Confession, confession!

Confession, confession! [ONESHOT]

“Stop looking in the mirror already, you’re pretty enough for Jinyoung to notice,” my father chuckled at my bedroom door.

“Appa!” I blushed and whined as I walked down the stairs to the living room

“Come on, I told them to meet us at the park at 11am, it’s almost 10.45pm now,” my father said as he grabbed the car keys off the kitchen countertop.

Today, like any other first Sunday of the month, my dad will invite his good friend, Mr. Jung, to join us for a picnic by the park. When mum died, my dad took it really badly. I thought I was going to lose my dad as well. That was when Mr. Jung talked some sense into my dad; it helped my dad and me to etch a stronger bond so we’ll stay strong.

Since then, Mr. Jung and my dad always met on the First Sunday of each month to talk since the both of them were busy. Actually, the real reason for going on Sunday was because Mum died on a Sunday, and ever since then Sunday wasn’t something to look forward to. However, it seems as though mum wanted me to be happy and sent me some blessing from above.

You see, Mr. Jung has this son, Jung Jinyoung. He has the sweetest smile and dreamy eyes I can never stop get mesmerized by. I never really talked to Jinyoung, he only smiled or waved when he saw me. I would try not to blush and would still smile and wave back. No matter how many times we met on Sundays, I could never get used to his dreamy smile that would just make my heart melt… My dad was the only person who knew of my little liking towards Jinyoung and ever since he found out, he has never stopped teasing me about him. Well, dads are dads. Thankfully, he doesn’t tease me in front of Mr. Jung or any body else so it’ll be sort of a secret between us.

 “Ah, I see Jinyoung over there with his mom and his dad,” my dad waggled his brows at me as he parked his car.

I blushed and whined again.

“Appa~ I don’t like him like that…” I tried lying.

“Sure, you don’t. Come on, let’s go,” my dad laughed as he got out of the car.

I carried the basket out and walked towards them quietly. I looked up and saw Jinyoung smiling. My heart went “Ba-da-da-da-da-da-dum”. I bowed and greeted them.

“~~~~, how are you?! It’s been so long,” Mrs. Jung smiled and hugged me.

“It’s been a long time and your son looks so handsome now,” my dad laughed as he pat Mr. Jung’s back.

“Annyeonghasaeyo, Mr.Kim,” Jinyoung greeted my dad.

We walked to the usual spot under the tree where we always have our picnic. As we walked there, I struggled with the basket. I prepared extra food for today’s picnic because I had just learnt a few new recipes and wanted to try it out for everyone. Then, I felt someone’s hand on mine. I looked up to find Jinyoung next to me.

“Let me carry that,” Jinyoung offered as he carried the basket easily.

“T-thank you,” I muttered as he took the basket from me.

Then, he walked next to me as we walked quietly. That was the first time I spoke to him. My heart! It’s going to jump out of my chest soon. I secretly touched my hand where he touched a moment ago. I wanted to scream happily but I didn’t want to look like a mental patient next to Jin Young. I helped to lay out the picnic mat with Mrs. Jung and laid out the food. Everyone’s eyes widened.

“It looks delicious, ____! Did you prepare more food? What could it be?” Mr. Jung smiled.

“I-I was surfing for recipes and came across a few that I wanted to share,” I smiled nervously as I put the food down.

“It has been almost two years since we had this monthly picnic gathering. Our ~~~~ is still shy around us,” Mrs. Jung laughed as she my hair.

I blushed as I sat down next to her.

“Let’s eat!” my dad smiled.

I watched anxiously as I saw Jinyoung pick up a kimchi-jeon(kimchi fried pancake) and ate it. He munched and looked up and smiled at me when he caught me looking at him. I flustered and looked away as I ate my kimbap.

“Wow! ~~~ can really cook, she’ll be a great daughter-in-law in the future,” Mrs. Jung praised me.

“What type of guys do you like, ~~~~~? Does our Jinyoung qualify your taste?” Mr. Jung joked as he ate.

I almost choked on my food as I stunned for a moment and watched Jinyoung look at his dad then back at me. My heart went nuts. How did I survive two years of this? I asked myself.

“Well, ~~~~? Do you?” my dad chuckled.

“I-I like someone,” I just stuttered like an idiot and looked away so they won’t see my red face.

“Ah, that’s too bad isn’t it? I thought your dad and me can be in-laws soon,” Mr. Jung laughed and winked at my dad.

I saw Jinyoung laugh too. Then, he looked down and picked another serving of something else. I sighed quietly as I watched him. How can someone be so perfect even when he’s eating? I feel like psycho right now, watching a guy eat.

