
this song

miss a – breathe
Boy you look so fine you’re just so damn fly/I try to be a little shy but caught me looking every time

There's something about watching Mark do his flips that Jinyoung can't really explain. Sometimes he thinks that if he even attempted to do it he would fall and break his neck or something, then Jaebum would yell at him for being stupid. He wouldn't call it graceful because he knows Mark is far from that (he once saw his hyung inhale an entire pizza with his mouth, he swears), but something about the way he jumps into the air and twists his body like so that takes Jinyoung's breath away. He briefly wonders if it feels like flying. Mark lands without and problems and Jackson's there at his side clapping him on the shoulder for a job well done.

Of course Jackson looks cool too, but, well Jinyoung is unfortunately very biased and he knows it. He just thinks Mark is cooler, and that's why his face flushes red and he has to look away and pretend to talk to Jaebum about something when Mark looks over to his direction. Jinyoung doesn't even know whats gotten into him, it's not like it's the first time he's watched them do their martial arts tricking.

“Stare a little harder why don't you.”

“Jealous it's not you?”

“Please, like I want to be the subject of your pining.” Jaebum inhales sharply and pretends to gasp for air, clutching Jinyoung's arm like a lifeline. “Oh hyung, I can't breathe! He's looking at me, what do I do!” He dissolves into giggles when Jinyoung shoves him away.

“Oh screw off, hyung.”


b1a4 – if
The way I’m living without you is like I’m hurting to the point where I don’t know if time is moving or if it stopped

He knows he's being stupid, that he shouldn't be so hung up on a friend. It isn't that big of a deal, and they've, all seven of them, have been apart from each other before. But this is that break they've all been dying for since the end of their comeback promotions and most of them decided to go home. Home, not as in the dorm where they're each others second family or the studio where they've seen as much hardship as their past years, but home where their family is and where they didn't have to worry about waking up on time for a schedule.

Jackson glued himself to a computer as soon as he heard, buying a ticket for the next flight to Hong Kong. Bambam, still the little kid, had called his mother almost immediately, telling her excitedly he was coming home. And Mark, Jinyoung almost laughs, texts his brother a picture of him and his online ticket receipt. The rest of them, having it a little easier, decide to take the trains back home. Yugyeom had laughed when Youngjae complained about the three hour train ride back, and Jaebum looked over to him. Right, home for him was just as far as it was for Youngjae. Jinyoung just looked away and let Youngjae fake cry into his shoulder. They were all so excited to leave.

“I think I'll just stay here,” he remembers saying during dinner that night. As expected, he was met with a chorus of why's and are you okay's from the six other boys. Jinyoung reassured them saying nothing was wrong with him or his family, that he just wanted some alone time. Time he doesn't usual have because of his two “roommates,” he adds in to lighten the atmosphere. They all laughed and went back to fighting over the last few pieces of chicken. He tried not to look at Mark, because if he did then all he would see is 9,580km flashing in his mind.

Jaebum cornered him not much later, and told him to answer truthfully if anything was going on. Jinyoung had rolled his eyes, but nonetheless smiled at his friend's concern for him.

“Really, there's no reason. I've decided to pick up Murakami Haruki's new book, that's all,” he told the leader. “Don't worry so much, even though I have to say that gray hair on you was quite dashing.” Jaebum nearly chased him into the bathroom after that.

They're all gone except for him, and Jinyoung doesn't know how to feel. He honestly does want some time alone, but he doesn't anticipate how cold it is alone. He doesn't anticipate how much he thinks about Mark, either.

He does read the book he told Jaebum about, but he feels like he's rereading the same page over and over again. He thinks about messaging them all in the group chat, but it's been quiet since everyone said their final goodbye's and see you soon's, a lively sticker from each one of them. He wonders what he thought he would have accomplished with all this free time. He wonders how many layers he has to wear before it feels like his family is back. He wonders when Mark will come back.

It comes as a surprise when the front door opens and he's pulled into someone's chest. Jinyoung's clutching the front of someone's jacket while they wrap their arms around his middle.

