Hit Jealous Button to Ignore

Hello, fellow Minwoo minions~! I almost forgot this fic prompt that I started. OMG! I am sorry! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The prompt was "Someone won't get laid tonight" scenario because of Mino's collab stage with IU. I really thought the kiss would be between them. I still thank the KPop deities for not allowing it to happen. LOL!

For all the Minwoo minions whose hearts were broken because there are a lot of Minwoo+Jinhoon fanfics and people are asking for Jinhoon ending and we, the poor Minwoo minions, can't do anything. /sighs/ And this is to compensate for the hearts I broke when I updated "Latching on to the Traitor."

Please enjoy and spread the Minwoo love~! ^^

(by kaijin-taichou)

Rating: PG or K+ (just to be safe)
Characters: Kim Jinwoo, Song Minho
Pairing: Minwoo; MinoxJinwoo
Genre: Fluff; One-shot
Summary: The collaboration stage of Mino and IU shouldn’t bother Jinwoo but it did.



The name Winner was slowly turning from black to gold, just how Kim Jinwoo would like his group to be. Their list of awards just welcomed MAMA 2014 Best New Artist.

Being a rookie, Jinwoo prayed very hard to bag the said award. It was something that an artist could only get once in his life. And being a rookie group who was able to perform on MAMA stage was something the pretty vocalist would cherish forever.

Going back to their respective seats, Jinwoo looked at the stage nervously. Only four of Winner members returned to their seats as Song Minho was left at the backstage for a special performance with IU.

When Jinwoo and Mino found out about the said collaboration, both of them fanboyed. Mino was IU's fan as how Jinwoo was to G-Dragon. The mat hyung even volunteered to video Mino's performance with IU because he knew how special the performance would be for the rapper.

Unfortunately, their managers told them that they were not allowed to do so. Both of them pouted but Jinwoo felt really upset, he was about to cry.

With a very tight hug (because Mino claimed Jinwoo was way too cute for pouting), the rapper assured him that it was okay and he was sure that their fans would have it captured.

Although he really wanted to record the performance on his own phone so he and Mino could talk about it while they cuddle in the rapper's room, Jinwoo had no choice but to just oblige and wait for fancams then download and watch them with Mino.

Jinwoo was so nervous for Mino, like a mom who was nervous for her son's school presentation, that the vocalist drank a lot of water. When Mother Nature called his attention for drinking too much water, he excused himself and went to the restroom.

Jinwoo was about to go back to his seat when he thought someone called him.

"Jinwoo-yah! Jinwoo-yah!"

The mat hyung looked around and saw Epik High's Mithra Jin. The older guy gestured him to come to him, which Jinwoo obeyed.

If there was one person in YG Entertainment, aside from TOP and Seungri, whom Jinwoo trusted the most, it was Mithra. Mithra Jin was the first person Jinwoo called when he and Mino officially started dating. The veteran rapper knew Jinwoo more than anyone in the agency, outside his group.

"Hyung?" Jinwoo startled when Mithra grabbed him by his arm and dragged him in a corner.

Winner's visual looked at his hyung with confused eyes. Mithra was looking around, as though checking if there were other artists or staff.

When the coast was clear, Mithra looked at Jinwoo in a very concerned way. It made Jinwoo more confused.

"What's happening, Jin-hyung?" Jinwoo asked.

"Are you aware of the kiss thing that will happen tonight here in MAMA?" Mithra whispered.

Jinwoo nodded then gasped. The older guy raised a brow.

"Heol! Hyung! Are you doing the kiss?! With whom?!" Jinwoo said excitedly which earned him a flick on his forehead from Mithra.

"Aigoo. This kid. As much as I want to, I'm not. But I think I know who," Mithra told him.

"Oh. Is this why you are whispering? Jin-hyung, I'm touched that you're sharing this gossip with me," Jinwoo giggled.

"Jinwoo-yah, are you already drunk? What's wrong with you?" Epik High's rapper laughed then he gave a serious face again as he faced Jinwoo. It made Jinwoo nervous again.

"Jinwoo-yah, according to my sources..." Mithra paused as he studied Jinwoo's face.

The younger guy waited as he took note of his hyung's nervous face.

"...the kiss would be between Mino and IU," Mithra finally said as he looked at him worriedly.

