

At this point Yoongi was sure there were parts of him sweating that had never sweated this much before; like his eyeballs. It felt like his eyeballs were sweating, not crying, definitely sweating. Or maybe he’s become delirious from the sudden work that his body was putting in when the most exercise he was used to was the occasional basketball game, and .

They had been walking up this damn trail for what felt like days even with Yoongi insisting they stop for a break every five minutes. Of course Jimin picks a trail with practically no trees on it so the sun was literally shining – and in Yoongi’s case burning – on them.

Jimin was ahead of Yoongi easily getting through the trail, he would look back at Yoongi every so often and wait for him to get close before starting again without a word. It was annoying the out of Yoongi. He was hot, tired, starving…burning, and the little wouldn’t even tell him why he was so damn determined to take Yoongi here. It’s a known fact that Yoongi hates exercise.

“Okay listen,” Yoongi called out getting Jimin to stop “I can’t do this, I feel like my heart is literally just trying to jump from my chest. My lungs are on fire, my feet are killing me, I think that I’ve officially burned a hole in my shoes. I’m burning from this damn sun, and even though it’s going to set soon it’s still hot as hell!!” Yoongi stopped running a hand over his hair, panting loudly as Jimin moved closer to him seeming – to Yoongi’s surprise – annoyed.

“So,” Yoongi raised his eyebrows in shock at the sassy reply from Jimin, who though they had been dating for two years, always tended to be more polite and respectful. The sass took Yoongi by surprise, enough so that his aches seemed to not matter anymore.

So, so I want to go home! This isn’t fun to me at all! I thought you went on hikes with Hoseok? Huh? Isn’t this your thing? Like, yea I agreed to come here but I thought it’d be like a baby trail, like for beginners…or kids. Not this journey to the great wall.” Jimin stared at Yoongi with emotionless eyes and pursed lips. The look actually made Yoongi kind of nervous when he was able to get a good look at Jimin when he stopped his rant.

“Fine stay here and I’ll see you when I come down.” And with that Jimin turned and stomped his way up until Yoongi couldn’t see him anymore.

Honestly Yoongi was more confused and delirious…and hungry than he had been in his whole life. He moved to the side of the trail dropping to the ground finally pushing his backpack off his shoulders. The weight being off him felt like heaven…maybe even close to an …okay maybe not that good but close. He started opening the bag trying to see if maybe Jimin packed some of his favorite snacks. One thing Jimin always did was hide snacks in Yoongi’s bags since he knew he had a habit of going without eating and being too lazy to go get food.

To his disappointment there were no snacks but looking at the bag again, Yoongi realized that this wasn’t his, it was Jimin’s. They must have switched them during one of Yoongi’s many breaks. He continued to go through the bag hoping that maybe there was something, anything. All he found was water, first aid kit, flashlights, sunblock, blanket and a single sheet of paper with doodles on it. Yoongi looked closer at the page and saw cute drawings of him and jimin at the top of the mountain then a time with a lot of explanation marks after it.

“This kid,” Yoongi mumbled putting the paper back in the bag and grabbing a water and taking a few chugs. He sat there looking out at his surroundings and enjoying his rest but then he pulled out the paper again “That little ,” Yoongi quickly packed the bag putting on his back again and started running up the mountain.


“You little ,” Yoongi dropped down next to Jimin who stared at him with concern helping him take the backpack off and got him a water out.

“Did you run up here?!"

“No I flew you ! Yes I ran it’s setting soon,” Yoongi took the water from Jimin and started chugging it while Jimin stared at him. “You could have told me you wanted to watch the sunset together.” Yoongi said after he finished chugging

“I wanted it to be a surprise.” Jimin pouted pulling at his shoelace. Yoongi gave him a nudge so he’d look at him.

“I know now,”

“I just,” Jimin sighed in frustration looking around “I wanted to get up here, put the blanket down, cuddle…talk then watch the sunset together.” Yoongi nodded listening to Jimin as he continued “I know I come hiking with Hoseok all the time but I always wanted to watch the sunset with you. I thought you’d really like it. Big dummy.”

“I know, I’m sorry,” Yoongi leaned over kissing the side of JImin’s head

“And you’re such a baby we aren’t even that high up, we were only walking for 30 minutes.”

“Hey, I’m wrong I know! Let’s just put the blanket out and –“

“Not talk?”

“Yea, just look.” Jimin smiled for the first time since they started the hike.


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eyesmilegyu #1
Chapter 1: Awh that was so cute!
Chapter 1: Ahh this is super cute! So like jimin to be cheesy and Yoongi to fulfill his wishes hehe
hyperhopeu #3
Chapter 1: whoa this is so cute;; somehow im tearing up when yoongi ran to catch jiminnie after saw the drawing. good job authornim!