“Fiiiiirst! Did you miss me, Jinyoung?”

Jinyoung smiles, and laughs into Mark's neck. “As if, now excuse me while I mourn the loss of my alone time.” Only he doesn't, instead moving his arms so he can properly wind them around Mark's neck to pull him closer. The warmth in the room starts to return and Jinyoung is feeling a lot lighter.

He wonders how a week already passed without him knowing it.


secret – yoohoo
I want to meet you as a lover and not a friend/Please look at me, yoo-hoo

“I like you, Mark hyung.”

“Huh?” Mark doesn't even look that surprised, more like someone snapped him out a daydream. He smiles when he realizes what Jinyoung's just said.“Oh, of course I know that. I love you too, Jinyoungie.”

“Ah—wait, no I really,” Jinyoung wants to clarify, that no this is different than all the times they've said it to each other with the cameras rolling. He really means it, but Mark will never hear it.

“Sorry Jinyoung,” Mark reaches over and presses a quick kiss to Jinyoung's temple and lightly pats him on the . He detaches himself just as quickly and Jinyoung's words get stuck in his throat. “Dance instructor's calling, I'll treat you to some sashimi later, okay?”

Jinyoung watches Mark sprint over to the other corner of the room to the waiting teacher, and he sighs.

“I'm going to make you buy me sashimi served on a gold plate, hyung.”


soyu & jungigo – some
Whenever you see me, you act so vague to me/These days, I hate hearing that I’m just like a friend

Jinyoung's playing around with Jaebum's phone, having figured out his passcode ages ago. He doesn't do much but swipe at the screen and look through the pages and pages of apps. Jaebum doesn't care, he knows Jinyoung respects him to not go through photos and messages (without his supervision, anyway) so he lets the younger boy do what he wants. He plays a few games here and there, and looks through the songs, smiling when he sees Bounce on there.

But the one thing Jinyoung absolutely can't stand about Jaebum's phone is the stupid image he set as the background image. It's a simple skyscape or whatever, but what drives Jinyoung nuts is the impression that the screen is wet because of raindrops. He unconsciously makes an effort to wipe the screen when he gets his hands on the phone, and he knows Jaebum laughs at him every time.

He doesn't like it, it's so fake. He doesn't like that it seems like one thing but really it's in his head and, and he has to accept it. Jinyoung glances up to Mark with his arms around Jackson and Bambam, laughing about something and talking in English. It's funny that if Jinyoung switched on the tv, it would be him. Not Jackson, not Bambam. The other boy doesn't notice and Jinyoung just buries himself deeper in Jaebum's side, switching the screen off on the phone. How annoying.


orange caramel – aing
my love is like an allergy/i used to be calm but you made me crazy

“You know, it's not good to avoid your groupmates like the plague,” Junsu lectures Jinyoung.

“I'm not avoiding anyone,” he mumbles, spinning around in his chair.

“That's why you're in the studio with me on your day off, right?”

“It could be because I haven't seen hyung in a while?”

The look Junsu throws at Jinyoung makes him deflate a little. He kicks his foot in the air and slumps down in his seat.

“Jaebum spilled the beans didn't he?”

“It's a leader's job to know all,” Junsu chides, patting him on the knee. “So tell hyung why you're acting like you're allergic to Mark and can't even stay in a room with him.”

How does that expression go, hit the nail on the head? Because that's a bullseye Jinyoung didn't expect Junsu to get. Jaebum really knew more than he thought, and Jinyoung should probably brainwash him as soon as he gets back.

“Only I'm not, I have things to do so I can't always stick around,” he effortlessly lies, blinking up at the older man. Please buy it, he prays. Jinyoung only gets a pointed look in response. “Okay, fine. Maybe I have been a little...” he makes a small grunting noise, “lately and not avoiding! More like strategically not being in the same room as Mark hyung, but it's nothing bad, I promise.”

