Christmas Wonderland 1


Krystal timidly opened the rehearsal room. She just squeezed in a spare time from her hectic drama filming schedule for their first ever concert. 
They've been practicing hard for the new performances and she can't help but to bumped into someone she doesn't particularly want to see. But she's too worn out to think of her feelings. She is just tired, tired of everything. It actually shows in some of the shooting. Sometimes the director would ask her to retake a lot of bubbly scenes cause her tired face would show. And now the stress has been building up again. 
Krystal immediately went to her members who were stretching up. Amber immediately high-five her, "Hey there princess! Lighten up. You look stressed out." Krystal just gave her lazy smile.
"Soojung-ah~" a voice filled with aegyeo cooed behind her. "Oh~ Sulli-ah~"Krystal cupped Sulli's adorable face. As soon as they made eye contact, they both bursted laughter. "Unnie~" Krystal went to Victoria and Luna, and hugged them both. 
They were having their usual goofing around. But before they could laugh to Victoria's siliness, a group of voice entered the room. It wasn't the usual back-up dancers they were practicing with. In fact, they were the group of boys that their company, SM, is pushing to become the front-runner of the new generation idol. 

The girls looked at each other confusedly. They were pretty sure that it was their practicing time. There must be some misinformation here, a little confusion.

Just moments before Krystal could speak up, Victoria came forward, "Jae-oppa (Beat Burger)?What's going on?" 

Instead of answering, he signaled the girls to come forward and gather up. 
"The producers and directors just told me that you guys would be having a joint concert. So... You'll be practicing some of your shared stages today." 
The girls looked at their managers for answers but they wouldn't meet them in the eye. 
"Wow. And here I thought they're finally giving us the chance and support. I guess not." Sulli mumbled to no one. 
Krystal sighed in disbelief, "You guys should stop doing that. Giving us false hopes again and again..." 
Victoria patted Krystal, "It's okay Krystal..." She looked at Beat Burger, "Oppa, please. Next time give us a heads up notice. Don't drop off the news just like that. You should have said that to us since in the beginning. I'm not angry. I'm just left disappointed again. They would never trust us in big events like this right?"
"I... I believe in you girls. I know you can do it too girls. I tried persuading them and so did your managers but they're the big boss. They don't want to take the risk." Beat Burger waited for the girls reaction. But it was just filled with silence. Krystal kept looking at the floor. Today wasn't a good day for her.

She just blankly stared at her shoes, by then a shadow cascades on it. She looked up and found a pair of eyes looking at her pitily, too much pity. It was those eyes giving her from time to time happiness but it was also the reason why she's suffering now. It was the the same expression he gave her when she confessed her admiration to him, pity. Even if he doesn't like her the way she does, he is still a friend who understands her. And it's understandable that he is here to comfort her. But she doesn't need it, especially not from him.

She gathered up her strength and looked at her members, "Members... I know this is upsetting but we can't really do anything about it. Besides, we gotta consider our materials too. I guess we don't have enough songs to fill the entire 3 hours concert. Think on the brighter side guys. Let's just prove them what we can do." Krystal persuaded her members. Kai was behind her the whole time but he remained neglected. "So... Jae-oppa? Where do we start?"



Days have passed since the first ever neglect of Krystal to Kai, and it really left him confused. He never saw Krystal act like that to him. Usually it was Krystal who would speak to him first. But then for the past days, she never greet him back nor look at his direction. She's acting like he doesn't exist. It really pains him. But the pain is undescribable when he sees her goofing around with Suho and Sehun. He used to join that group too but everytime he joins in, she just leaves.

His dancesteps were becoming more and more sloppy. And it doesn't seem it was left unnoticed by the members. Suho would always ask him what his problem was but he can't just say that the problem is him, Suho. He hates the fact that Suho has been hanging out with Krystal a lot more than the past. Even Sehun is now being given attention by Krystal. He hates how he is no one to Krystal, it used to be him in their place.

Beat Burger explained some additional line-up and shared stages. Now, they'll be practicing Magic Castle. The managers hand out copies of the lyrics with their name written on their part. Kai immediately scanned for his name with his part. His eyes widen when he saw his name next to Krystal. They were paired up for the line. He's worried about it, he looked at her. And just as he thought, she was just as shocked as he is. There was a moment of staring and he tried to smile at her but the look she was giving him, it was familiar. By then, he knew it. She hates him. It was the look of hatred. But he really doesn't know why.

Beat Burger instructed them to practice with their pairs. He took a step since it looks like that Krystal won't budge at her place.

Krystal hissed, "Aish... This won't do."

Just before he comes near to her, she angrily stomp her way to Beat Burger.

"Oppa? Jae-oppa? In my first part, can I exchange line with Victoria unnie?" She asked him firmly. Kai was again left hanging. And that just reached his limit, he confronted her.

"Wait! Why? What's the problem Krystal? We haven't even started and you're giving up so soon? Don't you think you're too much?" He doesn't care about the looks the people are giving her due to his raised voice.

"He's right Krystal. Why are you so sensitive about this? Besides, we have already set the positions and all."

"Oppa? Don't you get it? Our voices don't match. His voice is too deep for my hight-pitched voice. Who thought of this idea? It's a mess. I just can't imagine it. In fact, we just don't match at all." She said the later part in a much lower voice. She didn't bother looked at Kai's reaction and just waited for Beat Burger's decision. 

"Okay. Hold up. What's happening here? Did you two fight? You two used to be close but I don't even see you two hanging out lately. What's the problem? I thought you two would like this idea."

"Well oppa, you're wrong. I don't like it. Just please... Please change it. Victoria wouldn't mind it, right? It's just little change. Besides Luhan-oppa's voice would harmonize well with mine." 

Kai looked like he already surrendered. "I think she's right. I'm fine with her decision. Let's not force if she doesn't want to. Our lines are just right after each other. So it's not a big deal."

Beat Burger agreed to their decision and proceeded to their practice. Krystal's anger is not decreasing but Kai's patience is not increasing. Krystal's statement a while ago keeps ringing in his head, "...we don't match at all."


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Chapter 1: new reader~~ kkk...
i love the idea..
im really wondering if f(x) ever said that to SM,, about the concert :(
Chapter 1: this story. omfg like a reallll... i love it<3 pity you jongin
kai_oppie #3
Chapter 1: It was good story
makes some more story of kaistal please??
i love kaistal n up date soon as possible
athnisaa_ #4
Chapter 1: appaaa!!!! looking forward your next chapter kkk update puhleaseee luv luvv kk
dedejz #5
Chapter 1: Am I first? Haha
I really like ur story. It seem real. I find soojung n jongin really strange if they're near each other. What happen to them. But actually its jongin who act like didn't care after all. Is anything happen with they in the past? KKK
I'll wait for the next update. Keep going! ;)