The Battle

The Battle of Jams

Jimin swiftly mounts his white steed, looking back at his army of a thousand jams, he proudly holds his head high.  He holds his sword up belting out, "Jams! We are here today to reclaim our once owned jams, let us win this battle.... AND SHOW THIS WHO'S BAW$$ AND GOT DOPE JAMS.".  They run at a swift pace for 30 minutes, coming to a stop.

Jimin and his army sit upon the hill in their swaggy armor with gold chains and snapbacks, looking down at the bottom. Rap Monster stands at the bottom with his army of jams the same size as Jimin's, sitting on his steed J-Horse, he raises a flag with "$W@G" imprinted on it.

Both Jimin and Rapmon raise their swords, The Final Countdown playing in the background. (

"We're leaving together..." Jimin starts singing.
"But still it's farewell." Rap Monster starts along.
"AND MAYBE WE'LL COME BACK" Jimin yells charging his army down the hill to meet Rap Monsters.
"TO EARTH, WHO CAN TELL?" Rap Monsters also yells, his army charging towards Jimin's.

"I GUESS THERE IS NO ONE TO BLAME" Jimin yells as the armies of swag clash together, fighting with foam swords. "WE'RE LEAVING GROUND" Rap Monster yells at the other end of the clashing armies fighting off Jimin's jams, swinging his foam sword swaggily. "WILL THINGS EVER BE THE SAME AGAIN?" Jimin yells from the other side, spinning with his pink foam sword hitting all Rap Monster's jams in the . "IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN" Rap Monster belts as he gets closer to the middle, his swagging rampage causes him to fall over, his pants sagging, revealing his cheeks. Jimin's jams starts hitting Rap Monster's with the foam sword making it pink. "(THE FINAL COUNTDOWN)" Jimin sings loudly like an opera singer, exposing his s covered in jam, his s shoot poisonous jam at Rap Monster's causing them to fall over and cry. "OHH WE'RE HEADING FOR VENUS" Rap Monster b-boys his way up to his feet, ripping his pants off, he dances to the macarena making Jimin's jams run away in terror. "AND STILL WE STAND TALL" Jimin yells from the middle of the clashing foam, doing jumping jacks with a my little pony rope doing high notes, making the enemy jams bleed from the .

"CAUSE MAYBE THE'VE SEEN US" Rap Monster screams rolling on the ground in his underwear, making the ground ice, causing jams to slip and break. "AND WELCOME US ALL, YEAH" Jimin slips and falls in jam, getting covered in jam, he does the kawaii face and shoots lasers from his eyes at the jams around him. "WITH SO MANY LIGHT YEARS TO GO" Rap Monster loudly burps slowly getting closer to Jimin, getting dirt on his socks, fighting with his now foam spear. "AND THINGS TO BE FOUND" Jimin does a split, shooting a lightning bolt from his , making his s harder. "I'M SURE THAT WE'LL ALL MISS HER SO" Rap Monster yells, 100 feet away from Jimin. "IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN" Jimin does a back flip, and metal armor appears on his well toned body. "(THE FINAL COUNTDOWN)" Rap Monster raps loudly, now 50 feet away, black and red armor appear on his body to be prepared to fight Jimin. "THE FINAL COUNT DOWN" Jimin barely sees Rap Monster's fuzzy blonde head through the battle of jams, he sprints, tightening his cheeks. "(FINAL COUNTDOWN)" Rap Monster sees Jimin sprinting at him, he stuffs napkins in his area, starting to sprint at Jimin. "OH HO OHHHH" Jimin does a loud opera high note, clashing into battle with Rap Monster, pulling out a real silver sword.

Jungkook does a guitar solo upon the hill.

Rap Monster getting ready to win the battle, pulling out a real sword also with "YOLO" imprinted on it, dodging Jimin's attack.  Jimin glares with death in his eyes, hitting Rap Monster in the elbow, and bends back to dodge the attack. "THE FINAL COUNTDOWN OHH" Rap Monster sings loudly off tune, scrunching his face up due to the pain of Jimin hitting him in the elbow, he swings his sword with all his strength. "IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN" Jimin sings, clashing his sword against Rap Monster's, both of them trying to win over the other.

"(THE FINAL COUNTDOWN)" Jungkook sings loudly in falsetto.

"THE FINAL COUNTDOWN" Rap Monster sings, quickly ducking Jimin's sword and stabbing him in the leg. "(THE FINAL COUNTDOWN)" Jimin sings in pain, swinging his sword and cutting Rap Monster's cheek deeply.

"OHHH" Jungkook sings still in falsetto.

"IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN" Rap Monster screams, stabbing Jimin in the arm, causing blood to fly everywhere. "WE'RE LEAVING TOGETHER" Jimin yells in pain from his arm, he bleeds the word swag, he stabs Rap Monster in the same arm.

"(THE FINAL COUNTDOWN") Jungkook starts singing louder and more dramatic.

"WE'LL ALL MISS HER SO" Rap Monster starts screaming off tune causing Jimin to go deaf for 6 seconds, throwing rainbow glitter in his eyes. "IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN" Jimin eyes turn rainbow from the glitter, he throws Justin Bieber CDs at Rap Monster. "(FINAL COUNTDOWN)" Rap Monster screeches from fright of the Justin Bieber CDs, he screams like a school girl, and hits Jimin with a table.

"IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN" Jimin yells lieing on the ground, swiftly getting up and raising his sword over Rap Monster getting ready to swing and attempt to decapitate him. "YEAAAAAAHHHH" Rap Monster getting ready to dodge the attack he raises his sword, knowing his dodge will most likely fail.

J-Horse screams.
Rap Monster and Jimin die.

"I GOT JAMS C:" J-Horse runs off into the sunset with Jungkook on him with all the jams.

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Chapter 1: I am not sure what I just read, but I can't stop laughing lol
Chapter 1: and then at the end its junghope + jams or should i say......junghorse
Kpopluv2 #3
Chapter 1: This was the best ever, just wow
hopefool #4
Chapter 1: it's 2 am i should be sleeping instead i'm reading this and laughing and crying and dying and bloody j-horse i dOn't eVEN KNOW WHAT IS NORMAL ANYMORE
Chapter 1: im sorry wut holy
j-horse u
Chapter 1: what did i just read
KpopWednesdayite #7
Chapter 1: LOL i cannot stop laughing! this is just perfection! <3333333 ^^