

Taehyung doesn’t really know when it all started, but he doesn’t think he needs to know anyway. He got home a few hours ago after meeting his bestfriend Jimin and now he was lying in his bed, trying to fall asleep since whenever but failing to do so. He doesn’t really mind though, there’s a shy smile plastered on his face and he hugs the blanket closer to himself, rolling around on the mattress while muffling his giggles with the blanket. Everytime he closes his eyes, he’d see Jimin’s face, each time with a different expression; a cute frown, a slight pout, his wide eyesmile, his confused look; Taehyung loves them all and every time he remembers them, he gets all those tingling feelings throughout his body. Taehyung fell for Jimin, he doesn’t know how but he did, and he couldn’t stop smiling, because it’s his first time falling in love and he likes all that tingling in his body whenever he sees him.



There aren’t many things Taehyung hates but one of them is getting scolded, so after he got scolded by his teacher for always turning up late, he sulked on his way home and kicked the stones.

“Stupid teacher..” No one really wants to have to deal with a sulking and grumpy Taehyung. Well, almost no one.

“Hey Taetae, wait for me!”

Taehyung looked up and saw that bubbly face again; the tingling started in his toes, spreading all over his body and he crinkled his nose.

“Ah, what a grumpy kitty I have here. Come on, cheer up! I’ll make sure you won’t come late again and get another scolding, alright?”

Despite being in a not so good mood, the younger had to smile as Jimin called him kitty and wrapped his arm around Taehyung’s shoulder, drawing him closer. Taehyung just knows, Jimin’s able to make him smile, no matter in what situation. So he just wishes for him to stay for a while and take him with him, wherever he goes.




They were at Taehyung’s house and Jimin was about to go home when they heard a thunder, saw a lightning and the rain came falling down in buckets.

“You should probably stay here for the night Jimin, look at the weather!” the orange haired told his best friend while closing all the windows.

“You have to give me something to wear then, because I’m so not going to sleep in jeans.”

They found one of Jimin’s sweatpants that he once forgot after a sleepover in Taehyung’s closet and the former immediately claimed Taehyung’s bed as his.

“You’re not gonna put a shirt on? It’s pretty cold.”

The sight of a shirtless Jimin is something Taehyung is used to, having been best friends for years, but it still made him feel a little shy after he figured out that he likes his best friend in a completely non-platonic way.

“But you’re warm and you’re gonna sleep in this bed too anyway so who needs a shirt?”


They ended up sleeping in the bed together, Jimin’s arm lazily drawn across Taehyung’s waist as he was already asleep and the latter couldn’t decide which sound was louder, the thunder outside or the rapid beating of his heart, but he likes both anyway, so it doesn’t really matter to him.




It was lunch time; Taehyung was sitting on one of the school’s big stones, feet dangling around and a stupid smile on his face as he looked at the ground.

“What are you smiling about, Taetae?” Jimin’s cheery voice came from somewhere close to him so Taehyung looked down from the stone to look at him, smile still prominent on his face.

“I can tell you if you want to know.”

Jimin jumped onto the stone and sat down next to him, smiling a bit.

“Of course I want to know, just tell me.”

Taehyung hummed and looks up to the sky for a while before turning back to Jimin, smiling brightly again.

“I’m just happy that I fell in love with you.” He says before looking back up to the sky, still smiling happily.

“You don’t mind, do you?”

The confession came out of nowhere and had Jimin dumbfounded; he didn’t expect to get a love confession today when he woke up, neither did he think that Taehyung liked him, and he’s quite surprised that his best friend is this straight forward, but he wasn’t complaining.

“No, I don’t mind, I’m glad I fell in love with you too.” He returned the bright smile.

Hearing those words, Taehyung’s smile widened and the tingling increases as he feels a palm holding his and thicker fingers intertwining with his.






Taehyung has been sleeping for a while now but something woke him up and he blinked, adjusting his eyes to his surroundings. He reached his hand up to rub his eyes, only to have someone’s fingers cupping his cheek and them.

“Just sleep some more, it’s still early.”  He heard his boyfriend say sleepily. Taehyung smiled just as sleepily and hugged him again while the other pulled the blanket back up to tuck him back to sleep. Taehyung felt more than comfortable in his arms, where he can feel the other’s warmth. Jimin pressed a kiss on Taehyung’s nose and the younger holds him tighter, too tired to do anything else to show his love. Another smile spread on his face and he wished for Jimin to hold him like this forever.

Taehyung didn’t know when all those feelings started to show, he didn’t know when the tingling began to spread across his body. But he didn’t mind, he really didn’t mind at all.


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Chapter 1: vmin so cute
Chapter 1: My goodness sweet and fluffy like cotton candy!! And the final scene has been real and I can't help fangirling XD
TwerkYeol #3
Chapter 1: Awww...that was so sweet :3
Chapter 1: oh my...this is so sweet > < but it was too short..sequel please ^ ^
Chapter 1: Ok so I'm just like 'awwwww' bc omg--
THIS IS SO CUTE AND SWEET AND AW. Thanks for writing this omg my vmin feels.
Chapter 1: This is so so cute ahh the ending was so sweet ;u;
lastjjuliet #7
Chapter 1: this is the sweetest fic i've ever read--my feelz.
i need moar. i need moar-

seriously. need more vmin o/
Awww this was just the sweetest thing ever. So much cute <3