“Right, strategic,” Jinyoung can see Junsu roll his eyes from his position, and wants to protest at the sarcasm he hears in the others voice. He just groans and lets himself slide to the floor. He makes it a point to groan even louder when Junsu turns back to the computer, fiddling with that arrangement and this composition or whatnot that Junsu usually does. Jinyoung tries one more time to get his hyung's attention again, and when it's clear Junsu won't be turning around again, Jinyoung sighs.

He weighs his options, on one hand he can tell Junsu why he's being practically running away from Mark, or he can just continue to lay on the floor of the recording studio and wait til he kicks him out with all his secrets still secrets. Jinyoung thinks telling him that every time he's around Mark he gets really hot and it's hard to stay focused on anything else and his stomach feels like its doing fifty million flips and breathing becomes difficult and—

“Why are you rolling on the floor covering your face?”

Jinyoung cracks open an eye he doesn't even know he's closed and peeks through his fingers. Why indeed, and how. How Jinyoung ends up doing these things he's not quite sure either.

A moment of silence passes by and Junsu sighs, “I'll just assume it's a GOT7 thing, you guys have always been a little strange.”

“Okay, hyung,” he replies, slowly climbing back on to his chair and scooting closer to see what he's working on. Jinyoung decides on option two.

“So are you going to tell me or,”

“Hyung, have you been on instagram this whole time?”

“I think Jaebum is calling for you, do you hear that? Hyung has to work now, bye.”


f(x) – paper heart
I try to act strong on the outside but my heart is like paper/I like you so much that I’m actually a bit scared

“Jinyoung hyung! Give the strawberry to the member you like the most,” Yugyeom exclaims, taking glee in the way everyone else groans. It had been a while since the apple slice incident and Jinyoung thought he wouldn't have to choose ever again.

“Come on Yugyeom, really?” Jaebum sighs, shaking his head. “You have kiwis already.”

“Hey, just because you know you won't get that strawberry doesn't mean you have to ruin it for the rest of us!” Bambam adds in, “Plus, Jinyoung hyung's the one that got the only slice with the strawberry. It's definitely special.”

“He already picked me, why are we doing this again?” Youngjae says, already stuffing his face with cake. Jinyoung rolls his eyes at the three of them and pokes at Youngjae's full cheeks, grinning when he tenses in shock. “Yah, hyung you should be paying attention!”

“Why should I,” Jinyoung pouts, stabbing the strawberry with his fork and holding it up in the air, “It's just a strawberry. Plus you guys know I can't choose.”

“See, now lets leave Jinyoung alone and fini—” Jackson cuts Jaebum off before he finishes talking, earning him a look of great displeasure and silent promises of dish duty for a week. “Of course you can choose! C'mon Jinyoung, deep down you know who's getting that berry,” Jackson winks.

“You're all insufferable,” he whines, “I'm eating this and none of you can stop me.” Jinyoung makes sure they're all watching him when he raises the fork to his mouth. He's so about to eat it and put and end to this madness when someone tugs on his wrist to the right. The strawberry disappears into someone's mouth that clearly isn't his own and six pairs of eyes are staring in shock at Mark. Who knew quiet guy Mark would make such a bold move?

“The member Jinyoungie likes the best?” Mark his lips before breaking out into a grin. “Isn't it obvious?”

That's all it takes for Bambam and Jackson to break into a series of “Eeeeeew's” and “oh my god's,” both of them cringing and rubbing their arms.

“Jaebum hyung, Jaebum hyung,” Jinyoung cries, clutching onto his arm and hiding his face in the other's shoulder, “take me back to JJ Project, let's forget these kids.” He hears Mark laugh from beside him, Mark's patting his thigh and Jinyoung's sure his face is going to explode any moment with how hot he's getting. He's glad Jaebum's there to hide behind, otherwise he doesn't know what he'd do. Even if he didn't say anything, the fact that his face had gone completely red would've given it all away.