"W-what?" Jinwoo asked the older guy.

"I'm sorry to break the news for you... and to break your heart as well. I just thought you need to know. Just in case the cameraman decided to show your face after the kiss, you won't look very shocked," Mithra said as he pat Jinwoo's left arm.

But Jinwoo didn't say anything. He even planned to capture the performance on his phone, only to learn that his boyfriend would be kissing a girl.

"Hey! I didn't tell this to you to make the cameraman capture your jealous face, Jinwoo-yah," Mithra nudged him.

Jinwoo sighed. "Why didn't he tell me?"

The talented guy laughed. "I think I won't tell my girlfriend that I will kiss a chic like IU, too."

The pretty vocalist pouted.

"Just enjoy the performance and see how good Mino will be. Trust him, okay?" Mithra said as he wrapped his right arm around Jinwoo's shoulders, dragging him back to their seats with him.

Jinwoo sat down beside Nam Taehyun as they waited for IU's performance. The mat hyung tapped his fingers on the table that Taehyun looked at him curiously.

"Jinwoo-hyung?" the maknae asked. Jinwoo smiled at him.

"Hey, kids! You want a good gossip that is hotter than Dispatch's dating scandals?" DJ Tukutz said in a low voice but loud enough to be heard by his labelmates.

Kang Seungyoon and Lee Seunghoon leaned forward, giggling. Taehyun smiled and nodded. Meanwhile, Tablo rolled his eyes and laughed.

Jinwoo forced a smile and pretended that he was interested.

"Our hugeboy Mino will end up on that AllKPoop website after this performance because this year's kiss will be between him and IU!" DJ Tukutz said excitedly. However, he didn't get the reaction he was expecting.

"Aigoo! There's no need to be jealous! You will get your own kissing stage on the next MAMA," the DJ said.

The boys laughed but after DJ Tukutz turned his head back on the stage, Seungyoon, Seunghoon, and Taehyun looked at Jinwoo. Jinwoo smiled at them, nodding.

"I'm okay," he mouthed.

Then IU's performance started. Her stage performance was way too long, in Jinwoo's opinion. He wanted to end his agony of waiting. If Mino and IU would kiss, then so be it. Jinwoo didn't train for four years for this kind of waiting and test of patience.

Then Mino appeared. The crowd became wild so as the mat hyung's jealous heart. He didn't want to watch but he was worried that the cameraman might catch him not looking. And Mino would surely ask him if his performance was okay, Jinwoo needed to say something to his boyfriend.

Mino's performance with IU was about to end. Jinwoo knew it because Mino practiced the duet part with him, with Jinwoo singing IU's part. Jinwoo recalled how Mino looked at him sweetly, brushing his hand on Jinwoo's face.

Jinwoo thought Mino was just being sweet to him, as Mino was really a sweet person. But looking at how Mino looked at IU, smiling and blending their voices like that, Jinwoo glared. His inner Kim Rachel emerged and his face made a grand debut on MAMA. Jinwoo knew his fans were able to capture that look on his face.

Mino was moving closer to IU.

This is it. Jinwoo held his breath and slowly waited for the painful death of his heart in Hong Kong.

"What?! That's it?!" Jinwoo heard DJ Tukutz complain.

Instead of a kiss, Mino and IU just exchanged a high five. Jinwoo sighed in relief. He felt Taehyun's light tap on his shoulder, telling him that the torture was over.

"I thought you'll die," the maknae teased.

"But I can't sit beside him now. I'm embarrassed. I'm so childish. I hate the feeling of being jealous, Taehyunie," Jinwoo pouted.

Jinwoo decided to sit beside Seunghoon, who endlessly with how he looked while waiting for the so-called planned kiss.

When Mino returned, he wasn't able to sit beside Winner right away and occupied a seat behind Taeyang. Jinwoo laughed at s and the other YG artists as they wanted to have the red rose from Song Seungheon.

Mino might have noticed that he was sitting far away from him that he sent him a message on LINE.

Why are you sitting there? You're too far from me. :(

Jinwoo just read the message and didn't reply. He knew Mino was looking at him but he just ignored him and enjoyed all the performance.

When the program ended and all the artists went on the stage, Jinwoo was expecting Mino to approach him and ask him why he was ignoring the rapper. But as a social butterfly he was, Mino greeted the EXO boys and had a little chat with them.

