Chapter 2

Baby in a Trench Coat

There were loud obnoxious knocks on the door. Sam slowly stood up and readied his pistol. He walked towards the door and about to take a look on the peephole.

“Sammy! It’s me! Hurry open up!” suddenly came Dean’s voice from outside.

“Dean!” Sam immediately opened the door but didn’t drop the gun just in case “you have keys right—“

“Yeah my hands are a bit full right now!” Dean said, irritated.

“What the—“ Sam’s eyes widened “Dean, who—“

“You tell me.” Dean casually said as he walked past Sam.


They both stood there at the edge of the bed, staring down at a baby. It wasn’t the first time for the Winchesters to handle an infant. But it was indeed a first and flat-out weird time when the baby just appears in an abandoned building… wearing black diapers, white buttoned shirt with a little blue messed up necktie, and a friggin trench coat.

Sam opened his mouth, about to say something, but closed it again.

The Winchesters continued to stare at the baby, frowning with confusion.

All the while, the little baby just stared back up at them with huge sparkling blue eyes. He was slightly flailing his cute chubby arms while looking at Sam with a blank expression. His unruly mess of a black hair all stood up.

“Wh—where did you find him again?” Sam asked, eyes still on the baby.

“In that house. He was far inside a burnt room, surprisingly clean…”

“Well, he sure reminds me of—“

“You know what I saw with him?” Dean interrupted.


“This.” Dean held out something in front of Sam.

Sam took all effort to take his eyes off the utterly cute but weird baby and looked at what Dean was holding up. An angel blade.

“No way,” Sam shook his head “are you trying to tell me this—“

“Look I don’t know man,” Dean retorted “I’m as freaked out as you are!”

“Did you try uhm… calling Cas?”

“As much as I don’t want to, I did.” Dean answered.


“It just gets crappier man, I call out, I pray, and that thing will make little baby noises, and, oh just listen,” Dean closed his eyes “Castiel, this is like the twelfth time I pray that you get your feathery trench-coated down here because there’s this thing here I don’t know if it’s a prank or a trippy mutant or a monster..” Dean peeped and looked around “…if you don’t come down Cas, I swear I’m gonna start poking this—“

“Waaahhh—ahhh bbbuuuu ahhhh—“ came a high-pitched noise from the baby on the bed.

Sam and Dean looked down as the baby flailed his arms inside the cute trench coat while still making random baby noises.

“Seriously?” Sam looked at Dean.

“Yeah. Look at him, then he will—“

The baby stopped moving and stared at Dean for a few seconds, and then he squinted his eyes.

“That.” Dean said.





“So, what are we gonna do with him?” Sam asked while holding the baby on his lap.

It, Sammy. What are we gonna do with it.” Dean answered, frowning at the baby who’s now holding Sam’s phone and occasionally dropping it every now and then “We still don’t know what that—“

“Dean, I’m pretty sure he’s just a baby,” Sam stooped down to pick up his phone and handed it to the baby again.

“No, I don’t think so. Maybe we should—“

“What? We tried everything on him! You practically bathed him with salt and holy water. Tried all the exorcism rites and symbols on him,” Sam lifted up the baby’s chubby left arm we even cut him up with silver just to be sure! What more do you want dude?”

“Anything! I don’t know—“ Dean stooped down to get Sam’s poor phone and placed it on the table instead.

The baby looked hopefully at the phone, and then his huge blue eyes landed on Dean with a slight pleading look, though his face remained blank.

“Hey, what if we try the angel banishing sigil with this thing…” Dean said.

“I thought of that too,” Sam slightly nodded “but what if, this really is Cas—“

“Oh come on! Are you listening to yourself—“

“I know it’s crazy, Dean! But hear me out. What if this really is Cas, I mean you saw the way he goes all nuts when you call and the way he squints, and the point is, we can’t just use that banishing sigil on him in this state!”

Dean paused for a while and looked at the baby who’s now his little hand and salivating all over it. After a while he nodded.

“So, while figuring out the case in this crappy town, we’re also babysitters to little feathery- sloppy Cas. Awesome.”

Little Cas looked up at Dean and flashed him a toothless smile.


Compared to a normal baby, little Cas was astoundingly quiet when not playing. But he sure was cranky. One minute he would be staring at Sam and Dean, and the next he would just flail around and cry. As the night grew deeper, little Cas got crankier.

“Alright, that’s it for today,” Dean said, standing up from all the pile of books and papers around their table “I can’t find anything and I’m getting dizzy just watching you!” he frowned at little Cas.

“Yeah, and little Cas looks sleepy, so we better rest too. We’ll just search again tomorrow.” Sam also stood up, still holding little Cas.

“Give me that,” Dean said while trying to pull a book from little Cas’ small but tight grip “come on you little assbutt, let it go.”

“Waaaaeeeeaaa” came the high-pitched cute response from the little angel.

“No no no don’t do that!!” Dean panicked when little Cas started to put the small dirty book in his mouth “you’ll get sick!” he said as he forcefully pulled the book away, leaving little Cas looking a bit startled.

“Come on, time to calm you down.” Sam said as he walked towards the bed. He gently placed little Cas on Dean’s bed and ruffled the baby’s bunch of untidy hair.

“Hey, wrong bed buddy,” Dean strode towards them “put him there.”

“No way, what if I roll over, he could get squished. And look at him, he likes it here.” Sam smiled while little Cas giggled by himself “you always like Dean’s bed, dontcha?” he stooped down and pinched little Cas’ chubby cheek.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Dean grumpily asked, sneering down at the drooling baby on his bed.

“Uh, do you think baby angels sleep? Or they’d just stare and drool all night?”

“The mysteries never seem to end,” Dean shook his head and sat on the bed. He looked down at little Cas with a frown.

Little Cas squinted at him and smiled again.

“You stay on that side of the bed punk,” Dean said then turned off the lights “and don’t drool on the pillows!”

“Kkkkkkuuuuuuu” little Cas answered, and after a while they heard what sounded like saliva being turned to bubbles.

Dean fell asleep wishing he wouldn’t drown to death.

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Chapter 2: This is actually very good , I've been looking all around this site for this otp (It's aff so i wasn't really expecting to find even one here anyways..) even if you haven't really writen in a long time i gotta say it's very nice and has an awesome plot ^*^