Really, Mark should know better to do such things, Jinyoung is definitely weak of heart.


exo – 3.6.5
3-6-5 every minute every second, without any break, I’ll spend all of these with you

(07:15): Come on hyung, wake up! You promised todayyyyyyyyyyyy

(08:00) : >:(
(08:00): I gave you 45min i'm going to blow the horn now

(09:30): Ya! I don't spend that long in the bathroom, you take that back kekeke

(10:11): Hyunggg where did you go???
(10:11): You better not have left our stuff alone to pet that dog

(12:46): Stupid why are me messaging me when I'm right in front of you?? kekeke you can't handle looking at me for too long?? kekekekeke

(13:28): Hyung i'm hungry again TTTT where are you
(13:28): I bet you found another dog and left without telling me again
(13:28): I'm telling Jaebum hyung that you keep ditching me

(13:30): hsdjksjsdf HYUNG
(13:30): Were you creepily walking behind me this whole time

(19:55): Ahhh I'm so tired
(19:55): Today was fun ^^
(19:55): Sorry I spilled tea on you kekeke


(21:20): What are you doing now??
(21:20): I'm hungry........

(21:50): Hyung
(21:50): Hyung I love you you know right
(21:50): You're my favorite hyung
(21:51): I'm sorry
(21:51): Don't look for your ramen anymore it's gone to a better place
(21:52): love you hyung

(23:00): ??
(23:00): Hyung no
(23:00): Jaebum hyung will kill you if you stuff socks in jackson's mouth
(23:01): Come here you can sleep with me today

(00:00): maaaark hyuuuung
(00:00): I have to message you because you only look at your phone TTTTT
(00:00): I'm sleeping now
(00:00): Ya don't laugh at me!!

(00:10): I'm going to kick you out
(00:10): I take it back I don't love you

(01:00): Hyung stop it
(01:00): Hyung go to sleep
(01:00): Hyung I will dedicate the rest of my life to bothering you if you don't stop

(09:25): Did you really keep messaging me even when I went to sleep
(09:27): I love you too are you happy now
(09:27): Stupid


ft island – crazily looking only at you
Even if my heart dies waiting, it’s okay

Sometimes Jinyoung understood the type of love people sang about, and other times he didn't at all. The feeling of falling in love and the feeling of falling out of love, there are probably twenty songs he can think of off the top of his head that fit into either category. He's read about tons of love stories, those with happy endings, sad endings, no endings, everything. He wonders about the love in movies and dramas, the ones that developed so fast and ended just as quickly, and the ones that persevered through evil mothers and annoying side characters that don't know when to quit.

He feels like he's experienced it all, felt it all like he was the one in love, but nothing really compares to how he feels now. He gets sad when the heroine falls into a one-sided love, hopelessly pining for the man that doesn't even notice her. The lyrics about heartbreak before there even was a relationship tugs on his heartstrings. But no movie, no book, no song he's ever come across could express how he feels when Mark doesn't even look at him. Not even a glance, in favor of messing around with, sometimes it seemed like, anyone else. He figures there are no words that could describe having his heart being thrown around until it shattered, the pieces piercing his skin, stuck as a daily reminder of what couldn't be.

Maybe he's thinking too much into it, Mark never really intentionally ignored him, he never made the older boy angry, and they already spend a good amount of time together. But Jinyoung can't help but think if Mark saw him like he did the other. Does he notice—does he see him too? Will this end up as another tragic love song sung by the next big idol, or will it be the love story that would sweep the people of the nation off their feet?

Jinyoung doesn't know. He hopes, prays, wishes, that this won't have a sad ending. He holds his heart in his hands, carefully shielding it from his own negative thoughts, waiting for the day Mark turns around and holds his hands out for it. Until forever, he'll wait.


snsd – back hug
Quietly hug me from behind, rest your chin on my shoulder

Jinyoung's not going to lie, he practically melts when he feels one s come up behind him and pull him into their arms. Whether it's Jaebum and his warm, familiar hugs or Yugyeom's tight never-want-to-let-you-go type embraces, Jinyoung likes them all. Taking on that “mother” role makes him subject to a lot of back hugs at various times, even during filming. He's used to it, they're used to it, and he bets the fans are used to it. Jinyoung hardly ever shies away and leans back into s, smiling so bright, so happy, so loved.

