
Small Hyung


It was rather a cold, bright morning when the boys were getting ready for their photoshoot. It was a leisure-concept photoshoot and they were group in pairs; the 94-liner bros with Jin, Suga with V and Jimin with Jungkook.

Rap Monster, J-Hope and Jin showed a good teamwork, with J-Hope’s goofiness that gave them laughters and they ended their photoshoot with a happy mood, while Suga was having an annoying time to match with V’s 4D characters (Hyung! Let’s do this pose! Oh and that pose too!) but they also ended their photoshoot well.

It was Jimin and Jungkook’s turn and Jungkook was jumping up and down with excitement and Jimin’s eyebrows furrowed on how the hell that kid felt so energetic despite the cold weather.

They showed a great teamwork too and thanks to their professional side, they had ended their parts quickly. They thanked the cameraman and the staffs before making their way to monitor their pictures on the computer.

They were seriously monitoring their shots when Jimin suddenly remembered some photos they have taken and quickly scrolled through the photos and when he had found them, he clicked on it.


“Yah, why did you put your arms around me and pat my head? You do realize that I’m your hyung, right?” Jimin asked Jungkook who was standing beside him.

“Of course I realize that, hyung. But hyung’s too short and you look so cute and small so I can’t help myself from patting your head hyung,” Jungkook grinned widely.

“What? Yah you-“ Jimin did not have the chance to finish his sentence as Jungkook left to play with V when the latter had called him to play the new game he have just downloaded.

“That kid…” Jimin shake his head and continued scrolling through the photos.



He could not get mad at Jungkook even if he wanted to.




The three boys had been roaming at the snacks section for 10 minutes already. It was the maknae line’s turn to do the grocery shopping that week so they went to the nearest supermarket. They had bought what Jin had listed for them and now they were choosing different snacks as Jin had somehow ‘promised’ to them as a reward.

After bickering on snacks for another 10 minutes, they finally paid for their groceries and went out from the supermarket. Somehow Jimin had lost on their rock-scissors-paper game before so he had to bring all the bags. He really wanted to lie about this, but the bags were really heavy.

As he stopped for a while to catch a breath, the bags were snatched away from his hands. He lifted his head to look at the culprit and snorted after a while. This kid again…

“Aigoo, what is a cutepie doing here with lots of bags? Are you maybe lost, kid?” Jungkook had emphasized more on the last word.

“What the hell you-“

“Relax hyung,” does this boy really like to cut my words, Jimin thinks. “I just wanted to help you carry the bags”

“Awh that’s so sweet of you Jeon Jungkook,” he rolled his eyes. “You can always say it nicely (not snatching it away) but what’s with the nasty ‘are you lost, kid’ though,” Jimin mimicked Jungkook’s word.

Jungkook laughed heartily. “You really look like a lost kid, hyung. Small, lost kid,” Jungkook laughed again before running away to walk with V at the front.



Jimin founds himself sending daggers to the back of Jungkook’s head.


(back in the dorm)


“Jimin, can you do me a favor? I’m short of one glass here. Can you go and take it from the kitchen?” Jin shouted from the dining table.

Jimin who was nearing the kitchen replied with a “yes, hyung” and made his way to the shelf were they kept the glasses.

Unfortunately the glasses were kept in the upper shelf where he could barely reach the part. He could just grab the nearest chair and take the glass but that would scratch his pride of course. Yup Jimin and his pride

In a split second his so-called-pride was scratched anyway when a hand from the back easily grabbed the glass and took it from the shelf.

Jimin turned around hastily and rolled his eyes afterwards. Ugh why the hell is this boy always appear in this kind of situation

“If you are too lazy to grab the chair, you can always ask for a help, small hyung,” Jungkook went out from the kitchen not after patting Jimin on his head.

Jimin knew that Jungkook’s intention was to help him but he somehow getting annoyed with the teasings.



 He found himself gritted his teeth instead.




Earlier when we asked about the most handsome person, everyone pointed to themselves. So can we have the maknae to arrange the order of visuals?


They were in a short interview and the production team had picked some questions from the fans to be answered by them. And that one question had Jungkook to arrange the members according to their order of visuals. So they were standing in a line and Jungkook was at the side (I have to take a good look of everyone- that was what he said)

To be very honest, Jimin was partially excited and at the same time curious on which place will Jungkook see him in their order of visuals.


“I’ll start with number 2 first. It’s… V hyung!”

