"It washn't me, noona!"

"It was Jimin's idea!"

When the babysitter entered the big house, she was greeted by two women that looked almost thirty. They smiled at her and sat her down on the couch.

"Thank you for accepting the job," Mrs. Park said.

"It's my pleasure, Mrs. Park," the babysitter replied. She was an eighteen-year-old girl who only wore jeans and oversized t-shirts. Her parents weren't that rich, so she decided to take part-time jobs to help out, especially since her college tuition was taking up most of their income.

The other woman, Mrs. Kim, chuckled. "If you say so," she said, meeting eyes with Mrs. Park. Then she stood and gestured for the babysitter to follow her. "The boys are in Tae's room." The babysitter followed her down a narrow hallway that ended with a door.

As soon as Mrs. Kim opened the door, they were greeted by two boys shouting and jumping on the bed. "Boys!" Mrs. Park called out, but the boys didn't seem to hear. Sighing, Mrs. Park turned to the babysitter and said, "Well, good luck. Their curfew is at eight. We'll be back before nine." And with that, she and Mrs. Kim got out of the room, closing the door and leaving the babysitter inside.

"Uhh," she said. "Hello?"

The boys finally stopped jumping, turning to her in unison. "Who are you?" Taehyung asked, tilting his head to the side adorably that the babysitter couldn't help but smile.

"I'm your new babysitter," she said. "What's your name, kid?"

Taehyung grinned widely and pointed to himself like he just won a gold medal. "I'm Kim Taehyung Kim! And this is my best friend, Park Jiminie." He pointed to the other boy who was sitting quietly on the bed, looking at the babysitter with curious eyes.

"Yah! Noona," Taehyung said, "do you wanna play with us?"

The babysittr smiled. "Sure. What are we gonna play?"

Jimin suddenly raise his hand and yelled, "Hide and sheek!" The babysitter noticed that Jimin was missing one of his front teeth, turning his letter s into sh. 

She thought about how lucky she was that the kids she was supposed to take care of were cute little angels. She expected the boys to be stubborn brats, but they were far from that.

Jimin took her hand and lead her towards the wall, turning her around to face it. "Don't peek, okay, noona?" he said. The babysitter nodded, closed her eyes, and started to count down very slowly from 10.

The boys ran out of the room, and while Jimin was busy looking for the perfect hiding place, Taehyung spotted a bag of flour on the table. He had a great idea.

"Jiminie," he whispered.

"What ish it, Tae?" Jimin asked, annoyed that his search was being disturbed.

"Come, come," Taehyung said, still keeping his voice low. "Hurry." He waved his hand to call Jimin over, and eventually, the other kid walked towards him with a pout on his face. Taehyung pointed at the bag of flour and whispered, "Help me open it up."

Jimin was confused, but helped Taehyung anyway. Together, they carried the bag of flour with their little hands and Taehyung used his teeth to tear the plastic open. He then poured the contents of the bag onto the floor, grinning proudly at his great idea.

"Go get a banana from the fruit basket," Taehyung ordered. Jimin rolled his eyes before reaching up for the fruit basket on the table. He handed the banana to Taehyung, who immediately peeled it open and ate.

"We're supposed to be hiding, Tae," Jimin reminded the boy who was eating a banana as he sat on the floor covered with flour.
When Taehyung finished eating, he placed the banana peel on the floor, just as they heard the babysitter call out, "Ready or not, here I come!"
"Hide, hide, hide!" Taehyung told Jimin, ushering him towards the back of the counter. The babysitter came out of the room and took the wrong step forward, her foot slipping on the banana peel. She fell down hard on her , right on the mountain of flour, sending puffs of flour everywhere. Taehyung started laughing, then Jimin laughed too, unable to stop himself.
The babysitter glared at them. At that moment, she changed her mind about them being angels. "This is so not cool!" she yelled. She stood up and tried to dust off the flour on her pants, but it was everywhere—on her shirt, her hair, her face. "I'm telling your parents!"
Taehyung and Jimin stopped laughing. Then Taehyung blurted out, "It was Jimin's idea!"
Jimin looked at Taehyung with wide eyes. "What? It wash yoursh! I jusht helped you out! It washn't me, noona!" He looked at the babysitter with pleading eyes, putting on his best aegyo, but it didn't work. The babysitter stomped towards the bathroom and slammed the door shut. The two boys were left in the kitchen.
"You're mean, Taehyung-ah!" Jimin said, frowning at his best friend.
Taehyung only grinned at him and said, "But it was funny, right?"
"I guesh." Jimin shrugged. Suddenly, a handful of flour came flying towards him, hitting him right on the face. "Hey!" Jimin yelled as Taehyung was getting ready to throw another handful. He grabbed some of his own and flung it to Taehyung, exactly the same time his and Taehyung's parents came in.
"Park Jimin!" Mrs. Park yelled. "What is this?"
The two boys froze, and the babysitter came out of the bathroom. "Oh!" she said. "Mrs. Park, Mrs. Kim, I thought you were going to work?"
Mrs. Kim was taking in the mess the boys made, massaging her temples as she said, "It got canceled. What happened here?"
"It was Jimin's idea!" Taehyung piped up again, then ran for his life.
"Kim Taehyung!!!!" Jimin yelled, running after Taehyung.
The babysitter walked up to the two moms and said, "Sorry, but I quit." Then she left the Kims' house.
Mrs. Kim shook her head. "Seriously, what are we going to do with these boys?"
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Chapter 1: so cute vmin
meemow123 #2
Chapter 1: AWWWWWWW!!!!!! *squeals* 5 yr old Tae and Jimin is so CUTE damnit! *spazzing* meanie Taetae xD lol poor Jiminie. His lisp you put in there is just adorable ... Lol xD
Chapter 1: This was so cute! Imaginning these 2 as five-year-olds makes me really squeal! Poor Jiminnie, though.
so cute tae and jimin :)
bubble-tae-and-jams #5
Chapter 1: This was the cutest thing ever! I squealed and smiled like a dork through the whole thing! ;//v//; But, poor Jiminie, Tae you're so mean~ And that poor babysitter xD
niggajongin_wife #6
Chapter 1: ahaha so cute >///< poor jiminie tho XD