Sleeping Beauty 1/1

Sleeping Beauty

Taehyung’s eyes narrowed in awareness, arms crossed over his chest in defense for whatever to come after this. Tip-toeing towards the lump beneath the blankets, slowly rising up and down. Okay, here we go. Taehyung motivated himself.

God please don’t let him smack down me again like last time, he groaned inwardly as he already felt the fear of being pressed down to the mattress till he couldn’t breathe like the last time he did this.

Standing a good three feet away from the breathing lump, Taehyung reached out his tripod and with a loud gulp, poked the lump. No reaction.

Guard still on, Taehyung braved himself to move closer and poked him again. Again, no reaction. Relaxing just a bit, he poked him twice before a low throaty groan muffled from the blankets and Taehyung (with a shriek) jumped two feet backwards and immediately slipped into the opened closet (successfully knocking off the table lamp and accidently kicked the table’s foot in the shin in the process) in fear of being caught.

Taehyung heard ruffles of blankets and another groan before silence once again sticks around. Slowly peeking his head out, Taehyung spotted the figure’s position had changed and mob of ebony nest-like hair and bare legs stuck out of the blanket. Sighing, he made sure the cost is clear before he went out of the cramp space.

Truthfully said, he felt silly for hiding inside a goddamn closet from getting beaten up for just to wake up the ‘sleeping beauty’, the fans called him every time they saw the said boy sleeping. ‘Sleeping beauty; my . Taehyung wanted to scoff. More like the ‘sleeping beast’.

The fans don’t know entirely what the kid does to every living person who grew their balls to actually try to wake him up. In return, they either got bruised face and popped shoulder joints or scarred for their entire lives (if not, ted their pants).

The only why Taehyung’s even trying to wake the boy up is because the members had blackmailed asked him to do it. ‘You’re the only guy who managed to get out alive after waking him up!’ Jimin had chirped to him early this morning when the others shoved him into Jungkook’s room.

Yea by alive you mean survived. That kid shoved my pretty face to the mattress the last time I did it. Taehyung recalled the scenario and shuddered. He did not want to have the same case ever again.

But then again, leaving the others for the unpaid job would traumatize all of them so…

Taehyung slowly leaned near, sensing no danger at the current moment. Yet.

“Jungkook.” He whispered, willed himself to be a feet away from sleeping creature. Yes, creature. Taehyung would definitely referred the boy as creature at the moment.

Taehyung opted to rest his knee on the edge of the bed. “Jungkook.” He increased his volume a bit, bed dipping with his weight. Jungkook didn’t even budge. Taehyung pouted because as much as he’s afraid at the moment, Taehyung really despised the thoughts of people brushing off his efforts of waking them up to finished their duties in the day.

So this is how Hoseok hyung felt when he tried to wake me up. Taehyung thought pitifully. Poor hyung…

Getting impatient, he slowly tugged down the blankets till it reached Jungkook’s bare shoulders. “Jungkook wake up.” Taehyung said.

Silence replied him. Taehyung hold on Jungkook’s shoulders and shakes him. “Jungkook wake up.”

“Jungkook wake up.”

“Jungkookie wake up.”

“Jungkookiessi wake up.”

“Jungkook wake up. Wake up. Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up WAKE UP!” Taehyung was even surprised by himself at how fast he said that. I’m getting good at this. Taehyung shamelessly praised himself.

Frowning, Taehyung threw one leg over Jungkook’s waist, straddling him, hands still on his broad shoulders. “Jungkook. Wake. Up. WAKE UP you idiot bundle of fluffs.” Right now, Taehyung had thrown all his fear out of the window for the sake of shaking the kid off of his stupid deep slumber.

“What’re you, Princess Aurora? This is not Disney Channel Sleeping Beauty, okay? We had work to do. Get your up, Jungkook!” Taehyung was now practically screaming. If the others were, Taehyung would be sure as hell they were amused by this.

Jungkook’s head snapped back and forth at the shakes and Taehyung shoved at his shoulders one last time in annoyance for the younger’s stubbornness. Resting all of his weight on Jungkook’s laps, Taehyung crossed his arms in defeat.

Then something clicked in his head and Taehyung grinned mischievously. He leaned down till he was an arm’s length away from the younger, for safety procedures.

Kim Jungkook, wake up~” Taehyung cooed softly. And just as he expected, Jungkook’s eyes snapped opened and his pupils directly pointed towards Taehyung in a sharp deadly glare.

Before Taehyung could bolt away for his life, Jungkook, in instinct, reached out and in a flash, grabbed Taehyung’s neckline and harshly pulled him to his face.

Taehyung’s eyes widen as Jungkook barred his teeth, a growl escaping his throat. Taehyung gulped loudly. Welp, at least he’s awake. Hyung, help me!

“You…” Jungkook rumble in warning. Taehyung laughed nervously. “I told you a ing time that we’ll be using my surname.”