After eating, we cleaned up but continued to sit there like we always do to enjoy the weather. We’re always lucky that it wouldn’t rain on our Sundays. Well, except for a few times when it showered a little and we couldn’t meet. I was so depressed. I sat quietly next to Mrs. Jung who was talking to Mr. Jung and my dad about old times, the present and the future plans of their business. Then, I turned my head to see Jinyoung leaning against the tree as he was writing something in a sketchbook with his headphones on. Or was he drawing? It didn’t look like he was drawing. Maybe, he was writing? What could he be writing? I’m so curious to know everything about him. I sighed again as I saw him write.

“How flawless can a person get?” I whispered.

Mrs. Jung turned her head to look at me. She followed my gaze towards her son and smiled quietly. Then, she got up and called her son. Jinyoung looked up and went to her.

“Jinyoung-ah, can you help me bring ~~~~ cycling or a walk in the park? I don’t want her to get bored,” Mrs. Jung asked in a cute voice, making me panic a little.

“I-It’s O-okay, I’m not bored-” I wanted reject the offer.

“Okay, umma,” Jinyoung smiled.

“Go on,” Mr. Jung and my dad said together, making me jump a little.

I nodded and walked with Jinyoung quietly. I felt as though my heart was about to explode when I walked next to him. I tried distracting myself by looking at the scenery next to me and watching the birds and butterflies flying among the pretty meadow of flowers. I smiled slightly. Then, I felt Jinyoung’s hand bump into mine. I looked at him suddenly to see him smiling a little.

“Oh sorry,” he apologised.

“It’s okay,” I smiled nervously.

“So, who’s the guy you like?” he asked suddenly, making me jump a little.

You, duh. “Eh? Oh. Some guy,” I answered with stuttered.

“Is he handsome?” Jinyoung laughed a little.

I blushed a little. Yes, very very very very handsome.

“Not really,” I lied.

“Really? Why do you like him for? His smile? His personality?” he asked curiously.

He has a really sweet smile, personality and everything he does just makes me melt.

“I don’t know. I just do…” I trailed off quietly, smiling a little.

“He’s not a nice guy?” he asked.

He’s you.

“He’s okay. I don’t really know why I like him,” I lied.

“Aww~ I can’t get to know his name?” Jinyoung made a voice that made me laugh a little.

Andwae! You cannot! I’m scared you’ll never look at me like you always do!

“Well, his name is… J-joung yin?” I mixed up Jinyoung’s name stupidly.

“I never heard of that type of name before,” Jinyoung muttered as he rubbed his neck.

“I think I got his name wrong?” I laughed nervously.

“Have you ever thought of confessing?” Jinyoung spoke.

“No… I’m scared he might avoid me,” I spoke sadly.

“Why do you think so?” he suddenly asked.

“Well… Have you tried confessing to someone you like?” I asked him back.

Please tell me you don’t like anyone. Please tell me you don’t like anyone.

“Well, there’s this girl but I think she doesn’t like me so I don’t know if I should confess to her. She doesn’t even know how much I like her,” he shrugged.

My shoulders slumped. Well, I expected it. He’s so perfect. Obviously, he would also have his eyes on someone. Then, I realised what that girl is missing. She doesn’t know how perfect he is! She should like him back! What is wrong with her? Maybe, it’s him! He has to tell her or she’ll never know! I looked up at him and saw him looking down glumly. I made him sad thinking about the girl who never knew about his feelings…

Great move, ~~~~ -___-

“Well, I guess you have to tell her!” I said enthusiastically.

“What?” Jinyoung looked confused.

“Tell her. You said it yourself; she doesn’t even know how much you like her,” I forced out those words out of me.

Imagine me. The girl, who has been crushing on this guy for two years and finally had the chance to talk to him for the first time, is persuading him to confess to some girl who I’ve never met and he likes her.

I mentally scolded myself.

“Well, if you were her, what would you say if someone like me confessed to you?” Jinyoung said casually.

You have no idea what I would do. I’ll be the happiest girl on the planet. I doubt that’ll ever happen since you would never like someone as weird as me. I sighed.

“I would be the luckiest girl on Earth if that happened. You’re one of the nicest guys I’ve met in my life,” I tried speaking calmly, not trying to imply anything.

“R-really? You think so?” Jinyoung chuckled as he smiled.

I nodded shyly and looked away. Suddenly, the both of us decided to walk into the more unexplored part of the park where fewer people would walk there. Reason being, there was nothing to do there but more trees, trees and trees.

“~~~~, you know what?” Jinyoung said finally.

“What?” I spoke nervously.

“Let’s play a game and if I lose I’ll confess to that girl,” Jinyoung suggested.

“B-but… Alright,” I didn’t want to make it so obvious that I liked him.

We sat down on the grass and faced each other. Facing him made me feel so at calm yet whenever I see his face I get so nervous and my heart starts racing as though I’m running a marathon. Jinyoung smiled and thought for a while.

