mad at me.



“Your dad called me,and he want to talk to you” He said and give me his phone

I grab that,”Dad” I said

“Yuri-ah………I missed youuuu”

“I missed you too dad. When are u comeback?”

“I don’t know,maybe next month?”

I sigh,”Dad,im sorry i………”

“I know that yuri. To be honest,I am really really disappointed.”

I wanna cry now,”But,I already tried my best dad”

“I know that. Ok forget it,what are you doing now? I bet you have a problems now. Tell me what happened?”

“Gwechana dad. I am ok” I said

“Be honest yuri-ah”

“Fine. Appa,nickhun always mumble Victoria name every morning. He keep yelled ‘Victoria don’t leave me’ ‘Victoria comeback please’ like that. Its hurt me dad”

He chuckle,”So,you’re jealous huh?”

“Im……………….of course! I am his wife dad.”

“Are you serious?”

“Dad stop it.”

“Hahaha im sorry. How are minho? Are he fine?”

“Ne dad,he fine.” Why is dad asked about him?

“Good then Tell him I missed him haha”

I smiled a little,”Dad,you sent me a servant? How kind you are! I am glad your sent her to our home. She is very kind to me. Just like my friend”

“Me?...........Oh servant! Neh I sent you. Do you like her? I choose that for you. You wont get tired if you have a servant right?”

“Ne appa keke Gotta go now appa. I missed you sooooooooooo much! Comeback soon ok? Saranghaeyo!”

I said and hang up,”Appa is never like Nickhun” and I sigh


End Yuri POV




Triple update for today^^ I'll update my new story;;;)


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Chapter 10: oh my gawd! this is like the best MinYul story ever!~~~~~~~~~~
update soon..^^
your story is awesome
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa update soon :')
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #5
Yaaay Khuntoria is back ^^
Will Minyul get back together *worried* :S
PLz update soon ^_^
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #6
Waaaaa Vic is back ^^
cant wait for the next chapter <3
what happened to yuri to make the others shout
plz update ASAP!!!
kyahh ~~~ victoria back !! Minyul Hwaiting
Soookey FIGHTING !!~~ update soon ^.~
KimPossible21 #8
Bzzzzzz how could u leave it like that?! XD now MinHo gets to carry Yuri too ;)