
Working For A Mafia (Hiatus)

No! No! No!!! This can't be true... My... My brother is... He was... No... No, it was impossible. Ho-How can this happen. "Op-Oppa... Oppa! Jebal! Please, don't leave me! Jebal! Jebal..."

No matter how many times I told myself that this all was only a dream, I still can't change what had happen. My one and only brother have been involved in an accident. He was being crash by a car. And right now, I was crying like a little kid in front of my brother while they try to help him.

I follow the ambulance to the hospital. I just stand there in front of the emergency room and cry like a crazy woman. "Excuse me? What is your relation with the patient?" One of the nurse that went out from the ward asks me. I wipe my tear away before turning around to face her. "He-He was my brother..." I manage to answer. "Ah, hurry. We need you to fill and sign some paper." She said and I just nod my head and follow her. 

She gave me some papers and I just fill it up. The paper was about my brother profile. Identity card number, telephone number, address and sorts. I still can't stop crying until now. The pain in my heart was too deep. "You are underage. Where is your parents or your guardian?" I sighs and told her about our condition. "If that so, then you need to sign this paper. Because in this situation... You are his guardian. Am I right?"The nurse asks and winks at me. Trying to cheer me up. Eventhough I am broken right now, I still manage to form a little smile because I don't want to make the nurse dissappointed.

"I am sorry to tell you this but, you need to pay for your brother operation as soon as possible. We can only give you a week to find the money. If you can't find the money, we can't take care of your brother anymore. And we need to ask you to find another hospital." The nurse explains.

After I had finished following the hospital procedure such as filling up some paper and sort, I went back to the emergency room. my tear still didn't dry until now. Until now, there's still some hot tears that will slip from my eyes. 

When I said I want something un-ordinary to happen, I didn't mean this. I didn't mean I want to see my brother like this. I didn't mean I want to see my brother being involved in an accident like this. 

No. I can't stay like this. I can't just keep crying like this and does nothing. I need to be strong and find the money for my brother. I can't keep being a crybaby. I need to be strong and act like a grown up girl. I can't keep acting like a child at this moment. Right now, my brother was my first priority. 

I went home at 2 in the morning after I told the nurse to always informs me about my brother condition. I told her to inform me when the operation had finish or if my brother was awake or if anything happen to my brother.

I wake up in the morning at 4 in the morning. I only slept for 2 hours. Some of you might think that 2 hours was not enough but to me, that 2 hours was more than enough.I sighs before I went to the bathroom. 

I take my bath and wear my clothes. I tie my hair and went to deliver the milk. This was my brother job but since he can't do it for the moment, I am going to do it for him instead. I put the milk in front of the door house and ring the bell then, I went to the other house. Suddenly, my phone rang. I look at the caller ID and it state 'Miss Kang'. I take a deep breath before answering the call. "He-Hello?" "Eunji, I want to tell you that the operations have comes to an end and your brother have pass the critical moments. But we still can't be sure about it."Which room?" "Room 306." "Thanks and please tell me if there's anything happen." "Welcome and don't worry about your brother, too much. We'll take good care of him.

I finish the work around 5:30 am and went back to my home. I did my usual house cores and take a bath. I wear my school uniform and went to my school. On the way to the school, I went to buy bread and milk to fill my tummy. 

"Eunji~" Hyesun said and grin like an idiot. "What?" I asks. "Smile for me." "What?" "Smile. For. Me. You seem down today. You didn't look as cheerful as you always be. What happened?" She asks worriedly. I sigh. "Nothing. It's just that I'm a little tired. That's all. Don't worry about me. I am 100% fine." I said and manage to smile. I know that she won't buy my act but, at least she will stop asking me questions for the moment. "Come on! We're late already." I drag her to our next class. Calculus. 

I was scribbling down some notes when my phone suddenly vibrating. I look at the caller ID and it state 'Miss Kang'. I take a deep braeth and answer the phone. "Hello?" "Owh, sorry if I interrupting you. I just want to tell you that your brother was in a good condition right now. So, you don't have to worry about your brother, okay?" "Yeah, thanks for informing me." "You're welcome" I smile after hearing that my brother was okay right now. At least I know that he was okay.

"Miss Kim. Wit whom are you talking to earlier? Did I tell you that you can use your phone when you're in my class? You better give me a good reason or I'll send you to the detention class." Mrs. Choi said sternly. I quickly stand up and bow to her. "I am very, very sorry, seonsaengnim. I didn't mean to be rude but, I really, really need to pick up the call earlier. It was from the hospital."

"It's okay then. You may proceed your works." I bow again before I sit on my chair. I can clearly see Hyesu shot me a You-Better-Tell-me look. But, I just act as if I didn't saw her message. I'll just deal with her later. For the time being, I could care less about dealing her. My brother is more important.

After the class had ended, I went to the principal office as quckly as I can. I tried to avoid meeting with Hyesu because knowing her, she will definitely asks me plenty of questions. I manage to went to the principal office safely. I knocks the door. "Excuse me principal Do, can I talk with you for a moment." I wait for an answer. "Sure. Come in." I went into the room before bowing to the principal. "I am truly sorry but, can I skip the school for a few days?" I asks making him to look to my direction. He immediately shows his warming smile.

"Owh... It's you, Miss Kim. I've heard about your brother. Well, I'll give you permissions to skips the school for a week but make sure to come after a week, okay?" He said and wink playfully at me. I smiles and bow to him repeatedly. "Thank you so much principal Do. Thank you very, very much." I bow to him for the last time and went out from the room.

I went straight to my house and pack some of my brother belongings for him. I went to take a bath and went straight to the hospital with a smile plastered on my face. I can't wait to see my brother. I don't care if my brother can see me or not, as long as I can see him, I am happy enough.

I went into his room and put down his belongings before went to him and kiss his cheeks. "Hey oppa~ How is your day? My day was just the same as before."

I put his belongings on the chair and kiss his cheek. "I am sorry that I can't stay longer. I need to go to work and about your belongings, I'll deal with it after I had finished my works, okay?" I smile cheerfully and went out from the room. I tried to hold back the tears from falling down and went to my workplace as quickly as I can.

I went to my home to take a bath first before going back to the hospital. When I was about to went out from my house Miss Kang call me. As usual, I take a deep breath and answer the call. "Hello?" "Eunji, did you asks your brother's friend to help you changing your brother's room?" "No. Why?" "There is this one guy coming with a few other guy saying that he was your brother's friend." "It's okay. I'm on my way, right now. Which room?" "The first class suite. Room number 2" "Okay, I got it. Thanks."

I went to the hospital as quickly as I can and went straight to my brother's 'new room'. I take a deep breath before opening the door. As I went into the room, I saw a guy sitting on a chair near my brother. I went near him and I watch what did he do. And the thing that he did was only looking at my brother silently. There is only one question that is in lingering in my mind at the moment. "Who are you?"




A/N: Hey guys~ So, who is him?  I know that you can already guess it, right?

Owh... And to my old readers, as you can see... I actually cut the part where she was getting scold by her heartless teacher. Sowwy guys~

So, please comment about what did you think. Tell me your opinion about this story, okay? XD

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