Chapter 1

The Odds Are Never in Our Favor

My body seemed to know what today was. My last reaping. After today, every possibility of me going to the Hunger Games would be gone with the night. My name would be 7 times on that glass ball. That, against the other hundreds of boys and girls, some of which had their names more times because they exchanged that for tesserae to get more food, there was little to none possibility of me being chosen.

I woke up and took a bath, then wore my best and only dress. My father and I were considerably economically more stable than most people from our district, but we would not be considered rich or even middle-class. We had some trees in our backyard that would give us different kinds of fruits and my father also has some vegetable plantings, he sells all of these in both the square town and the black market –in which he usually makes the most money.

We live in a normal size house, which feels a little too big just for the two of us, but it used to be different when mom and Angel where around.

I made my hair in a pretty pony-tail, which was weird because I usually wear it down my back but today we were supposed to dress formally.

“Good morning” said my father who was making breakfast.

“Wow, where did you get that?” I asked when I noticed the two grilled cheese sandwiches that were on the table.

“Yeah, it’s nice to see you too, Hara” he said sarcastically. “They were a gift. Consider it a celebration for your last reaping.”

He winked and I could only smile. We both shared the same idea about me being chosen so of course today would feel like a relief. After we ate we left the house and walked towards the main square where the reaping would be taking place.

We didn’t say much. We both used to be so affectionate with the people around us, but that changed after Angel’s death. It was like he had taken the life from us with him. When we got to where the other girls were waiting for the reaping to start, he hugged me and smiled. I returned the smile and took a sharp breath when he left.

I was standing with the other 18 year old girls, all of them seemed to be happy that today was their last reaping. I wondered if any of them would get chosen. Or would it be one of the youngest, like last year?

While thinking about this, I spotted a blond head in the boys’ section, which could only belong to Kim Taehyung. There weren’t many blonde people in the district, but the ones that lived here were mostly rich people that came as part of a mission from the Capitol or from District 2.

Taehyung was the son of the Head Peacekeeper. His grandparents came from District 2 many years ago, that’s why he has natural blonde hair. Even though he probably was the richest kid in the district, he had to participate in the reaping and go to school with the rest of the kids.

I’ve always had a crush on him, but that never became something bigger because we never talked. We were in the same class since elementary but he was a very quiet guy. I don’t think I had ever seen him talking with someone else beside his best friend, Hoseok, and the only times I had heard his voice were in class when he had to answer a question or speak in front of the class.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the music started playing and the of my district, Chaerin, stood in front of the microphone between the two big glass bowls.

“Good morning, ladies and gentleman and welcome to the annual reaping to select the tributes for the Hunger Games. Before we start, we will hear a few words from the last victor from District 12” she said with her weird Capitol accent.

Namjoon was the last victor of the games from district 12, and the only one still alive. He won 5 years ago, when he was only 15. I don’t remember much about those games because they were broadcasted when dad and I were still mourning Angel, but I know that Namjoon won the games by setting traps for the other tributes so they would be eaten by animals.

He stood in front of the microphone, which seemed to be so short compared to his height, and cleared his throat. I didn’t know him very well because I had never had a conversation with him but I knew he wasn’t someone who spoke a lot.

“I hope whatever happens today, will be for the best” he said and then stepped back to let Chaerin talk. It was somewhat unusual for him to say that. I would’ve expect it from someone from the Capitol but not someone from our district.

“Let’s start, then!” said Chaerin “Ladies first.”

She walked towards the big glass ball that contained the names of all girls aged 12 to 18 from our district. In that ball, my name was written 7 times. She put her hand into the glass ball until she grabbed a folded paper from the bottom. She walked towards the microphone and unfolded the paper.

“The female tribute from District 12 for this year’s Hunger Games is Jung Hara.

I could feel my blood leaving my face as my heart stopped beating for a moment that seemed to last an eternity. I got lightheaded and I felt as if it was a dream. A nightmare.

This couldn’t be happening, right? 7 times. My name was just written 7 times in that bowl that contained hundreds of thousands of other names. But the thing I was concerned about was not myself. Dad.

