Chapter 03

A Million Lights

Four other males were seated on the same side as the three of us were sitting on. The other five people sat on the other side.

"I want to thank all of you guys for coming out here, despite you being busy practicing." the CEO said as we all settled down.
"That's no problem at all." one of the guys that sat on the furthest left replied. 

I recgonized his voice. He was one of the trainee vocalists. I would walk past their practice room and hear a deep-voiced male vocal. I'd have to say, his voice was beautiful. There was like, a 10% he'd get kicked out. I averted my eyes down the line to the left - everyone was unfamiliar. I averted my eyes to the right. I might have saw some of these guys before, I might've not. Everything was just so confusing.

"Well.. All you guys must be very nervous right now, am I right?" we nodded our head in unison.
"Sorry about that." the CEO turned to the female sitting next to him and nodded.
"I'm - and a few other people here will ask a few questions." she stood up and went to the corner to retrieve a binder.

After interrogating us, the CEO finally spoke up, "I have called all seven of you guys here to discuss something with you guys." 
I felt the tension in the room tense up even more, "Well, there's no point in stalling anymore. Let me cut to the chase."
The seven of us, almost simultaneously, sat up with a straighter posture. 
Smiling, the CEO continued, "I've called you guys here to inform you that you guys are no longer trainees. Instead, you guys are going to be debuting under a group called

For a moment, we were stunned. The news came by so soon. Somebody spoke up.
"Well, I knew I was going to debut anyways." the male said in a joking voice.
The CEO chuckled lightly, "That's the spirit!" a moment of silence passed, "You guys must be stunned at the sudden news, am I right? Well, please go to the room furtherest down on the left and try to introduce each other, you know, get friendly." 
"Okay, we'll do that." the male with broad shoulders  finally spoke up.
"Meeting adjourned!" the CEO said and stood up to leave. 

Following the CEO, the seven of us stood up and proceeded to the room we were told to go to. The room had a two couches, fitting for all of us to sit.

"I'll start the introduction." Namjoon spoke up, "My name I Kim Namjoon. I was born on the 12th of September in 1994, currently 18 years old. I can rap, singing, not much. Dancing, not at all." he finished his introduction and gestured me to speak up.

"I'm Min Yoongi. I was born on the 9th of March in 1993, currently 19 years old. My talents are similar to Namjoon's, but I used to breakdance, so I know the basics."

"I'm Jung Hoseok. I was born on the 18th of Febuary, 1994, currently 18 years old. My talents are rap and dance. Singing, not sure."

"I'm Kim Seokjin. I was born on the 4th of December, 1992, currently  19 years old. My talents are singing. Rap, I can acomplish with more training - dance, no."

"I'm Park Jimin. I was born on the 13th of October, 1995, currently 17 years old. My talents are singing and dance. I believe I can do rap, but meh."

"I'm Kim Taehyung. I was born on the 30th of December, 1995, currently 17 years old. My talents are dancing and singing. Rap, I'm proud, but people say I'm horrible." his last phrase made the room fill with soft giggles.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook. I was born on the 1st of September, 1997, currently 16 years old. My talents are dancing, singing, and rapping. I can do all three."

The room remained silent until Jimin broke the silence, "Well, looks like we're going to be working together as brothers now, right?"


Author's Notes

Hey! Chapter three is finally up. Sorry for boring all 
you guys at the end from the member introductions.
The next chapter will be interesting, I guess (?)
Sorry, I can't promise you anything because life is
getting busier by day. Hope you'll understand! xoxo



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hopefool #1
Chapter 5: this is so interesting o u o
K-Otakusama #2
Chapter 3: I'm even more curious about this story now! It is really good so far!
K-Otakusama #3
Chapter 2: Can't wait to read more!