Hidden Pain

Is it too late?
Hara's POV
"Yeah? I also want to say something to you...something important as well." but I let him talk first. I anticipated to what he wants to say....and I have to be honest I am actually excited for this...I hope he will say that he loves me
...................................................but what I heard is not what I hoped for
 Minho's POV
"Hara, I know this is not the right time for this but I hope that you can help me with this girl, her name is Sungee, she is nice and cute, and I hope that you can help me by telling what a typical girl looks for in a guy and what a girl wants" Minho said while smiling like an idiot

Hara's POV
" I am sorry but I can't help you with that since I love you" is what she intends to say but instead..she said "Sure I'll help you....anything for my bestfriend" I said but deep in said I want to yell and cry as I feel my heart being stabbed a billion times but I know I can't right now....not today but not never
Minho called my attention and asked me what I wanted to say...I told him that I forgot what is it and I'll tell him some time if I remember but deep in my heart...I know that I'll have a hard time finding for the right time to confess...since I let this moment go away out of my control..

Minho's POV
After I confessed to her that I am actually infatuated with Sungee, I felt happy with her response that she'll help me to get/ capture Sungee's heart but I saw her spacing out after....I decided to ask her what she wants to say but she said that she forgot......she smiled to me then looked away again..she's spacing out again and I asked her what is actually bothering her..

Hara's POV
He asked me what's bothering me now...I answered him...." I am trying to recall the one I want to say but I can't seem to remember it" I then smiled to him...well a fake smile actually.
After moments of silence he suddenly said that he'll help me remember...I said "Sure" but in my mind...I don't want him to help me remember..I want him to help me forget.....I saw in his eyes that he really likes Sungee also considering the fact that it's the first that he asked me to help him to capture a girl's heart. We decided to walk again and while walking he is already asking advices from me and I told him all I can remember...yeah I know I am not supposed to tell him this but it's also for his happiness...I decided to just share it to him.

Hara actually grew up without her real parents she only lived with her aunt who took care of her really well...her father left their mother when she was 1 month old and well...her mother died when she was 6 years old but in a young age..she still remember what her mother's last wishes are....for her to be good..her mother told her to always forgive, never get mad, always try to be happy despite of what she might encounter in life, and always fulfill her promises...without her mother by her side...little Hara always kept this in mind therefore never forgetting this...she also puts this into action...she also decided to be strong and only cry with her trusted ones...who is Minho...Speaking of Minho..he actually grew up with only his mother since his father died before he was born.....they practically and literally grew up together

Yeah I know that this one but anyways thank you for reading..........
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fujirevan #1
if I may translate in Indonesian?
love_layla #3
why Hara need to die? why? Minho, you're stupid! she love you so much.
@sofiamarie14 i am so sorry if the storyline is like this its just that i dont have inspiration from them and i am kind of running short of ideas...mianhe but i will try to make the storyline slow or more detailed... and i did not know i am your unnie...haha
hello new reader here .<br />
i like your story<br />
^^ and i love minra couple . Hhe<br />
what's wrong with hara ? Is she start to hate minho ?<br />
i'm waiting for this. Update soon please^^
@ hara_ya: hara is a bit hiding her true feelings which of course is hurt and anger a bit and she turned down seungri because she is afraid that she might hurt him in the end and destroy what they have now
hara_ya #7
hehhee..if i ask to choose between seungri n minho, of course its seungri..hihi..<br />
i like them both together..opppiessssss~ wat wrong with hara, did she ady change her attitude after everything thh happen..
@tiyanurfatiha: thank you and I am sorry if I cant really update like how I used to but I will try
tiyanurfatiha #9
it a good fanfic...thank you...