The Fan Signing

Plan V

“Alright, lets go over the procedure before we start.” said Rap Monster.

The other six members of the group formed a small crowd in front of the leader, preparing to review the typical rules that they went over before any major event. For today’s schedule, they were holding a mini fan signing that was designed to give them a chance to meet and interact with their fans. 

The group had arrived fifteen minutes ago and had spent that time making any last preparations in the waiting room. A short moment ago, their manager stuck his head in through ajar door and told them to get ready, prompting Rap Monster to go over the rules with the group again.  

“Remember to be extremely friendly and kind to each of the fans. Listen very carefully to everything that they say because this is a very important moment in their life.” said Rap Monster.

He continued listing several other reminders that revolved around the idea of being respectful, kind, and polite to the fans. Once he finished covering everything that he was certain he needed to cover, V raised his hand to insert his own rule.  

“Oh, and don’t forget, we have to protect Jung Kook from pedo-noonas.”

“What?” asked Jung Kook.

“Don’t worry.” said Jin quickly while wrapping a protective arm around the golden maknae’s shoulder. “Jung Kook will sit next to me and I’ll keep an eye on him.”

“If you do meet any pedo-noonas,” said Jimin, smiling ear to ear. “send them over to me.”

“Why would we send them to you?” laughed J-Hope who then shoved Jimin’s arm playfully. “What would the pedo-noonas want with a baby face guy like you?” 

The other members laughed and began playfully shove him around their small group, however their fun was interrupted when their manager opened the door and said, “It’s time” causing each of them to develop a much more serious demeanor.  

“Fighting!” muttered, Suga as they made their way through the doors.

They followed their manager down a short hallway that led towards an elevator that had security guards dressed in suits standing in front of it. The members each climbed onto the elevator, with a few of their managers present, and after a short trip down four floors, they reached the first floor.

The doors open and the seven young men formed a line making their way down another hallway until eventually they reached a short stairwell that led onto the stage.

The instant the first member came into view, the small crowd of one hundred fans who had been randomly selected to attend today’s event, began cheering and screaming at the top of their lungs to welcome Bangtan Boys.  The fans were drawn to them like a magnet, moving closer to the stage, risking the possibility of flipping over the dividers that were suppose to hold them back.

Bangtan Boys formed a line and waited for everyone to settle in and after Rap Monster counted down from three, they each said in unison, “Hello, we are Bangtan Boys!” 

The fans screamed as loud as they could.

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galaxy_unicorns #1
Chapter 1: When are you going to update this fanfic? Its so intresting already! xD
RaineGirl #2
Chapter 1: Omg I so love you I watched the trailer at youtube and I really got emotional I wish you could update this more :)