

Yugyeom waited by the window.

He waited and waited.

When would the other return?

How long had he been alone?

An hour?

A day?

A week?

A month?

He didn't know, but he was cold.

It was a kind of cold that could not be solved with blankets or heaters, for this coldness was caused by the loneliness he felt in his heart.

A single drop of water.

Then another.

The sky began to cry.

Was it crying because of him?

Did it know how lonely he was?

The dull pounding of rain on the window pane soothed him.

Closing his eyes, Yugyeom listened to the somewhat rythmic beat.

Memories crossed the planes of his mind, as if they were only a dream.

Warm hands, a sweet smile, a soothing voice, and a beating heart.

Singing, laughing, playing, cuddling, all the things they did together.

But slowly, the good memories began turning darker, and the past began to come to surface.

Shaking his head, Yugyeom opened his eyes and looked out the window once again.

A flash of lightning crossed the sky and Yugyeom's eyes widened.

Lightning means only one thing...

Seconds later, thunder boomed and crackled through the air, shaking the very ground and Yugyeom to his core.

Whimpering, Yugyeom ran from the window to the bed and ducked under the covers.

The fear of the roaring monster outside added fear to the loneliness in his heart.

Where was the person he longed for when he needed him the most?

The slamming of a door woke Yugyeom of his thought.

A familiar voice rang through the apartment, signaling he was home.

Quickly, Yugyeom scrambled out of the room to run into the other's embrace.

Chuckling, Jaebum hugged the younger boy and his hair.

"Were you scared of the thunder?"

Yugyeom nodded and lay his head on Jaebum's shoulder, whimpering sounds escaping his lips.

Bringing them over to the couch, the elder sat down, pulling the younger to straddle his lap.

Yugyeom rested his arms on Jaebum's shoulders and sat in his lap, looking into the other's eyes.

Jaebum smiled and softly pressed a chaste kiss to Yugyeom's pink lips.

"Did you try to say anything today?"

Yugyeom shook his head and hugged the other.

He didn't want to say anything.

Jaebum sighed and slightly pushed on Yugyeom's shoulders, waiting until the boy finally released his grip before holding him an arm's length away.

"Can you try? Just for me?"

Jutting out him bottom lip, Yugyeom made a pouty face before reluctantly nodding.

"Just try, that's all I'm asking."

Opening his mouth, Yugyeom tried to get his voice to say something.

After a few minutes of nothing but choking noises, tears sprang from his eyes and he rushed back to Jaebum's embrace, where the elder held him tightly as he silently cried.

"It's okay, you did fine. Maybe next time."

Hugging the other and rocking them both back and forth slightly, Jaebum began humming.

It wasn't long before Yugyeom calmed down.

They stayed like that for a couple minutes before Jaebum spoke.

"Have you taken your medicine?"

Yugyeom made a face and stuck out his tongue.

He didn't like his medicine.

It didn't taste good and it made him sleepy.

Jaebum sighed.

"You have to take it. The doctor said it will make you feel better."

Moving so that Yugyeom was now sitting on the couch, Jaebum got up and went to retrieve the prescription pills.

Yugyeom's pulse quickened as he watched the older boy leave the room.

Was he leaving him?

Moving to stand up, he was stopped by Jaebum's next words.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to the bathroom."

Yugyeom hesitantly sat back down.

The elder said he was just going to the bathroom.

He wouldn't lie, would he?

No, of course not.

He was the only one who has never lied to him.

The only one who hadn't give up on him.

"I'm back."

Yugyeom's head snapped up at the sound of the other's voice.

Jaebum smiled and sat down next to the younger, placing five pill capsules on the table and showing them to him. In his hand he held a cup of water.


Yugyeom shook his head.

He didn't want to take them.

He didn't want to go to sleep.

What if he didn't wake up next time?

Jaebum sighed and brought his hand up to affectionately rub the teen's silvery hair.

"It'll be fine. Would you like to me to cuddle you in our bed after you take them?"

Yugyeom thought a bit before hesitantly nodding.

Handing the younger the water, Jaebum slowly gave a pill to Yugyeom, waiting until he had swallowed it before handing him the next one until they were all gone.

The medicine was fast acting and it wasn't long before Yugyeom was leaning on the couch, trying to keep his eyes open.

Jaebum leaned over and pressed another kiss to the younger boy's lips.


Yugyeom lazily nodded, holding up his arms as a sign of wanting to be picked up.

Jaebum smiled before scooping up the teen and carrying them to their bedroom.

Gently, he placed the younger on the bed.

"Do you want to change into your pajamas?"

Yugyeoom shook his head, making whimpering sounds.

He just wanted to feel the warmth of Jaebum's embrace.

Jaebum got the hint, and after changing out of his work clothes, crawled into the bed next to the younger boy.

He pulled Yugyeom's favorite blanket so that it covered the both of them before holding the other in his arms.

A clock ticked somewhere in the background.

How long had they stayed like that?

Jaebum didn't know.

All he knew was that Yugyeom had finally gone to sleep, but he didn't dare let go.


He would never let go of this boy ever again.

Even though Yugyeom was in his arms at the moment, he still remembers.

He remembers all the emotions in his heart back then.






Jaebum had experienced all of these things at that time.

The one time he let the younger get too far out of his reach, Yugyeom was stolen from him and broken down from the inside.

It was his fault Yugyeom was broken.

He had let other people get their greedy and selfish hands on the boy.

They had harmed him.

They had locked him up in isolation.

They had broken him.

By the time he had gotten the other back, no one was sure Yugyeom could ever be fixed.

Police gave up.

Doctors gave up.

Friends gave up.

Everyone gave up.

But Jaebum never lost hope.

Someday, Jaebum will fix him.

He will fix what other people have broken.

Then he will get to laugh at Yugyeom's childishness again.

They will go out together and take long walks in the park without Yugyeom getting scared and crying.

He will see a smile constantly on Yugyeom's face like he used to.

He won't see fear in the other's eyes whenever he leaves the room.

And someday, he will hear it.

He will hear the younger's voice again.

His laugh.

His whining.

His shy tone.

His voice.

And then, he will get to hear-

A sudden tug on his shirt snapped Jaebum from his thoughts.

Looking down, his eyes met Yugyeom's.

He was still awake.

Staring at each other for a bit, Yugyeom finally moved to open his mouth.

Hesitantly, he tried to speak.

Once again, no sound came out, but Jaebum smiled.

He smiled because he new exactly what the other boy had tried to say.

Yugyeom wasn't able to say them with his voice, but mouthing the words were enough.

They were the words he wanted to hear most.

"I love you."




Did you guys feel anything in your hearts?


Well, anyways...

Thank you all for reading.

I have had a wonderful two years on AFF, and I hope to write more in the future.

Bye bye~



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Chapter 1: This made my heart ache. This is so beautiful and I just have 100 things running through my mind.
seitia #2
Chapter 1: Wooow this is great
HanJacks #3
Chapter 1: This. Is. Masterpiece. It's beautiful.

pls make a sequal !! but if dont wanna i dont mond. this is beautiful as it is !!!
Chapter 1: Poor Yugyeommie, this boy is seriously too good T_T
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww.. T_T
sequel PLEASE!!
Chapter 1: ohhhhhh my worddddd that was amazing
i really like your story. please write more jbxyugyeom fics!
Chapter 1: My heart hurts lol