I wasn’t moving towards the stage so a couple of peacekeepers were making their way towards me and grabbed both my arms to drag me. I tried desperately to find my father with my eyes but I couldn’t see him.

“Now to the boys” said Chaerin as I stood right beside her, facing the people. I still couldn’t find dad.

I was looking for him in the midst of all the grownups but I couldn’t find him. In that moment, I wished he had a more outstanding hair color. I needed to see him, to talk to him. After Angel died, he was the only reason that kept me alive, breathing.

“The male tribute from District 12 for this year’s Hunger games is Kim Taehyung.”

Speaking of outstanding hair colors.

I froze and I could feel the growing tension from everyone around me and the people in front of me. The boys were all looking at him, but the rest of the people were all looking at Mr. Kim, including me.

He had a blank expression, as if not wanting anyone to know how he felt. I thought I saw him clenching his jaw but I had to look away to see the blond haired guy standing next to me.

His eyes were penetrating and seemed to look into the deepest corners of my soul. I immediately looked straight, trying to find my father again after all the commotion. I still could feel Taehyung’s eyes on me but I could care less about it. I needed to see my father.

I wasn’t paying attention to what Chaerin was saying but I think she was saying the ending speech because we were now being taken inside the Hail of Justice. We were being guided through the hallway by some peacekeepers and also had a few of them behind us. One of them opened two doors that led to a room that looked like a very expensive living room.

“You two,” said one of the peacekeepers. “Wait here. Your families will be here soon, there’s another room over there.”

Then they left and we could hear how they locked the door. I looked at Taehyung who was looking towards the other room.

“You can use that when your family comes here if you want to” I said but I couldn’t recognize my own voice. It sounded like I had been days and days without drinking anything. He looked at me as soon as I spoke but didn’t say anything, instead he just stood there, staring at me.

I started to feel uncomfortable so I looked away and sat in one of the couches. After a few minutes we heard the door being unlocked and we both turned to look as his parents entered the room. I stood up and left for the other room but before I closed the door I could see Mrs. Kim sobbing hardly as she hugged him and Mr. Kim with a blank expression on his face.

After a few minutes, my father entered the room and closed the door again. I ran to him and hugged him as he embraced me back. I was sobbing on his chaste and I could feel his tears falling into my hair.

“You’re going to win,” he said after we let go “You’re been through so much in life, you’re not letting this thing kill you.”

I felt as if he was trying to convince himself so I just nodded. I was still sobbing inconsolably and he took my face in his hand.

“You are good with knives. Make sure to get one,” he said.

“But I don’t want to kill anybody,” I cried.

“You don’t have to, unless you have to defend yourself. Hide as much as you can, but, Hara… Promise me if you find yourself in a life-threatening  situation you’re going to protect yourself and do whatever you need to do to come back home.”

I could see his eyes tearing up again and I found myself nodding again. I couldn’t leave dad alone. If I didn’t come back, what would happen to him? We had already lost mom and Angel, he didn’t deserve to be alone.

After a few more hugs and encouraging words a peacekeeper came into the room to tell him that the time was over. I sobbed harder when I had to let him go but I’m sure he was the one suffering the most.

I stayed in the room, not knowing what to do next. Suddenly, Mr. Kim came into the room holding a bag full of chocolates.

“Hello, Miss Jung,” he whispered. He must have seen my stunned face before he spoke again “I just wanted to give you this and wish you good luck.”

Was he playing with me? How could he? Whatever his plan was, it wouldn’t work. He knew only one of us could walk out of that arena alive and it could be his son or me, or neither of us. But there he was, offering me a bag full of my favorite candy which I had only eaten twice in my life. Was he trying to bribe me?

“I hope you don’t misunderstand my actions,” he said, as if he was reading my mind “My intentions are good. I will leave this, you decide if you want to take it or not.”

With that, he left the room, leaving me dumbfounded. Another emotion added to the list of things I’ve felt during the past hour.


A.N. Thanks to everyone who subscribed !! If would be awesome if you could give me some feedback and tell me what you think!! Next chapter will be more interaction with Taehyung and some of the other tributes will make appearances so expect it!! 

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FallenDemon #1
Chapter 1: How come I can imagine tao fishing??!? XD update soon!!