Chapter 16

Flight of the Phoenix

sorry for typos in the previous chapters, this one, and future chapters.


Celestia's POV:


    I got up from the couch to start looking for them. I had apparently blocked V from doing anything by laying in front of him in my sleep. I got up to walk around and look for the others to find them in various places in my house. I ran into Rap Mon first and we both started to hunt down the others. V wasn't kidding when he said that they were scattered. Two were outside fooling with the hose. When we drew closer I saw that it was JungKook and J-hope. Suga and Jin were in the kitchen while Jimin was in the basement.  We all hung out for the rest of the day and after a while they left to go back to their house.


    For those last five months V and I were preparing for the delivery of the twins. Everyone in the village heard it from someone and we got all kinds of stuff for them. Both boys and girls clothes. We got a room set up for them and we decided to have the wall color as a dark blue color considering it was a nice color for whatever gender they turned out to be. The last few months, V made sure that I didn't do anything stressful. He did most of the work those last few months. On Wednesday of the week that I was expecting them I was in the kitchen getting a glass down for a drink of water when I felt a sharp pain. I dropped the glass and grabbed onto the counter. V came rushing in and started asking questions but I couldn't focus except for the pain. I was directed into the living room and onto the the couch to lay down. That was when I grasped the situation. The twins were coming. Somehow through all the chaos I think V grasped the situation around the same time I did and called my brother to tell him the situation that we are in. My brother had obviously gotten to the midwife after that and bought her here.


    I was in pain for who knows how long and I might've broken V's hand at one point. I wasn't really sure because I was only focusing on listening on the midwife. V was beside me with his forehead against mine and offering me comfort. I didn't know how long I was there but I knew when it was over. I just laid there breathing hard and waiting for anything. Then she said something that I didn't really pick up. V repeated for me.


    "A boy and a girl. It's a good thing that we have both types of clothing," he said.


    I just smiled because I couldn't believe that it was both genders. We had already decided on the names for both. We waited until they both left because they apparently thought we needed to think about a few things. We had decided to name the girl May and the boy Ian. I was helped up from the couch and led into the twins room. I think that we picked the right color because it was a color fit for both a boy and girl. We got everything situated for them and set them in the crib.


    The next few months was us just getting use to parenthood. It was difficult for him at first considering he has never been around children. I always helped my brother with Mina and Joey but never really had this kind of experience. It was nice just doing this. I have found myself panicking as to where Iran had went until I discover him and V together asleep. I will always keep these moments in my head forever. No matter what happens in the years to come.

sorry for the short chapter. next one is the last I think. possibly.
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