
Bad Boy (Longer Version)

Mark's POV:

When the lunch bell rings, I pack my bag and went out of the class and see Jinyoung and Jaebum standing there waiting for me. Walking over to them, I greet them cheerfully despite having a ty day. 
 "Hey guys."
"Hey Mark." Jinyoung reply me with the same cheerfulness.
"Hey." Jaebum says.
Determine to get my best friend back, I stand between them and link my hand together with them. I look at Jaebum and say in my cute voice while doing aegyo "Forgive me. Please?"
Jaebum sigh and says "You win but make sure to fix things with Jackson. You can't hate him forever you know. The ring on your finger is prove of that."
As if I would ever want to love that jerk. Thanks but no thanks Jaebum. Maybe I would to accept him when he stops being an and a rude jerk. But for the sake of keeping my friendship with Jaebum I agree solemnly. Things I do for you.
We walk towards the cafeteria while me and Jinyoung talks about our day. It seems he and Jaebum heard about the incident in my classroom but choose not to comment on it which I am more than grateful for. Jaebum on the other hand is busy texting someone with one hand while the other is still link with me. I try to peek but then he would glare at me and I would roll my eyes.
Sitiing down at and empty round table, we take out our lunch courtesy of our parents. Salivating at the thought of my mum's homemade chicken and cheese grill sandwich, I was ready to devour it when a tray plop right beside me. Frowning I look up and drop my sandwich and grab my bag and was silently crying on the inside to abandon my mum's sandwich but this is for the greater good. I was about to run when Jinyoung grab me by the back pack and force me to sit back down and glare at me with such ferocity that could only be seen when my mum is that mad saying with his eyes that if I want to see the daylight tomorrow I better sit my sorry down. Scary. Remind to never piss Jinyoung off. I could see Jaebum snickering in the back. Stupid asshat.
I put my bag down and grab my sandwich and started to eat while glaring daggers at Jackson and Jaebum. Suddenly I feel a pressure on my waist and I look down to see Jackson's waist pulling me closer to him. I look at him menacingly and he just chuckle. Before I could even reply, a girl approach Jackson and wrap her arms around his neck and peck him on the cheek.
Oho, if people could explode by anger then I wish I could now. I turn to Jackson and see he is smiling. He stands up and peck her cheek back and says "Hey Steph."
"Hey bae." She replies. So this must be Stephanie. She then turns to Jaebum and Jinyoung and waves at them "Hey Jin and Jae."
They wave back at her and I was past the boiling meter. They know Jackson' girlfriend and they still want me to talk to him. Are they crazy? Sure the girl is pretty, with long black straight hair, long kegs, flawless skin and an eye smile to die for but still.
"Oh my god Jackson is that a ring on your finger. Wow let me see!" She squeal  excitedly. He grab his hand and observe the silver ring closer. "Wow! Its really pretty. Congrats bae."
He looks at me and smile with eye full of love. I scoff and turn to pick my bag up when Stephanie girl here asks me "Oh who are you? I see bae here made a new friend." I hide my hand which has the ring and turns to her and smile and reply "Oh I'm no one. Just a random person. I need to go. I don't feel well and I want to go home. Tell the teacher for me Jaebum. It was nice meeting you Stephanie." 
"Are you alright Mark?" Jaebum asks. 
" Yeah. I just need to rest. Bye Jae." I say and wave.
Walking down the hallway, I can't help the teary eyes that follow along my curses of hatred towards Jackson. Idiot. Jerk.
Without realizing I reach the front of my home. I unlock the door and heads upstairs noting that my parents are not home. I open the door to my room and went inside and close the door. I slid down the door and let the tears fall. I weep my heart out of the grief, pain and anger.
If this is what love feels like then I don't want it anymore. To not be hurt or to love, I never know why I ever choose love. Once is enough. With that thought in my mind, I fall asleep in front of my door. 
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Joangel7 #1
Chapter 9: Can you please update
HuangShahida #2
Chapter 9: Fluff please!! Haha
Shinee1997 #3
Chapter 9: Thanks for the update ^^ and I think u should stick with fluff but with a lilttle drama just like now on how the story is ^^ glad ur back ^^
secret_silenterz #4
Chapter 8: I already fall in love with your story and it almost two years now.. Can you update please.... please.... :')
Chapter 8: oh dear, you haven't updated this for ages,, but the feels! ♥
Hope you'd update this someday~~~~~
Shinee1997 #6
Chapter 8: Update soon plz^^
pinkissmonsta #7
aaaaahhhhh I thought you wouldn't make the longer versionnnnn
jenn84869 #8
Chapter 8: Come on.. please update soon... i wanna to know the continue of this story. And i love your story ^^♡♡
Shinee1997 #9
Chapter 8: Please update soon ^^
Chapter 8: What happens next?!!! >O<
Poor Jackson... Please update soon
It's Awesome!! <3