Jinwoo was shocked when he felt an arm around his shoulders.

"Just ignore him more later," Jiyong whispered.

Jinwoo didn't say anything because first, it was Kwon ing Jiyong and his ing arm was around his shoulders; second, he knew about him and Mino; and third, G-ing-Dragon knew about his relationship with Mino. His idol knew he was already in a relationship and it kind of made him sad.

"I know when I see a fellow bottom. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," Jiyong assured him. Jinwoo smiled shyly. He felt relieved and his fanboy heart was on the verge of dying.

Jinwoo just enjoyed the rest of the night, selca after selca with his dongsaengs and sunbae-nims, still ignoring Mino, who was ignoring him, too.


Jinwoo sighed as he entered the hotel room he shared with Mino.


Where was he again? Right, together with Block B. He answered his own question.

With a heavy heart, Jinwoo went to the bathroom and took a bath. If he could sleep inside the bathroom, Jinwoo would have. It wasn't how he planned his last night in Hong Kong. And sleeping without Mino was definitely not in his plans.

After the party, Jinwoo thought he and Mino would talk about the rapper's performance with IU.

Jinwoo would still talk about the performance and how Mino missed that important detail about the kiss that didn't push-through.

The pretty vocalist lost track of time that he spent almost an hour in the bathroom. Jinwoo was drying his hair with a towel as he stepped out of the bathroom. He looked at his bed and was surprised when he saw Mino, sleeping, still wearing his suit.

"Jieun-ssi, you're so cute," Mino giggled then he snored.

Jinwoo felt a lump in his throat. He bit his lower lip to stop himself from crying. He hated seeing his boyfriend, wasted and calling other person's name in his sleep.

And he hated himself for caring too much about Mino. Sighing, Jinwoo went back to the bathroom to hang the towel he was using and to get Mino's sleeping wear.


"But my Jinwoo-hyung is cuter than you," Mino said again in his sleep and smiled widely.


The mat hyung removed Mino's gray coat and necktie then ed the rapper's white polo shirt. Jinwoo cursed himself as he couldn't help but still admire Mino's chest, despite the jealousy and annoyance he felt towards the sleeping guy.

He shook his head and continued to Mino's polo shirt. As Mino's body was exposed, Jinwoo ran his fingers from Mino's chest to his navel.

Jinwoo should be under this hot guy's body as of that moment, if everything went according to his daydream that morning.

I bet he's having a now because of IU.

Jinwoo looked at Mino's pants and focused his eyes on a certain area. He sighed deeply and loudly as he rolled his eyes. Jinwoo was right. The hugeboy was awake.

The pretty vocalist thought he had enough. The world didn't need a martyr. Jinwoo stood up and cleaned the extra bed that was across their bed. He went back to the bed and grabbed his pillow when Mino grabbed his wrist.

"Weren't you doing something a while ago, Jinu-sang?" Mino said in his deep voice.

Jinwoo successfully pulled his hand from Mino's grip and lied on the extra bed, his back facing Mino.

"Huh?" Mino said. Jinwoo could tell that the rapper was confused. But he ignored him.

"Yah! Kim Jinwoo! You need to do something about my awakened friend here!" Mino complained.

"No one's getting laid tonight!" Jinwoo said angrily then he put his earphones on and played Winner's album on his phone. The mat hyung pressed the next button as his phone played "I'm Him."

Jinwoo stayed still and waited if Mino would come to him but he already played "Tonight" and "Love is a Lie," yet he didn't receive any comfort from the rapper.

Jinwoo cried quietly that he didn't notice he already fell asleep.


Jinwoo woke up and noticed that the bed was empty. Jinwoo looked at his phone to see the time. It was five minutes before 8AM.

The pretty vocalist sighed and pulled the blanket over his head. Seungyoon would barge in to the room at around 8:15AM to wake him up.

He just needed 15 minutes to think and bury himself under the blanket.

Wait a minute.

Jinwoo sat up and clutched the blanket to his chest. Why was he on the bed? He wondered.

Did Mino carry me to bed?

Jinwoo looked around but there was no sign of Mino.

Tired of thinking, Jinwoo stood up and prepared for their flight going back to Korea.


When he arrived at the lobby, Jinwoo heard Seunghoon comment, "Heol! Why is Kim Rachel with us? This is bad."