He tries not to play favorites, or at least not to make it obvious he's playing favorites, but it's hard when one of them makes him feel like he's on cloud nine when they're close by. Whenever it's Mark, Jinyoung knows.

He knows it by how quiet it is before he feels two arms sneak around his waist, by the way he always puts his chin on his shoulder, by the way he always calls out “Jinyoungie,” by the way it makes his heart race. Jinyoung hardly ever shies away and leans back into Mark, smiling so bright, so happy, so in love.

(Maybe the rest of them already noticed, but it's okay, he'll never tell.)

Mark finds when most of the members are out is the safest time to do laundry. There's no one to argue with about what should be washed or that this should be in the same pile as whites, or whatever else there is to complain about while doing laundry. If Jaebum was here he'd definitely be breathing down Mark's neck about how it should be done. But he's not, so as far as Mark cares, his only job is to check pockets for any valuables or money.

He picks up one of his hoodies, remembering that he lent it to Jinyoung for a little while since the younger was cold or something. Mark thinks he should've questioned it considering all of them had a wide variety of their own sweaters to choose from, but whatever, it was Jinyoung. He starts pulling out the pockets, the left one being empty save for a few pieces of lint, and the right one...an ipod comes out. He drops the hoodie in the pile of clothes by his feet and presses the home button to see if he can figure out who it belongs to. Mark already has a pretty good idea, considering the last person to have it was Jinyoung, but when would he have another chance to snoop?

Jinyoung's music taste isn't anything shocking, a little bit of each genre and language—though Mark has to pause at what PONPONPON is supposed to be, but it's none of his business.

However, what he does find surprising is the playlist so affectionately titled “Mark Tuan is Stupid.” Well, he didn't think he was stupid and is mildly offended and amused Jinyoung would even do such a thing. So he decides to listen to it, to see what exactly about him is stupid. Jaebum will probably pick up after him, Mark thinks while he walks back to his room.

“Mark Tuan is stupid, huh?” He walks through Bambam and Yugyeom's room; he had given them a few bills and told them to go buy some snacks or something so there would be less witnesses around. Mark's leaning against the door frame of Jinyoung's little room, watching the younger man shoot up from his lying position, book falling to the side.

“W-what?” Jinyoung stutters out, looking quite bewildered at the sudden intrusion. “What are you talking about?”

Mark raises an eyebrow and holds up Jinyoung's ipod, smirking in victory when he sees recognition pass through the other's eyes.

“Before you say anything, I'll apologize for looking through your ipod,” Jinyoung huffs and Mark thinks the only reason he's covering his cheeks is because he doesn't want Mark to see how red they are. Which is kind of cute, and Mark continues. “And I appreciate you taking out the time to make a playlist about me, but you could've named it something a little nicer!”

Jinyoung falls back over and has his hands covering his entire face now, making whining noises that Mark laughs at. “What kind of hyung are you?” he complains, rolling over to lay on his stomach and hide his face in his giant bear.

“If you're done, can I have it back now?” His voice comes out a little muffled, but Mark catches it. He even sticks out his hand for the ipod, but the thing is that Mark isn't done yet.

“Sure,” he says, about to drop the ipod into the younger's hand, but instead of actually doing so, he gives Jinyoung a low-five. The speed at which Jinyoung gets up is something Mark thinks he'll remember forever. Not to mention the look of absolute betrayal on his precious little dongsaeng's face.

“Hyung—” Mark cuts him off.

“Sure, on one condition.” Jinyoung's sitting up again at this point,watching Mark warily. He steps into the room, making his way towards the bed. Jinyoung doesn't move, instead his expression morphs into one of confusion when Mark kneels down in front of him.

