
Kim Taehyung and Cuddles

Hope you're not all too disappointed!



There are two people Jimin likes more than the average person he meets. One of them is Bigbang’s Taeyang, to everyone’s knowledge and the other person happens to be Taehyung, his bandmate. Actually, he likes the latter more than Taeyang. Not much, just a bit; he wouldn’t say it out loud but his actions made it very clear so no one bothers to ask him that question.

There are a lot of things about Taehyung that make him feel all fluffy and smiley all day but lately, Taehyung has gotten more clingy and cuddly than he already was and that’s probably his favorite thing about his boyfriend at the moment. Maybe it’s because winter is coming and the weather is getting colder and colder as each day passes but Jimin figures that he doesn’t have anything to complain about.
It was another cold morning when they got woken up by their manager because of schedules they had to attend. Jimin groaned because he only fell asleep about two and a half hours ago so waking up was the last thing he wanted to do. Even so he tried to sit up but the arms that were firmly wrapped around his waist held him back, slender legs finding their way between his own and re-tangling them together.
In an instant, Jimin gave in to the warmth and turned around to face his still sleeping boyfriend, wondering how he ended up being the small spoon when he’s sure that he was the big spoon when they went to sleep.

He moved his hand to Taehyung’s cheek and pinched it, grinning in amusement when the sleeping boy scrunched his face up. He continued on poking and pinching Taehyung’s poor cheek, the facial reactions he got in return amusing him so much that he just wanted to grab his phone and take endless amounts of pictures of them but only to keep them for himself because he wouldn’t want others to see them. Not even their fans.
When he knew that it was really time to get up he started shaking Taehyung’s body, saying his name over and over again and patting his cheek in hope that the slightly younger guy would wake up before their manager comes back and scolds them.
But of course Taehyung didn’t wake up; instead, he pressed his face into Jimin’s chest and pulled him closer by his arms and legs so Jimin couldn’t see his face anymore.

“Only five minutes. Please.”

Jimin looked down at the crown of Taehyung’s head and sighed, knowing that he has lost anyway because never in his life could he resist cuddling his boyfriend and wrapped his own arms around Taehyung.

Needless to say, they both got scolded for falling back to sleep by their manager but at that moment neither of them really cared.



Talking about sleeping and Taehyung, there’s probably nothing as cute as a sleeping Taehyung. Sometimes it even upsets Jimin when people wake Taehyung up while he’s sleeping peacefully. Taehyung always looks so innocent and pure when he sleeps so Jimin absolutely hates it when people disturb him when he’s sleeping. Except the one disturbing him is Jimin, but that’s because Jimin is special, of course.

It was close to midnight when they came back to their hotel after a long day of promotions and shootings, all of them tired but of course, the 95er line still had too much energy for to others to handle.

“You know what, you guys go share a room together. I don’t think anyone could endure your endless chatter and whatever you guys would do till the morning. Bye good night.” Jin groaned as Jimin and Taehyung laughed about something the others didn’t even get.

The other members could only agree with their eldest hyung, all of them walking in one of the four rooms available for them, leaving a room free for Jimin and Taehyung.

“It’s not like I wanted to share a room with any of you guys anyway.” Taehyung shrugged and high fived Jimin who dragged him into their room.

“You know what Tae, we should make a video for Bangtantv.” Jimin suggested as he crouched down in front of his suitcase and opened it.

“Oh we should. We could go into the others’ rooms to annoy them while they’re sleeping!” Taehyung giggled at the memory of him filming them once when they were sleeping and let himself fall back onto the bed. Jimin smiled automatically at the sound of Taehyung’s giggling; he’s convinced that it’s the cutest sound ever known to human kind and glanced at his boyfriend.

“Great idea, should we do it now?” Jimin stood up after taking out his pj’s and towel from the suitcase. Suddenly, Taehyung jumped up and grabbed his own towel and pj’s and walked straight into the bathroom.

“Let me shower first!”

Jimin blinked in confusion, still needing time to process what just happened before grinning and leaning his body on the bathroom door. He knocked on it and waited for Taehyung’s response.

“What?” the response came muffled from the shirt Taehyung was pulling over his head.

“You’re showering without me? Really? Don’t you want to shower together?”

Taehyung’s cheek blushed up as he could almost see Jimin’s stupid grin through the door.

“Shut up. Go away you ert.”

Jimin just laughed.

“Are you embarrassed? There’s nothing to be embarrassed about though, it’s not like we never showered together before. Wait, you’re blushing, right? Open the door Taetae.”

“Go away Park Jimin!” Taehyung huffed and ignored anything Jimin said after that.


After Taehyung, it was obviously Jimin’s turn to take a shower. He wasn’t finished with teasing his cute boyfriend just yet so when he asked Taehyung if he wanted to join him in the shower again, Jimin couldn’t help but press kisses onto Taehyung’s lips when he blushed and shook his head in response.

“Don’t ask me to take a shower with you again. Let me write something in the fancafé then let’s annoy the others. Go take a shower, you stink.” Taehyung said and grabbed his devices while Jimin obeyed and went to take a shower.

