Chapter one

You're such a liar~
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A/N: i suggest you to read my forewords to have a backroud about the story, or else you wont understand anything! 

Chapter one-

I put the keys into the keyhole and twist it and then step inside. I when inside and see that the there is eight pair of shoes in front of me on the floor which means that Bangtan is home. The clock is around 9 o'clock and this is the second time in six months they've been home early. I take off my shoes and walk to bangtan's room to say hello.

I slightly knock on their door and Hoseok opens.

"Hiiii, you're home!!" Hoseok says and slightly hugs me. 

"Hi!" I say and smile

The other members are sleeping and i don't want to wake them up. They all look like adult-babys that needs to sleep for at lest 24 hours. They're very hard working and never stop going. I sometimes wonder how they keep motivating themselves to keep going because nobody does it like them.

I go to the kitchen and see Jin cooking food.

"Hi Jin Oppa! I'm home." I say and smile at him

Jin is looking so handsome standing over there cooking food. He is cooking something delicious again and I can't wait to eat it. In fact i am starving. I was so hungry today at school because i forgot my lunch at home.

"Oh hello Sun-yung, the sun of the dorm" he says cheeky and smile at me

I walk into the kitchen and boil water to make myself some tea. Then I go to my room and take off my jacket and put my backpack down. It feels so good putting down the heavy weight from your shoulders. After that I instantly change into some comfy clothes and put my hair in to a messy bun and then go back to the kitchen. 

It looks like that the water is done boiling so I take out a cup and pour the tea. The tea is warm and i only take a little sip of it to not burn my tongue. The only time i enjoy my life is when i drink tea. It's calming and relaxing. 

I look at Jin. He is doing what he is good at. Cooking. I take another sip of my tea and enjoy it. The other members will be waking up when Jin is done cooking.

"Sun-yung, your dad wants to talk with you" i hear someone saying behind me

It's Hoseok. 

I go straight to my dad's room, i wonder what he wants to talk with me about. Did i do something bad? No no i never do something bad.

"Hi dad, did you want something?" I ask him nervously

"Yes, please sit down" he says 

He is sitting beside his desk among all his work papers and business stuff that i know nothing about.

I walk in and sit down on a chair close to his desk. His room smells like home and i like being here. I feel safe.

"First of all how was your day?" He asks

I tell him that my day was like always. There was a lot of girls screaming after me. A lot of people taking pictures of me and everyone asking me how bangtan is doing.

"Oh" he says and doesn't seem bothered by that his daughter is getting bothered in real life.

"Look, we've talked about this before and.." He start his sentence with

Before he even is done with finishing his sentence i know what he wanted to talk about. I know exactly what he has to say. I know exactly every word he will say because he've said it hundreds of times before and it's getting annoying.

How am i going to live peacefully if my dad bothers me and im being bothered in school? I just wanna be normal like the other girls. I just wanna live normally. Why doesn't he understand that?

"and it's time for you to take a step forward and change your mind" he continues 

"Dad, listen." I say but he interrupts me 

"No, you listen to me because i'm your dad and you have to listen to me." He says

"I've told you before. I don't wanna be a singer. I hate the attention and the crowd. I hate it." I try to say calmly with my blood cooking inside of my body

"I want you to become a singer. You will own a lot of money and you will become famous of your incredible voice. People will be blown away" he says

"Read my lips dad i already said that i will never ever become a singer" i say harshly

"If you don't become a singer i will stop giving you your monthly rewards" he says 

By monthly rewa

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Chapter 2: omg omg pls update i like this
JongKeylovingpanda #2
Chapter 2: O M G ~ ~ ~ taeeehyyyuuung~ go slow maaaaann~ Oh my~ can't wait to see more <3 it's really nice ^^
buffedupcheeks #3
Chapter 2: OMG OMG OMG !!