Jinwoo was wearing a grey-orange stripped sweater, a pair of ripped denim jeans, and his usual black leathered shoes. He also wore a big black fedora and a pair of black sunglasses to cover his swollen eyes.

Jinwoo didn't say anything and looked at his boyfriend under the dark sunglasses. Unfortunately, he couldn't tell if the rapper was looking at him too because he was also wearing his sunglasses. As they walked to the elevator, Jinwoo noticed Mino was limping.

As the boys were settled on their respective seats inside the van, Jinwoo sent a LINE message to Mino who was sitting behind him.

What happened to your left leg? (・へ・)

Jinwoo received Mino's message in an instant.

Why are you ignoring me? ㅡ ㅡ We need to talk later.

The pretty vocalist knew Mino was looking at him from behind. He didn't reply to him.


The flight back to Korea was rather quiet so as their trip back to their dorm as everyone was dead tired.

As soon as their dorm's door opened, Seungyoon and Seunghoon ran inside and went to their rooms to sleep. Taehyun called his mom to say that he was back in the dorm then locked himself in his room as well.

Jinwoo was about to go to his room, too when Mino held his hand and motioned him to follow the rapper to his room.

The mat hyung just stood behind the door after closing it. Mino looked at him as he grabbed a chair and sat on it, the chair was facing backwards.

"Well?" Mino waited for him to talk. Jinwoo could feel that the rapper was staring at his soul.

"H-How's your leg?" Jinwoo gulped.

"Why do I feel jealous of my leg? Ah. Because you're not ignoring it. Don’t mind my leg, it's not as broken as my heart," Mino said.

Jinwoo looked at the floor. His tears were threatening to fall.

"Come here, Kim Jinwoo," Mino told him in a very sweet voice as the rapper reached for him with his both hands. Jinwoo walked towards Mino and held his hands.

"Are you okay? Did you sleep well last night?" Mino asked him as he played with Jinwoo's fingers.

Jinwoo nodded. "Your leg. Please tell me what happened."

"I fell off from the extra bed. Don't worry, I'm fine," the rapper assured him by squeezing his hands.

"You slept on the extra bed? But—"

"I wouldn't let you sleep on that small bed," Mino let go of his hands and stood up. Jinwoo watched him as he ransacked his bag.

"A fan letter," Mino handed him a piece of paper. The pretty vocalist unfolded it.

The tears that were about to fall a while ago were falling freely on Jinwoo's cheeks.

Mino gave him a caricature of him, sleeping. Looking at the details, Jinwoo guessed that Mino drew it while the rapper watched him sleeping last night. At the lower right corner of the paper, Mino wrote a part of his rap for his collaboration stage with IU.

I only look at the clock 1,2,3,4
My time is slow without you
I keep drawing your smile and hair
I might become a painter

"I only draw my fantasies, remember?" Mino told him, smiling.

"I'm sorry. I'm childish. I got jealous. I didn't trust you," Jinwoo wept as he trapped Mino inside his arms.

Mino hugged him back tightly. "I don't understand why you were jealous, though."

"Jin-hyung and even Jeongsik-hyung told us that the supposed kiss was between you and IU," Jinwoo said, still crying like a child.

"And then? Did we kiss?" Mino asked him, like a mom scolding her son in a very sweet way.

Jinwoo shook his head.

"How about last night? Did you know how I was?" Mino pouted.

Jinwoo pushed Mino away.

"Yeah, for IU," Jinwoo glared at him.

Mino gave him a confused look.

"You were Jieun-ssi, you're so cute while you were sleeping," Jinwoo even imitated how Mino said it.

Mino laughed out loud. Jinwoo gave him a death glare.

"I'm sorry, hyung. You're so cute and funny. Wait…" then the rapper laughed again.

"Yah! Song Minho," Jinwoo called his attention.

Mino wiped his tears and tried to calm down before talking again. "You said you find IU cute, too."

"That was before," Jinwoo knew that he was giving Mino his so-called alter-ego Kim Rachel vibe.

"Do you think I'll be by someone who is just cute?" Mino asked him in disbelief.

"Well, I am cute but I can make your hugeboy live on its name," Jinwoo said in a very y way.

