Osmosis and Jealousy

A Number of Ways I Love You

Prompt: Smoothtxt

Rating: Green


"You’re growling."


Minho snaps his head up and he blinks. “I’m what?”


"You. Are. Growling,” Jonghyun whispers. “We can hear it over your microphone.


Minho looks down and cups his hand over the microphone dangling from his ear. 


"I thought you got a hold of that whole "I’m going to kill him" phase when Jinki was around Joon? Or at least try not to show everyone on national television that you’re a jealous fool."


Minho sits back in his seat and dust his shoulders off. “I’m not jealous. There was something caught in my throat. There is no way I should care that Lee Joon has touched Jinki’s back twenty-two times in the last ten minutes. I mean, what, do you think he can’t walk without your hand there, Lee Joon? Are you a mutant, Lee Joon? Do you think you have some kind of healing power that only works when you’re touching Jinki’s back? Do you bypass some sort of energy waves via osmosis by leaning so close and whispering every five goddamn minutes?”


"Wow. You are insane."


"Whatever. I don’t care. I don’t even notice Lee Joon or whatever he thinks he is doing."


"Osmosis doesn’t work like that, by the way," Jonghyun says distractedly. 


Minho narrows his glare at him. “Who ing cares?! All I know is that Lee Joon’s hand does NOT belong on Jinki’s thighs. Those are MY thighs!” 


"Minho," Jonghyun sighs. "Your microphone," he reminds him. "Everybody can hear everything you are saying.”


Minho looks up and sees half the audience is looking back at him. He smiles crookedly and waves before ducking lower in his seat. 

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967 streak #1
Chapter 40: I skipped to the last one shot and it was great!
967 streak #2
Chapter 4: I remember Minho in a gown dancing to Girls Day "Something" with Changmin, Kyunhyun and Suho. He is gorgeous! I'm sure Jinki will have a hard time resisting.
Thank you so much for sharing.
967 streak #3
Chapter 3: This is hilarious. I love their "scandal". Their only "crime" is that they cannot wait to get to their bedroom. Hahaha!
967 streak #4
Chapter 2: I am just on your second one shot and I'm already swooning. On my way to the next. Thank you so much for sharing.
Bianca1211k #5
Chapter 16: This is my millionth time coming back here. Every time I remember a bit about onho I am instantly back to rereading your work. Your writing and your stories actually got me into shipping onho, I honestly detestated the ship before finding this work, now they are one of my favourite ships ever, so thank you!! chapter 16 is just so beautifuly written...just beautiful. Keep up the good work.
Chapter 14: ♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 21: Uuuuuu.. Minho, so creeeepy ^^
Chapter 22: What did Jinki do to Minho in the end?? Drugging him? :D
How old was the baby?????
Chapter 31: Thank you Minho for coming back for me..
Oh sweet!
Chapter 24: CEO Choi is falling in love with the owner of Pizaria.. :D