When he got out of the shower in his bathrobe, ready to tease Taehyung a bit again, he was welcomed by a sight he’d never get tired of.
Taehyung was lying on his stomach on the bed, iPad next to him while his phone was in his hand. He was already asleep; hair messy and sleep slightly parted.
Jimin couldn’t help it so he took his phone out and snapped a picture of him, hesitating to upload the picture on their twitter and decided against it at the end.
He might tweet the picture someday but for now it’s only for him to see.
He turned the lights off after putting away the devices and crawled into the bed Taehyung was sleeping on instead of the free one on the other side of the room, pressing himself into the space between the wall and Taehyung because he refuses to fall asleep as the small spoon. Making sure that the both of them were lying comfortably he pressed a kiss onto Taehyung’s cheek and wrapped his arms tightly around his boyfriend’s tiny waist, pulling him closer to himself before drifting into sleep, too.



Besides cuddly Taehyung and sleeping Taehyung, there’s one thing Jimin likes more than anything. He’s certain that no one knows about his absolute favorite thing (everyone does, even Taehyung knows it) but nothing beats Taehyung wearing his sweaters and shirts. It doesn’t matter what shirt it is, a normal t-shirt, a pullover, a sweatshirt, a shirt with low-cuts on the sides; he loves Taehyung wearing any of them.

Sometimes, he would secretly sneak his shirt onto Taehyung’s pile of clothes because he knows that the latter just grabs whatever to dance practices while at other times he would just give the shirt to Taehyung and tell him to wear it, reasoning it with “just because” and cuddling Taehyung all day after that.
The thing is that Taehyung looks tiny in his clothes. Jimin knows that he isn’t a big guy with very broad shoulders and all that, but he’s much more muscular than Taehyung and his clothes are a bit too big on himself anyway. Taehyung just looks so perfect in his clothes that he doesn’t even try to find an explanation to his liking anymore.

But above all of that, he likes it the most when Taehyung chooses to wear one of his shirts by himself, without Jimin asking him to do it or secretly sneaking it into his pile of clothes. Just like now.

They finished recording their dance practice video for Just One Day earlier and were now back in their dorm, getting a well-deserved free evening. Jimin was just hanging around on the couch, claiming it for himself to annoy the others when suddenly Taehyung walked into the room in his short shorts, looking for Jimin.
When his eyes landed on his victim, he lunged forward and onto Jimin’s body.
Jimin gulped visibly and let his eyes travel from Taehyung’s face down onto his upper body while Taehyung was just looking at him, the eyeliner around his eyes smudgy.

“I was looking for you.”

“You’re wearing my shirt.” Jimin couldn’t take his eyes off of his blue shirt, currently covering Taehyung’s upper body.

“So? The shirt is nice.”

Jimin smiled close-lipped and nodded.

“It’s even nicer when you’re wearing it.”

Taehyung giggled, his eyes forming pretty crescents and Jimin could only mirror his action.

“You’ll give it to me then, right?”

“Only if you kiss me.” Jimin dared Taehyung with raised eyebrows.

“Alright, I won’t take the shirt then.” Taehyung said and placed his head sideways on Jimin’s shoulder.

“That’s not what I wanted.” Jimin pouted and turned their bodies over so Taehyung was lying beneath him.

“I was in a very comfortable position, how dare you Jimin.” Taehyung fake frowned but Jimin could see a smile threatening to appear on his pretty lips.

“I want my kiss.” Jimin stated while leaning in closer, letting the tips of their noses touch each other.

“You have to get it yourself.” Taehyung rubbed their noses together in a cute manner, his lips spread into a smile.
Jimin leaned in closer and let their lips meet slightly and pressed a light kiss onto Taehyung’s lips, watching his boyfriend’s eyes flutter shut before closing his own and fully leaning in, kissing him longer than before.

“You look great in the shirt.” Jimin complimented Taehyung as they parted. The smile he got in return made him smile even wider than he already was. They moved around until they were laying side by side on the small couch, Taehyung squeezed between Jimin and the couch.

“I know I do, that’s why you should give it to me. Just like all your other shirts since you like me wearing them so much.”

Jimin chuckled and hid his face in Taehyung’s shoulder in embarrassment of having been caught as his cheeks slowly turned rosy.

“How did you know?”

“Well… you do stare a lot and did you really think that I wouldn’t notice the shirts you put into my pile of clothes? Come on Jiminie.”

Jimin laughed and nuzzled his nose into Taehyung’s neck, letting his lips touch his skin there.

“You like it though, right?”

Taehyung nodded. “I wouldn’t wear them if I didn’t, duh.”

“Good. Then I’ll keep doing it and you’ll pretend like you don’t know it, deal?”









While they were there, cuddling in silence, Taehyung could suddenly feel Jimin’s hand on his thigh. Just as he was about to open his about to question his boyfriend’s action, Jimin interrupted him.

 “You should wear longer pants if you don’t want all of them to stare at your glorious thighs, really Taetae.”



Told ya the ending is really... sighs

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so fluffy
love it
Chapter 1: I actually love the ending a lot ~
Chapter 1: really cute :) just cuddles and more cuddles
really cute :)
Chapter 1: Ugh. Cuties. I can't handle anything. orz

Chapter 1: Yes, 95-line love~ They really love to tease each other but that just shows how much love they have :3
soohyeons #7
Chapter 1: are you unsatistified of the ending? because im not otl how could you gahd they're my favorite ship asdfghjkl *^*
eyesmilegyu #8
Chapter 1: Favourite 95er otp! :))