“Let’s ask each other about famous celebrities,” I smiled.

“Alright, I’ll start – what is the full name of the CEO of JYP?” Jinyoung smirked.


After a few questions, we were tied. It was the last question and my heart was racing.

“Okay ~~~, if you lose this win, I win and I won’t confess to that girl,” he laughed.

I laughed along and nodded. Let’s hope you won’t confess.

At first, Jinyoung hesitated and only gazed in my eyes. I got nervous and my heart started to act weirdly again.

“If you were the girl I am going to confess to, would you say yes or no?” he spoke.

“That’s nothing regarding famous celebrities,” I tried joking with him.

“Would you just answer it?” he spoke quietly, more seriously this time but he still had his smile.

I guess, it’s time I confess… Time to face rejection, ____...

“Y-yes,” I shut my eyes and face down.

There was no sound after that. I didn’t hear Jinyoung’s laughter nor did I hear any birds chirping. It was all still. Suddenly, my tears felt like it wanted to come out. Then, I felt someone tilting my chin upwards.

“I lost,” he whispered once before planting his lips on mine.

My heart raced as though I was going to die. I opened my eyes to find Jinyoung kissing me. K-kiss? I froze but automatically I kissed him back. He got a shock before he broke the kiss to look at me. I hid my red face behind my hair and looked away.

“Is there any chance that ‘Joung Yin’ happens to me?” I heard him chuckle a little.

“I-I…,” I didn’t know what to say.

“Aww, ~~~~. You’re the girl I liked,” he pulled me by my waist and brought me closer next to him.

I hid my red face from him.

“Are you angry that I stole your first kiss?” he spoke.

“No,” I mumbled.

“So, you’re happy that I stole your first kiss?” he laughed.

“What?! No!” I half yelled.

“I’m mad at you though,” he pouted.

I turned my head slightly to face him.

“Why?” I spoke.

“You said I’m not handsome,” he frowned.

I smiled silently and looked away.

“Am I handsome?” he asked as he tugged my shoulder.

I refused to look at him. Then, he kissed my cheek making me blush even more.

“Yah. I want to see you blush, let me see your face,” he hugged my waist.

I turned to look at him, smiling nervously. My face was obviously red.

“You know what? I just realised you didn’t reply me,” he spoke.

“What?” I looked at him.

“You never replied when I told you I liked you” he whispered.

I nodded.

“But you know the answer, right?” I spoke quietly, smiling at him.

“I want to hear you say it!” he pouted.

“I like you too,” I blushed. “How long have you liked me?” I asked again.

“Since I first saw you when we were 6 years old,” he whispered in my ear.

He liked me even longer. I feel so dumb -____-

“AHEM?” I heard a familiar voice.

We turned around and immediately Jinyoung released his arm from my waist as the both of us stood up to face our dads and his mom. Mr. Jung and my dad had serious looks on their faces.

“So you two finally decided to tell each other?” Mr. Jung laughed.

I widened my eyes and looked at my dad who was snickering as well.

“We’ve known for so long that you two liked each other but we didn’t want to say anything,” Mrs. Jung sang.

“Jinyoung, my boy, you have no idea how many times she would look in the mirror every Sunday,” my dad laughed.

“Appa!” I whined.

“If it’s okay with you, Mr. Kim, I’d like your permission to date your daughter,” Jinyoung spoke formally.

“Of course,” my dad spoke and smiled.

My heart rang with happiness. I smiled and blushed as Jinyoung held my hand in front of my dad and his parents. My dad and Mr. Jung purposely “awwww”-ed in front of me.

“Come on, let’s go home. It’s getting dark soon,” Mrs. Jung spoke.

I walked hand in hand with Jinyoung to the entrance of the park as our parents walked in front of us. Then, just as I felt like it, I secretly kissed him on the cheek and looked away, Jinyoung froze and stopped walking. Before I could get to far, he pulled me and kissed me on the cheek, making me blush like 10 times more.

“I love you too~” he laughed as though he was replying my stolen kiss.

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lametardedx33 #1
keyshineeluver #2
awwwww <3 that's so cute!!!! & adorable!!! <3 <3
deanny #3
Thanks fr reading!! Glad you guys loved it^^~~~
awwwwww~~~~~<br />
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥<br />
loved it! ^_^
pororo_girl #5
This Is GREAT AWESOME COOL WICKED!!!! I love it!! :)) It's sooo romantic! :))
deanny #6
Thank you!!! <:
I dont comment on fanfics often but i want you to know this is probably my favorite jinyoung one-shot now^^~ i love it!!!!!!
deanny #8
Haha~ Thanks for reading!! <3
So sweet! Kyahh! Lolz my heart died~ hahaha
chas_ssmentrok #10
Its so cute!!!<br />
lol at joung yin xDD