*9/12/15 UPDATED* First Contact

Tidal Waves

Finally a new chapter! I'm very sorry for the long wait. I explain why at the end of the chapter.

Taemin's eyes grew wide as he continued to stare at the human male, taking his time to admire his features. He couldn't help but stare as the human continued to look out to the teal ocean, causing Taemin to wonder if the human had too wondered about the different worlds on Earth. 'How can a human be so majestic?' Taemin's eyes wondered down to the human's lips, which slowly curled into a bright smile as the heat from the sun warmed his face.

"Taemin, are you blushing?" Taemin was suddenly pulled out of his daydreaming by his brother, who had turned his attention to Taemin's now shining tail, that was curled up so much that his tail fin was visible out of the water. "You can't be falling for a human! We're not even supposed to be up here!"

The younger bit his lip as he immediately forced his tail back in the water, trying to hide the tail that was now glimmering and twinkling as his scales revealed his true feelings. "Whoa... Yeah, I-I guess I was blushing Hyung... But it's not like I was~"

"I told you that you can't! Don't get us in more trouble than we may already be in!" Key spat, narrowing his eyes at his sibling, before taking one last look at the blonde male. "We aren't meant to be here so..." Key tried to force his words out, but the sight of the human was too much for his brain to process and let his mouth work all at once. H didn't want to admit it, but deep down in his heart, he too was beginning to admire the shorter human. "W-We can't fall for them... No matter how... How cute they are..."

"Then that's a problem Hyung." Taemin boldly stated, smirking as he pointed out Key's tail, that was now also shimmering under the waves just like Taemin's. "Hyung, you're falling for a human too, aren't you?"

Key choked a few times from shock, wanting to deny the fact that he was now also guilty for breaking a rule that he sure existed, but wasn't mentioned due to the golden rules that should have prevented the situation in the first place. "That's not it! It's just my scales reacting strangely to he new human air. It's just bad timing!"

Taemin gave his brother a look of 'I don't believe you', causing Key to look away from him in a small fit of panic. "You do like him Hyung! You can't deny it, your scales are a complete giveaway!"

"Stop talking about it!" Key shouted in sudden rage, only for his eyes to widen as he pulled Taemin behind the rock to avoid anyone from seeing them during the commotion. The last thing he needed was for their cover to be blown by his stupid mistake. "It's just... Let's just go."

"That's a great idea Hyung!" Taemin beamed as he felt a hint of mischief jump back into his body. Before Key could even process Taemin's thoughts, the younger had disappeared back into the water, heading right towards the wooden structure that the humans were stood on top of.

Key almost felt his heart stop beating as he dived after the merman, grabbing his tail to halt any further movements. "I meant go home Taemin! We can't get so close to them like this, it's just asking for trouble!"

"Then let's just get legs and meet them on the shore. Isn't that the safest thing to do?" Taemin turned to face his brother, giving him his most adorable face that he could manage. "Besides, we've come this far Hyung... Can't we go see the humans for a little bit?" Key turned away to head back home, but Taemin was already swimming circles around him, begging his Hyung to give in. "Come on, just this once. Pleaseeeeee. You know you also want to go up there and talk to the short blonde guy~ Just a little while Hyung?"

"10 minutes, then we disappear from the human world, retreat back into the ocean never to return, and never speak of this again! Do you hear me young man? This is the first and only time I'm letting you do something so crazy!" Key gave in, knowing that the discussion wasn't going to go his way. 

Taemin let out an excited squeal, wrapping his arms around his brother and spinning around in the water from pure happiness. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you Hyung! Key Hyung is the best merman in the whole ocean!"

"I'm counting down from now, so you better get your train fins moving if you want to explore." Key pushed Taemin away, who instantly began to swim to the right, trying to find a private place that they could emerge from without being seen. Key followed behind, his mind full of curiosity as to what his younger brother had planned. "Where are you going? You'll lose sight of them if you get too far away."

"We can't just suddenly walk out Hyung. Once our tails disappear, we won't have anything on our bodies, and the crabs said that humans don't like it when people walk around without anything on. It's like one of their golden rules." Key nodded in understanding, following his brother along the waters until they found a small area of the beach that was isolated and hidden from view by tall rocks that formed a wall around the area. "From what the crabs told me, humans wear these cloth things on their bodies to cover themselves. Since we can't go on the shore without wearing human cloth things, we need to borrow them."

Key followed Taemin as they slowly came to the surface, catching a glimpse of two older male humans that were sat on the sandy beach, only wearing cloth on their legs, leaving their torsos completely bare. "How is this any good? There's no way we will convince them to give us some cloth to wear."

