
Hyung Neomu Yeppeo

Drumming his fingers quietly against the wall, Leo sips his hot milk slowly as he stares out of the large window, looking down at the cars zooming back and forth below. These are the times he likes best, the ones without N to bother him or any performances to sap his energy. As much as he loves his fans and performing for them, he also misses his quiet pre-debut life, when he was able to actually go places without having to put a disguise on. Moments like these allow him to sink back into the past for a little while.

"Hi!" Hyuk’s voice blurts out from behind Leo. Menacingly, Leo turns towards the younger, who has his hand on the fridge door. Hyuk wilts and his hand shrinks away, like a child who’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Oh," he chokes out, his voice thick. "Hello, Leo-hyung."

Leo winces as the unnatural display of formality. “Hi, Sanghyuk. What are you doing here?”

"N-nothing." Hyuk’s eyes dart everywhere in an attempt to avoid Leo’s as much as possible.

Leo inclines his head in the direction of the fridge. “If you want to eat, just eat. I won’t bother you.” He turns away, back towards the window. Even then, he can feel Hyuk’s eyes boring into his back.

"L-leo?" Hyuk speaks up pitifully.

"Yeah?" Leo turns around, as calm as one could ever be, even though Hyuk’s eyes are shining with tears.

"Why did you reject me the other day?" Hyuk asks in a near-whisper.

Leo takes his precious time to mull over the question. “I’m sorry, Sanghyuk, but you’re just too young for me.”

"I’m not," Sanghyuk insists, his voice cracking painfully. "I’m not too young.”

"But you’re like, 12," Leo replies, straight-faced.

Immediately, Hyuk’s eyes turn dark with fury. "I’m not 12!" He explodes, clenching his fists tightly. "I’m only 5 years younger than you!" Furiously, he wipes angry tears away from the corners of his eyes. Meanwhile, Leo is still perfectly—almost annoyingly—calm.

"Yeah, exactly. 12.

"I’m 19!" Hyuk shrieks. "Screw you!"

"12," Leo repeats, fighting hard to keep the smirk off of his face.

" you! I’ll show you who’s goddamn 12!" Sanghyuk angrily crashes his lips into Leo’s, grabbing the older male by the back of his neck and yanking him closer forcefully. The kiss is all teeth and tongue, with Sanghyuk trying his best to show Leo who’s really the top and Leo willingly handing him the title. Finally, when they’re both breathless and Leo’s jawline is stained with red marks, Hyuk comes to a realization.

"Wait, is this what you wanted all along? Did you prank me?!”

Leo lets a soft laugh escape from his lips. “Maybe, Sanghyuk.”

Sanghyuk’s face forms into its familiar glare. “Jesus Christ, hyung, you’re an ." Angrily, he stomps away, although not before leaning over and stealing a kiss.

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kaziie #1
Chapter 1: Super cute
SosoKawaii #2
Chapter 1: I'm dying here.. It's too cute! >.<
More LUCK, author-nim? Please..?
Chapter 1: This was so cute *sighs* good job, autor-nim! (´∀`)♡
Chapter 1: very cute, authornim
Chapter 1: This was cute~ Very nicely written