"That's true. Point taken. But correction, you are the only cute person who could do that to me and my little friend there," Mino said.

"Little," Jinwoo whispered as he rolled his eyes.

How could he say it's little when… Jinwoo shook his head and tried to tell himself that it wasn't the time to think about those things.

"Jinwoo-hyung, I was sleeping soundly last night. I had some alcohol because you were ignoring me the whole time. I should be the jealous one because I saw Jiyong-hyung wrapping his arm around you," Mino started. He crossed his arms around his chest.

Mino continued. "Then you, you little temptress, woke me up when you started ing my shirt, touching my chest, running your fingers on my bare chest and abs. Then you, you son of a left me hanging."

Jinwoo's face was burning. He tried to look at Mino but he averted his gaze when he caught the rapper grinning at him.

"I never thought I will like a jealous you, Jinwoo-hyung. I should make you jealous often," Mino smirked.

Jinwoo just pouted. He was shocked when Mino took his drawing away from Jinwoo's hand and placed it on his desk. Mino lied on his bed as he dragged Jinwoo to lie beside him.

"Let's sleep now, baby. I feel so tired and I need my energy. I will make sure I'll get laid tonight," Mino said as he pulled Jinwoo closer to him, making the mat hyung's head rest on his chest.

Jinwoo smiled. "I'm sorry."

"You should be. I'll take my revenge later," Mino kissed his forehead.

The room was filled with snores after a minute or two.


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Chapter 1: Fun fact... I almost ship IU and Mino, like appler kind of shipper...I actually want to but it just never happened y'know.. Idek what happened. It just slipped...
JI recognizing a fellow bottom! Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→
I always was a closet GTOP shipper. Reminds you of this ship huh? ^o^
AnnoNiji #2
Chapter 1: Jinwoo is so cute TT and Mino's love AAAAAAAH i can't
"Rachel" made me laugh so much LOL
IU's and Mino's perf is really good btw, Mino is really cute T_T
Chapter 1: ""That's true. Point taken. But correction, you are the only cute person who could do that to me and my little friend there," Mino said.
"Little," Jinwoo whispered as he rolled his eyes.
How could he say it's little when… Jinwoo shook his head and tried to tell himself that it wasn't the time to think about those things."

sorry i just cant stop myself to read all of ur masterpieces sobs
you got me addicting!
jealous jinwoo is dangerous (and y) lmao
and helpless mino is no help
thank you once again!
Chapter 1: "Hey, kids! You want a good gossip that is hotter than Dispatch's dating scandals?"

This is so cute. Jealous jinwoo is so cute and Mino is being so cute and GD's cameo is so cute. I cannot. (never knew he was a bottom) lolololol xD oh god i shall start calling you senpaiii from now on instead of authornim. Too cute for me to handle. Minwoo is too cute for me to handle. Dammit. (╥╯﹏╰╥)ง
Chapter 1: SHERMAAAAA, I'm here again! YAAAAY! This gave all the feels... again. AHAHAHAHA. I adore this one, specially the interaction with GD. That's priceless. I loved you more and more because of that since the first time I read it. I promise to read all your updates soon. I've been away from here but I might come back sooner than expected. /blows you kisses.
Chapter 1: "I know when I see a fellow bottom. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," Jiyong assured him. Jinwoo smiled shyly. He felt relieved and his fanboy heart was on the verge of dying.

I am ing slayed!!!!!
I swear to all the kpop gods I am crying witj actual tears in my eyes ohmygdragon!!!!!
I love you so mich u have no ing clue
Chapter 1: "You should be. I'll take my revenge later," Mino kissed his forehead.
If this continues it will be awsomeee . My songkim feels are hit my kokoro .
Chapter 1: I'm reading this again and I love, love, love it! Their interaction is so cute, way too cute that I melt. Everything's sweet, even our jealous Jinwoo. ❤️
I'm not sure if I left a comment before but let me tell you again that I really admire the way you write :)))
seungrin123 #9
Chapter 1: Love you! Thanks god because mino didnt kiss IU..when i know that IU will colab with Mino..i already pray alot for no kissing scene..
alfsecret #10
Chapter 1: OMG! This is too sweet >.<
I just smiling widely when imagine about the revenge that mino will give to his mat hyung xD (?)
Sequel please author-nim :3
I'm so curious about them after they sleep :3