Taehyung grinned. Jungkook had some sort of problem with them using Taehyung’ surname to address him. Jungkook had literally planned out their future plans and strictly—no scratch that, forbidden Taehyung from addressing him by Taehyung’s surname. It’s not like Jungkook hates his family’s name. It’s some sort of sign of authorities and the symbol of head of the family by using Jungkook’s surname, the brunet thought.

Though he didn’t dislike the younger’s persuasion. It’s kind of endearing actually. To see Jungkook trying to show people Taehyung’s his. Although it’s unnecessary for him to do that. Everybody could have thought that easily by the act of possessiveness and clinginess to the older shown by the younger to everyone.

“What? Do you hate me family’s name that much?” Taehyung faked hurt expression, a prominent pout settling prettily on his thin lips. Apparently that caught Jungkook off-guarded and suddenly he looked uneasy and a look of guilt flashed across his face. Jungkook released his grip on the older and ruffled his messy hair to an even messier state.

“No, that’s not what I meant—I just—I…Heish!” Jungkook hissed in the end. Taehyung’s face broke into a naughty but genuine smile. Jungkook could be cold and sassy at times but he’s always considerate and although it’s always a bit late for him, Jungkook would end up stuttering apologies afterwards.

Taehyung crashed on top of Jungkook and swung his arms around the younger’s shoulders, once again, taking the poor kid off-guard. Nuzzling his nose to Jungkook’s care shoulder, Taehyung grinned. “I was kidding silly.” He cooed.

“But Jeon Taehyung sounded good, don’t you think?” Jungkook sigh in relief as he took all of Taehyung’s (still unbelievably light) weight on him and wrapped an arm around the older’s torso, one hand reaching up to tug at his pale yellow locks.

“You scared me for a moment.” Jungkook whined, the drowsiness he felt earlier vanished as soon as he registered Taehyung’s call of nickname for him. Taehyung pulled away slightly to look at his face, eyes crescent and grinning ear to ear. “And I’m good at it!” He exclaimed rather childishly.

Jungkook sometime wonders whether the older came from the sun because where the did he get all of this energy like who in the whole damn world would be this cheerful and bright in the morning.

Then suddenly Jungkook’s eyes glitters that familiar dark look that had Taehyung regretting not trying to run away second ago. Oh shi—

In a blink of an eye, Jungkook easily flipped them over and Taehyung found himself letting out a pathetic ‘Oufff!’ as his back being pressed to the mattress (oh hey we met again, Taehyung scoffed in his brain), Jungkook straddling him and hands pinning Taehyung’s own equally large hands to the material.

Taehyung swallowed at the familiar position. Oh no not this again. “Jungkook…” He tried. Jungkook grinned in a lazy devil way and Taehyung cursed s for putting him in this position again.

“You woke me up, hyung.” Jungkook leaned down, lips hovering his temple, ending warmth radiating his chest and stomach.

“So I had to punish you for it, don’t I?” Taehyung whined as Jungkook not so accidently slipped his knee between his parted legs. A blush making its way to the older’s face.

“B—but Jungkook! You make me! We have practice today like—gimme a break! I’m gonna have trouble dancing afterwards!” Taehyung tried again, eyes pleading and face red. Jungkook chuckled darkly, obviously not buying it.

Trailing his lips downwards and lingering over Taehyung’s lips untouched. Taehyung resisted to push himself to attach their lips. Goddamnit at this time of hour…

“I’ll just tell manager-hyung you’re sick.”


“Now hush will you before I make you stuck in the bed for the rest of the week.” It was true and Taehyung’s eyes widen in horror at the younger’s bluntness. Jungkook grinned in a rather innocent way at the brief mental breakdown of the older and scooped Taehyung’s lips into his.



Hmmmm……I don’t know what to say bout this one. But whatever it is, happy birthday unnie! You’re getting old already *snickers evilly* I’m kidding DON’ HURT ME

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peggyw #1
Chapter 1: Love this slice of life; thank you for sharing!
Chapter 1: This is awesome! *.*
It got everything that makes you love a story even though it's short like this! ^ ^
Thank you for writing! ♡
Chapter 1: This is so cute and fluffy and a tad bit amusing as heck xD
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaash.. I wonder if there's a sequel to this!~
Chapter 1: god sweet and dangerous ;u; i love this!
Chapter 1: Oh scary jungkook haha
taebuttocks #6
Chapter 1: sleeping beast jungkook and jeon taehyung sound about right ughhhhh this is sooooooo cute i can't even ; u ;
Chapter 1: 'Sleeping beast' LOL
Chapter 1: THIS IS CUTE. theyre fighting over whose surname should they use hahahahha thats the cutest part of this story >v<
Chapter 1: hehehehehehehehehe that is all— jk omf great now im starting to want top kookie too WHAT HAVE U DONE
Chapter 1: this is so cute~~~