Chapter 1

A Brand New Life....

                                                                                          Winter: December 15th, 

     "Eat up! JaeKyung!" The head leader, Lee Shin, of the orphange center told me. I was staring at my food, "Dad's comming back, he loves, me he will never abonded me. He just went on a trip and had to trop me off." I kept murmurming to myself. "Eat up! You know how precious food is!" Lee Shin yelled. I was angry, dont she know how to shut ? I grabbed my chopsticks threw them across the rooom, and I harshly swipped my food off the table. "Ms. In!... I can't stand you anymore! Clean this up and get out of my sight!" Lee Shin scolded me. I looked at her, her eyes were as if she wanted to choke me to death. "I ran out of the kitchen, and head for the gates. I climeb the gates, with my own and and feets, everyone followed me. I was on top on the gates, when Lee Shin said. "Da Hee, go get me the keys." Thats when I stop. "JaeKyung, you wanna get out? Well the door is right here." Lee Shin has opened the door for me. At first i thought it was a trick but when everyone wen inside i firgured it out, no one likes me. I climbed down and looked back. "No body's gonna stop me?" I quietly whisper to myself. "Ya! New kid! What do you think your doing?" I turn around, saw a girl with short black hair, looked around my age, and plain brown eyes. I turn back around hand walked to the exit. "If you leave who's gonna take care of you? You were abandonned like most of us here." I stopped my left feet from stepping and I froze. I guess she is right. If I leave now I cant do anything, espicailly when my dad and m mother had moved from there old house o a new house. "Jaekhyung In! Come back and you wouldn't have to be lonely. ANd we will take care of you." I turn back and ran. What was I thinking? If I had left who wouldve token are of me? Where would I get food? Where could I stay? Would it be safe in the city for a 12 year old? All of that was running through my mind. I ran and went to the kitchen. I was starving, my stomache growled in hunger. I slammed the kitchen door opened and I searched around for food. No where, nothing was left for me. I guess the motto "First come, first serve" can happen anywhere. I help my tummy tight, and i fell to the floor i has starved for almost 2 days. "Here have my food. I was saving it for later but you can have it." The girl said. "My name is Yeon Hee, my parents gave me up to my aunt. And my aunt took me to a fortune teller. the fortune teller told me that I would be successful In America, and I'm really happy becuase i learned a little english, and these white people are coming to choose who to adopt tomorrow." I thought of a plan. Maybe if I could give a good impression, The American's will take me and I will be back in America. "Dont take this the wrong way but, the fortune teller also told me that I would make a best friend name JaeKyung In." I stood up and stared at her. "you believe that crap?" I said staring her down with my evil stare. "Yes I believe that crap. And you better shut your mouth... JaeKyunh u were no different believeing your dad and he never came for you." Yeon Hee said. She crossed her arms and walked away. 


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