Taemin rolled his eyes and shook his head, silently swimming to a group of small rocks sticking out of the water where he could see two pieces of cloth, that he assumed belonged to the humans on the beach. From what he knew, he concluded that the spare cloth was for the torso. They were still slightly damp, so he guessed that the humans had left them to dry for a small while. "I guess we can just freely borrow then." Key opened his mouth to protest, but Taemin was already on his way towards the rocks, his heart set on doing whatever was necessary to meet the humans from the wooden structure.

The younger merman bit his lip as his arm stretched out of the water until his hand hit the softness of the fabric. A sudden rush of excitement entered his body, knowing that he was getting closer to fulfilling his dream of meeting the human. "YAH! Get your hands off my shirt!" Taemin's head snapped to the side, seeing the two humans running towards him. The stunned merman quickly grabbed the cloths, now identified as "shirts", and dived under the waves, with Key quickly following suit.

"Oh that's just perfect Taemin, we've been compromised before we could even step foot on the shore! This is why I said it was too dangerous from the beginning!" Key complained as his brother swam towards him, clutching the two shirts in his arms.

"Would you quick freaking out? It's not likely they saw my tail, so there's no reason to be so upset." Taemin snapped as he shoved a light pink shirt into Key's arms before fussing over the blue one he had, trying to work out how he was supposed to wear it. "Aish, how do the humans work this weird thing?"

Key rolled his eyes as he watched his younger brother struggle to put the shirt on, working out how to put on the shirt in his head. "You're an idiot on so many levels. Here, let me help you."

Taemin bit his lip as Key lifted the shirt over his head, before lowing it so his head fit in the centre hole, and helping him put his arms through the side holes. "Ahh! It's weird Hyung! It feels strange!" Taemin froze as he felt the cloth rub against his body, occasionally clinging to his body as the current pushed the fabric in the direction of the shore.

"You look really funny Taemin-ah!" Key giggled as he swam around the younger merman, taking a good look at the new piece of clothing on his body. "The blue matched your tail. It makes you look like a weird blue creature!" Key teased, as he poked the merman's ribs, making him squirm and whine.

"Cut it out!" Taemin swatted Key's hands away from his body, scowling at his brother for his ill-timed teasing. "We have to wear them if we want to go on the shore. So I suggest you stop wasting time and~" Taemin was cut off by a loud sound from above them, as the two male humans, who Taemin borrowed the shirts from, entered the water and swam around.

"I think they want their shirts back Taemin!" Key dived lower, hiding behind a rock as he watched Taemin swim around the humans' legs. "What the heck are you doing? Get back here!"

"We need something to cover our legs. I'm just going to borrow one more thing. Stay hidden if you're too much of a scaredy catfish, but we need to get more to wear somehow." Taemin swam directly under one of the males and quickly reached out, grabbing the fabric around his legs, and pulling it from him, stripping him down to a a shorter pair of fabric. The male screamed and instantly backed off, swimming away in a panic, with his friend following him closely behind. "Hyung, don't let the other one get away! You need a pair of fabric too!"

Key instantly sprung into action, whipping his tail towards the human that hadn't been borrowed from, and did the same as his brother, pulling the fabric from the male. "Forgive us for intruding like this, we will return your things in a few minutes." The merman muttered under his breath as he watched the two humans rapidly exit the water to escape further attack

Taemin laughed in excitement as he looked at the new piece of material in his hands, thinking about seeing the two males form before. "This is great, now we just need to dress in the clothes and we can see the humans."

"Do you think they will hate us for stealing their things? What if they find us and attack us?" Key asked worriedly as he slipped on his shirt, before following Taemin to the surface, looking out for the males who they got their clothes from.

"I doubt they would even try to find us again. I'm sure we scared them off for good." Taemin said as he crawled onto the shore, feeling his tail suddenly warm up. His scales slowly tensed up and connected together, the blue fading into the same colour of his skin, before his fins separated. Key watched in amazement as Taemin's tail evenly spilt into two legs, and his tail fins transformed into feet. Taemin laughed as he looked at his new limbs, slowly them in awe. "This is amazing! Look Hyung, I have legs now! Come out of the water, it only tickles for a little bit!"

The elder bit his lips as he took Taemin's advice and crawled out of the water, lying on the warm golden sand as he felt his tail suddenly beginning to heat up, taking on the same transformation. Once Key also had the new set of limbs, he reached for the fabric, taking his time to work out how to put them on. Despite it being his first time out of water, Key was no dummy when it came to solving how to use the human's clothing. "I should remind you that we are only here for a short while, then we are going straight back into the water, despite if we have seen the humans or not."

"Whatever, just help me get dressed! It's like you're taking your time on purpose Hyung!" Taemin whined as he struggled to pull on the fabric, due to not being used to wearing anything on his bottom half, or having legs for that matter.

