

If Joy didn't think about playing this stupid game, I won't hide myself in this closet

If Joy didn't say the game would be fun then I won't have to hide myself in this closet, with this ert

If Joy didn't say if I won the game, she would buy me strawberry ice cream, then I won't be in this closet, with this ert that named, Wendy.

I smack her hand for the fifth time, "Oh my ing gosh Wendy, keep your hand on my shoulder!"

"Ouchhhh Irene, stop it!" She put her hand back to my shoulder

I say with an unhappy voice, "You are the one who should stop touching me"

Inside the closet is really dark, I can't see anything. Me and Wendy facing each other, I keep the space between us as far as possible, the closet is kinda small, there is no space to put our hands so we decided to put it on each other's shoulder, but I think I made the wrong choice, she keeps touching me.

She didn't answer, and I feel her hand moving again. She put her hand on my and slowly squeezes it, ughh, another wrong choice, letting her hide herself in this closet with me.

When I'm about to yell at her, I can feel her breathe is so close to me. I feel her soft lips lay on my lips. She kissed me!

What am I gonna do? Respond to her kiss? No way, she's my member, what the heck is she doing? And what am I doing, why didn't I stop her yet?

At the moment I was about to push her away, she's already not in closet anymore.

I touch my lips with my fingers, I still can feel her soft lips on mine, it's so soft.

I lost the game, Joy found me because I was stand like a statue in the closet, and that ert didn't even close the closet's door when she leaves.


2 days after the kiss.

I can't face Wendy properly.

First, she kissed me, it wasn't my first kiss, of course, I'm 24, it can't be my first kiss, but it was my first kiss with a girl, a girl who is younger than me, a girl who is my member, I've never imagine this day would come to my life any time soon.

Second, I think I have some weird feelings for her...I had kissed my ex boyfriends before but the feels are not right at all, it's like I did it right but it feels so wrong, and when Wendy kisses me, I feel like I want it more, if I could, I would try to taste her lips with my tongue, it must be pretty sweet.

That's why I can't face her, and she ignored me.


What the heck, she has the nerves to ignore me when she is the one who kissed me, I didn't even ask for that, and now the feelings of wanting more are always stuck in my head, whose fault is that, my fault? Of ing course it's not my fault, it's that hamster's fault, for kissing me, for giving me the feeling I have never feel with anyone before, for not letting me respond to the kiss, for not talking to me for 2 days, for keep hanging out with Seul Gi in the past 2 days!

Ughhh, I don't get what she’s trying to do...I know the two 94 line kids are close to each other, but what does it mean when they whispered and Seul Gi looks at me like there's something really interesting about me.


3 days after the kiss

Seul Gi and Joy went out for their photoshoot, me and Wendy don't have any schedule, I'm lying on the couch, watching the TV, Wendy is in the kitchen, making some type of healthy drink or something like that, I don't even know.

I hear she talks with someone on the phone, her voice sounds pretty happy, the last line she says is, "Yep, knock or call me, which ever you prefer"

Eh? Someone's coming over?

15 minutes later, someone knocks on the door.

Wendy walks out of the kitchen to open the door, it's Krystal.

Krystal waves her hand at me, I smile and wave back, she follows Wendy into the kitchen

Wendy's in the kitchen with a girl, just two of them, Wendy might kissing that girl right now, just like what she did to me 3 days ago...I don't know why I think of something like that, but, I know, I'm not feeling okay, I don't like it when she's alone with a girl.

This is not okay.

I walk into the kitchen, my heart racing fast, hoping they're really kissing like I thought and phew~ they're not. They're talking about something in English, something about 'love' 'kiss' and 'together'. I need to ask Wendy to help me improve my English when we worked everything out.

I stand in front of the sink, wash my hands, and try to understand what they're talking about, I can't understand most of them, but I understood 2 words from Krystal, 'Tell her'

Who is her? And tell what to her? I'm a curious person. I know.


I look at Wendy, she's looking at me, I quickly turn away, and walk out of the place, we live under same roof, this problem will be work out pretty soon, but still, it's not that easy to face someone you have some weird feelings for.

When Krystal about to leave, they hugged each other, something inside me wants to pull them apart, but I controlled it, it’s Krystal, not some random girl, I can’t hurt her.  


5 days after the kiss

I and Wendy are home alone again

I’m in my room; she’s in the living room.

I walk out, she’s sleeping on the couch, her body just fit in more than half of the big couch, this girl is so small and…cute.

I take the blanket and cover her body, and then I decided something I don’t think it’s so right but I did it anyways.

I joined her.

I move my body close to Wendy’s, and cover our bodies with the blanket, I bury my face in her neck. She has a very special scent, I like it.


Someone’s hugging me.

Ah, I slept with Wendy on the couch, it must be Wendy.

Oh my gosh, Wendy…that means she found out I joined her on the couch.

Ughh, this is embarrassing.

“Hey,” Wendy says.

The heck, not that fast, did she find out I woke up, okay, let’s pretend like I’m asleep.

“Irene,” Wendy says again.

She hugs me closer; her hand is now touching my back, such a ert.

“Don’t pretend like you’re asleep, I know you’re not”

Ashhh, this girl knows everything.

“How do you know?” I answered

I could hear her giggles, “Your body is so close to mine, I can feel it all, how do I not know.”

“Ah, you’re so mean, can you pretend like you don’t know anything and stop embarrassing me?”

She laughed out loud, “Hahaha sorry, I didn’t know that would embarrassing you,” She stop a bit, “but do you want to know what’s really embarrassing you?”

More? What the heck, what did I do?


“I know it because, you stopped kissing my neck”

“No way, I didn’t do it!” I defend myself.

“Take a look at my neck”

I move my face away from her neck, there is a mark on her neck …I actually did it.

I hide my face in her neck, there’s no way I will face her after on her neck while she’s sleeping

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to do it…” I said.

She didn’t say anything.

We just lay there for about 10 minutes then she started.

“Irene ah,” She says with a soft voice


“Are you still mad at me?”

I’m not, I miss her.

“No, I miss you.”

I didn’t look at her, but I know she’s smiling right now.

“Do you know why I kissed you?”

I didn’t answer; I don’t know…maybe because she likes me? What if she’s not?

“I love you.”

It feels so right. I could feel my heart racing, almost jumping out of my chest.

“Wendy ah, we’re girls.”

“That’s not the point Irene ah, the point is…” She stopped.

I’m curious, “is what?”

“Do you love me?” Wendy asked.

I really want to slap her, is she really think I would let someone I don’t like put her hand into my shirt and touch my back?

“Babo” I said.

“Do you love me?” Wendy says again with a disappointed voice, it sounds pretty sad.

I move my body higher so I can face her; she’s pouting, so adorable.

I look into her eyes, and whisper, “I do.”

She smiled.

I move my lips close to hers, we kissed.

That’s sweetest kiss I’ve ever had.

I bury my face in her neck again.

She hugs me. 

She kisses my forehead and whispers some words to me, “I know we’re girls, and it would be hard, but don’t worry, because together, we’ll get through it.” 

11/15 - Happy WenRene Day ~ 

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Favebolous 12 streak #1
Chapter 1: Like it
fluffmon06 #2
Cheesy. I like :)
Such a great story !