V proudly lifted his chin and went to Jungkook for a bro fist. Jimin started to feel the uneasiness when the ranking goes on with Rap Monster at the third place, J-Hope in the fourth place, Suga in the fifth place and Jungkook ranked himself in the sixth place.

They were left with Jin and Jimin. The members were all excited for the final result even though they could obviously see who will take up the first place.

Jimin silently hoped that the table will turn and Jungkook made him the first place of the ranking but that would not happen -obviously not, it was the mighty Jeon Jungkook afterall- when Jungkook had lifted his right arm which was linked with Jin’s left arm, signaling that Jin was the first place of the order of visuals.

Jimin accepted the result with a not-so-opened heart, but he still laughed it away and took that as a joke for the live broadcasting.



But when the ranking went on where he was the last place for another 4 to 5 times in different shows, he found himself hard to laugh it off anymore.




“Jimin, can you help me with this? I’ve been trying it for a few times but I can’t get the steps right.”

The members were in their practice room that evening and everyone was either warming up or correcting some of their choreography steps.

Jimin abruptly stopped warming up and turned around to see that Jin was talking to him.

“You need my help, hyung?”

“Yup. Can you help me? You are not busy right?”

Jimin replied to Jin with a smile and started showing the steps with details.


Jimin was on the last step when an “Eyy hyung you’re not doing it right” disturbed his concentration and he stopped dancing.


“I said, you’re not doing it right. You have to bend your legs more so the step won’t look weird,” Jungkook said while demonstrating the ‘right’ step to Jimin.

“I don’t see any difference with the step that I’ve just did before. And did you just say that I danced weirdly?” Jimin could feel his tempered rising. He was tired as hell but that one particular boy could easily criticize his dance moves.

“I did not say that you were dancing weirdly. I just wanted to correct your steps so it will be perfect. How can the main dancer danced to a wrong steps-“

“Stop it, Jungkook”

“-when he needed to be an example to-“

“I said stop, Jeon Jungkook!!”


The room fell into an awkward silence. Even the goofy-partner V and J-Hope stopped playing and goofing around.


“Are you done mocking me? Criticized me? Teasing me? Don’t you even have a slight respect towards me? What do you think I am? A stone or what?!” Jimin’s voice increasing within each word.

“Look, hyung. I-“

“I’m sorry I’m not as perfect as you, maknae,” Jimin finished his words before he went out from the practice room and slammed the door shut.

Jungkook swears he was just going to tease Jimin -like he usually do- but he somehow had been over the limits that day, didn’t he?



They had to cancel their practice that day when Jimin did not come back for the next 2 hours.




It was 1 in the morning and everyone was sleeping soundly in the dorm except that one boy who was busy watching (see: staring) at the television for the past 3 hours.

Jungkook had been waiting for Jimin to apologize to him because of his without-thinking actions but Jimin was nowhere to be found since he left the practice room. It was rather cold outside and Jungkook remembered that Jimin just went out with his sleeveless big-sized shirt and sweatpants. Where is Jimin hyung…

Jungkook jolted up from his seat when he heard the front door clicked. Jimin’s figure came to his vision and he quickly made his way to Jimin who was taking off his shoes.

“Hyung! Where were you-“

Jimin just walked past Jungkook without even sparing a glance to him. Ouch

“Jimin hyung, wait-“ Jimin slammed the bedroom’s door shut and Jungkook was left stunned. He was too shocked to do anything besides standing there and staring at the closed door.



That night Jungkook slept on the couch because he was too afraid to go into his shared bedroom with Jimin.




The following days went by as usual except that Jimin and Jungkook were not talking to each other. The members could feel the tense between them and their managers even asked whether everything is okay or not. Jimin would reply with a “we’re okay” before he shrugged and continued with his dance practice when he himself knew that no such thing as okay between them.

The maknae had been trying to confront Jimin everytime they were left together but Jimin just walked away with the excuse “I’m busy. Let’s talk the other time”



But the time did not come.




Jimin himself did not know why he was too angry towards Jungkook. He could just think that as a joke- like usual- but somehow it was hard to do so. That would be easy if the said boy had even the slightest respect towards him but Jungkook just had to every now and then. That rascal seriously…


Jimin was left alone in their dorm one afternoon when the members had decided to eat outside since everyone was too tired to cook anything. V had assured Jimin to come along but he said that he had some works to do.

“Text me if you want me to bring you some food,” V said before he went out from the room.


Jimin made his way to the kitchen to take a glass of water and he was passing the living room-


Jimin stopped on his track. Wait… I thought that I was alone in the dorm?

He turned around to find Jungkook was looking at him from the couch.