Key rolled his eyes as he watched his brother roll around on the sand, failing to control his new legs. "Calm down would you? Geez, sometimes you have the temper of a seahorse during mating season!" The impatient Taemin eventually calmed down as Key kneeled next to him, helping his younger brother to wriggle into the fabric. "There, that would have been easier if you had just taken your time."

"We don't have the time to take our time Hyung! If we don't hurry we won't even get the chance to see the humans." Taemin snapped again, pushing himself up onto his new limbs, wobbling and swaying from side to side as he tried to get used to standing on his legs. Key had to slap his hand over his mouth to muffle his laugher as he watched his brother take a nosedive into the sand, having failed to keep his balance. But being the determined male he was, Taemin shook it off, brushing the grains of sand off his damp skin and pushing himself up again, this time being more careful.

Step by step, Taemin began to walk along the beach, smiling as he felt the warm sand crawl in between his toes with each step. With slow and shaky steps, the younger managed to walk to Key, who had managed to dress himself and was watching as he sat on the floor. "It's not as hard as you think Hyung. Try them out, it's so fun." Taemin grabbed Key's wrists, pulling him up as a way of forcing him to stand.

Key bit his lip as he was pulled up, holding onto his brother as they both stood up on their new limbs. "It's feels weird Taemin. I don't think we are supposed to be doing things like this. Our kind aren't meant to be up on the land."

"That's nonsense Hyung. If we weren't meant to be up here, then why would we have a ability to change our tail into legs?" Taemin challenge the elder, who sighed at his temporary defeat. "Besides, we've gone through all this trouble, so we need to meet those male humans that we saw at least." Taemin smiled as he took long strides towards the main section of the beach, dragging the nervous Key behind him. 

The two males gasped in awe as they arrived at the main beach. Seagulls sang as they flew above the land, many sweet and savoury smells danced around in the air, and the many colours of the buildings painted rainbows across the street. Taemin blinked in awe, admiring the many new things that he was experiencing for the first time. Key was too in awe, his breath taken from him as he looked around, the thought of returning to the water quietly leaving his mind.

"Hyung, isn't this amazing? We have to explore! I want to try human food!" Taemin squealed as his excitement got the better of him. "Come on, come on! I can't wait anymore!" Taemin suddenly took off, his feet clumsily running further into the beach, causing Key to chase after him on his weak legs.

"Yah, Taemin-ah! Stop running off whenever you feel like it! You don't even know of the dangers here!" Key shouted back at misbehaving brother, who turned his head to watch the older male chase after him, sticking out his tongue as a way to . "Yah! Stop fooling around and get~ Taemin-ah, watch where you're going!"

Before Taemin could even turn his head, he collided into something and fell on his side, pulling whatever he fell into down with him. Groaning in pain at the sudden collision, Taemin turned his head to the right, seeing a male human lying beside him. "S-S... I didn't see you there. Are you alright?"

"No, I'm not alright! You just floored me you big goof!" The male suddenly sat up, glaring into Taemin's guilty eyes. "What, is the beach not big enough for you or something? What the hell is your problem?" The male looked down and closed his eyes as he ran his fingers through his light blonde hair, mumbling under his breath in anger.

Taemin bowed his head a few times as he apologised, but was ignored by the human who continued to shake the sand from his hair. "Taemin-ah, I told you to be careful." Key ran over to his brother, grabbing his hands and pulling him to stand, checking his skin for any injuries. "What did I tell you? You could have been hurt!"

"I'm fine. It was just a little fall, and it didn't hurt that bad. I've had worse from scraping my skin on coral at home." Taemin whispered back, sighing as Key practically spun him around to examine his entire body. "Will you stop worrying about me?"

"Yah, what on earth happened here?" Key and Taemin turned to see another male with dark hair now kneeling beside the blonde male, with his back turned to them. "Hyung, are you ok?" The blonde male sighed and nodded as he sorted his hair, not bothering to look at him friend. Happy with a somewhat response, the dark haired male suddenly stood up and turned to Taemin and Key, who stepped back in shock at the tallness of the human. "So what happened here? There isn't a problem is there? Because I don't want any trouble unless you want to start it first."

"N-N-No problem here. I just accidently fell when I wasn't looking. I didn't mean for anything to happen." Taemin stuttered, looking down in fear. "W-We are new to this part and~" Taemin's voice betrayed him the second he made eye contact with the male, recognising him as the male he spotted from the ocean. "I-I didn't... We're new... We don't mean any harm..."