“I may or may not have listened to all the songs on the playlist,” He says, noticing the way Jinyoung visibly tenses. “And I may or may not have gotten the overall theme of the songs,” He's leaning in even closer now, close enough to smell the honey scented shampoo Jinyoung insists he doesn't have. The pink on Jinyoung's cheeks just makes him smile as Mark bumps their noses together.

“I didn't think I would ever get a confession through song,” and that's when Jinyoung snaps out of it and hits Mark with the pillow. He looks all types of embarrassed, and Mark can tell he's trying hard to maintain and angry face. He shouldn't feel so happy, but he does. Mark smiles when Jinyoung hides his face in his bear again, and he has to tug the younger boy upright again to face him properly.

He clears his throat, ridding the giggles that threaten to come out, and Jinyoung is staring at him positively thrilled and probably expecting the worst from him. Mark only smiles and drags his hands down from Jinyoung's shoulders to hold his hands.

"Listen to me carefully,” He starts off and Jinyoung's eyes soften. “I like you...” Mark's about to continue when this time Jinyoung cuts him off.

“You sing the rest of “I Like You” to me and I'll make sure you'll “get thirsty and dry up like a splitting ground,” do you you understand me?”

“Loud and clear,” Jinyoung may look annoyed, but Mark can see the smile pulling at the corner of his lips, and the little sparkle in his eyes. Yeah, he definitely aced that confession. He leans just a little closer to gauge Jinyoung's reaction, wordlessly asking for permission. When the younger boy closes his eyes, Mark smiles.

“You never said what the condition was, hyung,” Jinyoung asks while they're sitting side by side on his bed. The other boy had picked up his book again, leaning against Mark as he flipped through the pages.

“Hmm, do you really want to know?” Mark whispers, playing with Jinyoung's hair, twirling the strands between his fingers. Jinyoung hums in affirmation, briefly glancing up at the elder before going back to his book. Good thing he did, or else he would have seen the devilish smirk on the rapper's face before he pushes Jinyoung back onto the mattress. Mark would have lost that element or surprise.

“I just wanted to know about that tenth song on that playlist of yours,” he leans down from his position on top of Jinyoung to whisper in his ear, “do you remember how it goes?”

Mark feels Jinyoung shiver beneath him, and grins.

“I'm not a doctor, but I hope you'll make an exception.”

rania – dr. feel good
Dr. Dr. feel good Come make me feel real good

jo kwon & ga-in – we fell in love
This must be love (( you & i ))/This must be the beginning (( you & i ))/Finally know how I feel/I want to share it with you

“Really, Jinyoung?”

“No one asked you, hyung.”

Mark rolls his eyes and pulls Jinyoung closer. “Did you at least change the playlist name?”


“Jinyoung ah...”

“I love you, Mark hyung.”

“...That's a dirty trick,” he mumbles, ignoring the way Jinyoung nuzzles his face in Mark's neck. “I love you too.”


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Chapter 1: Omg awwww this is so cuteeee! <33333
Chapter 1: Oh my goodness. Seriously authornim, i like this one more. Moooooreeee. Emmmpppp... jinyoungie~~~~ jinmark.... you have a nice author. A good author. Authornim, i am your fans for now on. Really. :)
Chapter 1: That was so cute >_<
Great choice on the songs help the feel a lot too
Chapter 1: I could totally see this play out like the jjp moments, back hugs and and! nyoung and his books and the minjun hyung part like omg
Chapter 1: Super adorable song fic bfdhgdbsajhahsdhxhx the last story is my favorite hahahha making playlist with cute name is really look like jinyoung much wwww
Please do this more in a future ♥
esthieIgot7 #6
Chapter 1: aww~~ this was a sweet and adorable story! And that playlist name is very funny. I'm glad Mark got the chance to listen to the playlist though,lol :)
Chapter 1: That was absolutely adorable, awwe
markiejinnies #8
Chapter 1: this is just pure g0ld
Chapter 1: Hey.... What a wonderful fic..jinmark jjang!
Chapter 1: oh my god ponponpon reference