“O-oh what are y-you doing here?”

“The hyungs asked me to go with them but I was too lazy so I-I just watch the television.”

After a few seconds of silence, “Oh okay then. I’ll just… go back to my room.”


Jimin was going to turn around but a firm grip on his arm made he failed to do so. He lifted his head to see that Jungkook was looking at him with guilty-looking eyes. Ugh not this time…

“Hyung, I’m so, really sorry about that day.”

“What are you talking about?” Obviously both of them know what Jungkook was talking about.

“I admit that I was wrong. I shouldn’t have teased you like that. I swear I never had the intention to mock you or going over the limit! I am… really sorry hyung.” Jungkook’s voice was shaky towards the end.

“It’s that all? Okay I forgive you. Let me go I have to finish my works.” He tried to get out from Jungkook’s grip but damn that boy was so strong.

“No hyung!” Jimin’s eyes widened. Did he just shout at me?

“Oh no h-hyung I’m sorry! I am… ugh please hyung. Don’t make me like this. I am so sorry that I hurt you, I hurt your feelings. I really miss you hyung. I miss the old us. I swear I will never tease you anymore. I swear I will never call you small or short anymore. I swear! Just… please hyung I’m so sorry. I miss you hyung,” Jungkook was sobbing hard right now. Jimin was shocked. He had never seen Jungkook crying and sobbing hard like that.


Jimin sighed softly and turned his whole body to face Jungkook. “Stop crying, you crybaby,” He wrapped his arms around Jungkook and patted his back in a soothing motion.

“I won’t say much but yes I was slightly hurt by your word. And I won’t ask much from you than to respect me the way your respect the other hyungs. Oh and why the hell you respect V more but not me? We are in the same age for God’s sake!” Jimin said, irritated. Jungkook’s body was shaking slightly, signaling that he was laughing softly. He put his arms around Jimin and hugged him tightly. Jimin smiled.

“You know, how much that I wanted to get mad you, I can’t. I had think you like my own younger brother so how much wrongs you did to me, I couldn’t find myself to hate you. So from now on, be good you little piece of meat. This big hyung will not forgive you the next time you do the same thing. You understand that?” Jimin asked firmly.

Jungkook pulled his body away slightly from the hug to look at Jimin before he crashed his body to Jimin’s again.

“Thank you, hyung. Thank you. I promise I won’t do the same thing. I’ve been missing you so much Jimin hyung,” he tightened his arms around Jimin.

He smiled and tightened back his arms around Jungkook “I miss you too you rascal. Be glad that I like you the most.”






“But hyung?”


“You are really small.”




BTS Rookie King Ep4 Open Up Your Heart;


JM: I took a good care of Bangtan!

JH: That’s right!

JM: Since pre-debut I always buy everyone drinks!

JH: That’s right!!

JM: I always buy everyone ice-cream!

All: That’s right!!

JM: When the hyungs are having a hard time, I lend them my ears! ((He listened to their problems))

All: That’s right!!!


(The members laughed and pushed Jungkook to the front)

JM: I’m so nice to you, but you called me short and my head! I’m 2 years older than you! I’ve lived 2 years longer! I’ve eaten 2130 grains of rice more than you!

(Everyone’s laughing)

JK: When did I do that?

JM: (blood pressure rising) This kid!!!



JK: I like it a lot that hyung is so friendly. I was like that because I like hyung too much.




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kpopbrazil #1
Chapter 1: "why the hell you respect V more but not me? We are in the same age for God’s sake!".
that's my question too. What do you think, author-nim?
poor Jimin!! But no matter what he does, he can't really get mad at Jungkook
I love your story sooo muucch..i'ts so fluffy...both of them X-D
jun-kiseob_b2uty #4
Chapter 1: i love when jungkook teasing jimin :)
haha, cute and good stories^.^
Chapter 1: even people saw them bickering but thats the only thing that make both happy and ARMY too!!!
LittleMissStar #6
Chapter 1: Wow i really like this it's soo sweet and for some reason i liked the whole story. cuz I'm a JIMIN bias and tbh i was hurt a little when the members always tease JIMIN in different shows especially when they do rankings on looks. So i felt at peace of mind when you portrayed JIMIN to lash out all his angry and made up with Jungkook. I somehow feel refreshed now.
Chapter 1: ahh... the memories from rookie king :)
nice one shot :)
Chapter 1: Well....i kind of looking this kind of ff after watching a lot of show bout Jungkook rangking Jimin the same...i kind of pissed by that even tho i ship jikook....somehow this is much related...thank you