meet him

Home Hater

warning: foul words ahead

Chapter one: Meet Him

I park my motor bike infront of our house, take of my helet and sighed! I'm going home again, well you see I don't really like going home, I mean yeah~! I go home but it barely happens.

Usually I would have sleep in my dorm or sleep over at my friend's house, I only get to go home when my mom would ask me or if there's any speciall ocassion, and this is one of the day that my mom ask me to go home, she said she's going to introduce someone to me, like this kind of things never ends, I mean my mom always do this, ALWAYS!!

anyway I walk towards the door of our house and was about to knock when suddenly I heard my mom's voice "oh my!! you're definitely a obedient person bee, I hope my son was just like you" now she's comparing me to that 'bee' boy of hers an-- what the heck!! who's BEE? don't tell me she's having an affair with a teenage boy and all, like my mom is already in her mid 40's and she's too old for having such a thing and it's gross YUCK!!

I repeatedly knock on the door as hard as I can "MOM!! the hell open this door, hurry!!" I have to stop my mom, she can't make out to that bee chu-chu or whoever is that guy,"oh! son wait a minute I'm coming, and stop knocking like that you don't want to destroy our door right" my mom said and I heard footsteps towards the door, as soon as the door opens I immediately hold my mom's shoulder and shake it.

"how could you mom! you're already married to someone and yet you're still dating?!? my gosh~! now show me that bee guy so that I can beat him to hell" I look at my mom's shoc-- CONFUSE? face woah~woah~!! how come she's confuse? "jimin~ah! I don't know what the eff gottens into you, but if you're wondering who's bee?!? he's my bestfriend's son and not my lover! you're so stupid for thinking such a thing" -.- yeah great! now I misunderstood everything, just what the actual is this?

"so you're not having an affair" I ask her shocked and she just nodded, god this is embarrassing I mean arrgh!! I can't think straight infact all I could think right now is 

"c'mon jimin let's go to the living room I'm gonna introduce you to bee! and by the way it's not bee but bee!! okay? the spelling is V as in victory " ahh so that's it I thought that bee thing is some kind of endearment -.- we started walking the way to our living room and as we reached there I see this bloned guy and he's hot NO!! I mean sort of no! not really ugh~!! STUPID!! "hello there V! this is jimin the one I'm telling you awhile ago!" my said and the bloned guy just gave me a smile or maybe not really? it doesn't seem's to be a smile 'cause it is square shaped!!

"hi I'm V you're future boyfriend" he said that makes my little eyes big! the heck~!! what's wrong with him? what does he mean boyfriend? "I'AM NOT GAY!!" i shouted at him but he doesn't seem to be startled, WOW!! -.- amazing he didn't get shock wow!! (please insert sarcasm there)

"so did I!!" he said and grin to me, great now I'm at lost I just look at him with my poker face and the eyed my mother giving her a 'wha-the-actual--is-this' but she just chuckled, she just FREAKING CHUCKLED!!! arrrrgh~!! "haha!! what kind of look is that? stop questioning me okay? I think I'll have to leave you guys alone here!! bye boys"

now she left!! SHE LEFT!! seriously? yes my mom do this as I've said she set me to dates but not with a guy! specially he's going to live with us, yep he is! how did I know? I just know~!! 

"hey! I'm talking here can you hear me?" now I was taken aback to reality when V snap his hand infront of my face,"y-yeah? what is it? I'm doing some monouluge here"

"woah~woah! chilax my future boyfie!! I'm just saying that you're lucky you got to have a sizzling hot suitor like me" why does I suddenly feel like a storm was dragging me? -.- "wow!! that' interesting really, now if you may excuse me! I'm going to bed" I said sarcasticly and started walking my way to my room, I sooooo~~ HATE HIM!! he's such a bragger and curse him for that. 

and just when I was about to enter my room a pair of hands grab my shoulder and turn my body around, "you haven't give me my good night kiss yet chu~" (O)O(O) h-he k-k-kissed me "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"


not so much for some vmin moments but I hope you still like it.

REACTION ABOUT THIS? and please tell me if I have some grammar error

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Chapter 3: aw i love vmin
jun-kiseob_b2uty #2
Chapter 3: i don't mind the grammar because myself had a big problems with it.. anyway, such a short chapter, but i enjoyed the them, jimin was such a bad guy, while tae being just like... him? can't wait for the next updates!:)
Chapter 3: why is this so short? TT^TT argghhh! i want to see their date! update soon~~
MinMin_SL #4
Chapter 1: fluffly fluffly
Chapter 1: nice start, looking forward to more :)
this is all fluffy fluffy right?
nobias #6
Chapter 1: Cute!!!!! >~<
Chapter 1: some grammar issues here and there, but otherwise this is a really good starting! i love this already ^^
FluffyTae #8
Perfection leading in forward