The blonde male scoffed and stood up, rolling his eyes at Taemin's stuttering. "Let's just leave them. I don't want to be seen near these weird people." Key's eyes suddenly widened as he realised the blonde human that his brother had knocked over was in fact the same human he had blushed over. "Let's beat it before our reputation is damaged. Besides, who walks around in nothing but wet clothes? You do realise that's not normal right?" The male gave a mean smirk towards Key, looking at his clothes that were dripping wet, before turning around to walk away.

"It's not like we wanted to walk around in wet clothes! Who are you to judge us? Aren't we all humans here? Why can't we be nice to each other?" Key argued back, regaining the male's attention. "We had no choice because... We'll what happened was..." Key suddenly bit his lip and looked down at the sand, realising that he couldn't exactly tell the human's about their little "borrowing" incident from before.

"Two guys threw our clothes in the water, and when we came back all out things were gone." Taemin suddenly stepped in, twisting the truth to make a believable lie. Key bit his lip and looked at the blonde male, who shrugged and looked away again uninterested in their story.

The tall male's face suddenly became gentler, showing a hint of pity in his eyes. "So you guys need some help I guess. You'll need shoes to walk around in the town. Nothing worse than going barefoot. Then since you have no money, maybe we can help you out with lunch."

"Wait what?" The blonde male suddenly turned around, hitting his friend in the arm. "I just said I don't want to be near them, why the hell would I want to help them? The big dope ran into me!"

"Jonghyun be fair. Sure you got sand in your hair, but it's not like anyone would be able to tell the difference. How would you like it if you were forced to roam around in your wet clothes without shoes or money?" The tall male shoved his friend to the side, who pouted and kicked the sand in frustration like a child. "Don't worry about it guys, I'll see to it that you get some shoes and lunch. There's a small shop across the street that sells cheap sandals. We can go there, then grab a bite to eat. Sound good?"

Key's face lit up as he bowed a few times to the human in gratitude. "Thank you so much, I don't know what we would do without you. Please forgive my brother's mistake earlier. He can be a bit rebellious at the worse of times."

"Can't everyone?" The male joked as he flashed a charismatic smile in Taemin's direction. "What do they call you two?"

"My name is Taemin, and this is my older brother Key." Taemin bounced on his toes a few times, excited to be talking to the humans. "What can we call you?"

The tall male pulled Jonghyun by the arm, signalling for Key and Taemin to follow them up the beach. "Minho. You guys can just call me Minho."

Sorry about the VERY long hiatus. If you have been reading my blog, you would know the reason why.

Currently battling a very bad case of anxiety and depression, but I'm getting the help I need. I wanted to try to do something positive, so I worked hard to give you a fully updated chapter. New chapter is currently in the works but not sure when I will have a preview ready.

Thank you for your support. Comments are heavily appreciated as it does give me a lot of motivation, and that's something I really need help with right now. x

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Hey everyone. I'll try to get a chapter preview up very soon for Tidal Waves. It'll be either tonight or Saturday night. :)


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I like this, please update!
Chapter 9: OMG this is really great!!!! but please update(´・_・`)
-Kibeom- #3
Chapter 9: I just found this story yesterday and I'm already so in love with it. ;w; You're really talented, your ideas are great! I think I found everything I could ask for in this story.
I hope you're doing good, dear author. I can't wait for the next chapter! Take your time, don't pressure yourself too much. ♡
Lykkee #4
I love this fic so muc. It's so beautifully written like you can imagine every scene in your head, especially the scene where in taekey are still mermans aahhh so beautiful ;; like i can imagine their bright colored tails and stuff ;; i hope you will even more get better and continue writing ;; you have a talent^^
wheres-my-cookie #5
Chapter 9: Omg I loved this chapter! The beginning was cute when Key told Taemin off but he just ended up being flustered himself xD When they stole the clothes I thought they stole from Minho and Jonghyun hahah! ^^; I'm looking forward to when they discover that Key and Taemin aren't humans and I wonder what'll happen after that~ :P

I'm glad to hear you're getting help :) Don't force yourself to update if you're busy with uni and things~ Fighting!! ^-^ <3
mistressofsecrecy1 #6
Chapter 9: I like it :) Thanks for being strong <3
Chapter 9: This chapter is so good ! I love Taemin s réaction ! *-*
SashaHRH #8
Chapter 9: Thank you for taking the time and energy to continue this charming story!
DesdemonaDeLaMort #9
Chapter 9: I am so glad that you are doing better. It is so good to hear from you and see that you are writing again ^^
I loved this update! Finally! Interaction! I'm so excited to read more and to see how their relationships grow. I hope that you keep up with what you have been doing. Don't worry. I totally understand since I have a lot of the same issues and it gets really hard sometimes so it's awesome that you were able to work to update again. I look forward to reading more ^^
Thanks for writing ^-^