This Again

Forgotten Anniversary

He was late. Again.

For the third time and you were getting sick of being left, sitting alone in a restaurant tending to a cup of water. Looking like an absolute idiot.

You sighed, gathering your bag when the front door of the restaurant opened and in rushed your boyfriend of three years. You rolled your eyes as you watched him frantically search for you in the place.

When his eyes landed on you, you had to repress the involuntary shiver because whenever his eyes were on you…..there was a certain hunger in his eyes for you that shook you to the core. You saw your boyfriend’s shoulders sag in relief and he started to walk towards you. He was a few feet away from the table when you pushed your seat away and announced that you were leaving.

He sent you a puzzled look. “But baby, I just got here.”

You huffed, “yeah, two hours late.” You’d already paid the waiter before your boyfriend came so you just wanted to leave and go home.

Exiting the warm restaurant, you tightened your jacket around your body and walked along the path that led to your house. Just as you were getting ready to cross the street, a hand grabbed your elbow and pulled you back. You turned around to come face-to-face with him and you noticed the agitated look plastered on his face and mentally rolled your eyes.

If anyone had the right to be mad in this situation, it was you. Today was your anniversary and you’d been stood up by your boyfriend. So yeah, you were a little ticked off at him.

“Why are you mad at me?”

You raised an eyebrow at him as if asking ‘really’

The hand that wasn’t on your arm ran through his hair. “Look, I’m sorry. Practice ran over since we’re getting ready for our comeback and I lost track of time.”

You bit your lip because to keep yourself from yelling at him in the middle of the street. You didn’t want to cause a scene so late in the evening. You closed your eyes tightly, “do you even know what today is?”

A confused look came onto his face. “Yeah, its Monday, March 3, 2014. What’s so important about today?”

Tears stung in the back of your eyelids but you kept them at bay. “Does the date have any significant meaning to you?” You added emphasis on the word ‘date’ as a hint for him so see if that would help him.

He paused and then shook his head, “no. Should it?”

Having to bite your lip harder to keep the small sob from escaping, you yanked your arm out of his hold and stormed away from him, ignoring his yells. You ran away from him because you didn’t want him to see the tears cascading down your face.

You understood that as an idol, he was going to be occupied and busy with different schedules and that you guys wouldn’t always be able to date like a normal couple. But you’d reminded him that morning that you had plans for your anniversary and he promised he wouldn’t forget. But guess what? He forgot…

You reached your apartment pretty quickly and headed up the stairs to your door. Opening the door with your keys, you shut it and threw your bag on the floor and your body onto the couch. Having a famous boyfriend was tiring and exhausting; so much work and not enough rewards.

The longer you stayed laying on the couch, the comfortable you became on the cushions. Just as you were slipping through the door of dreamland, someone decided that they would knock, well, pound on your door. You squeezed your eyes to pretend that you didn’t hear any disturbances but the person on the other side didn’t relent with their knocking.

Groaning out load, you got up from the couch and went to open the door when you heard his voice from the other side.

“______, I am so so so sorry. I can’t believe I forgot our anniversary. I remembered this morning but then practice and vocal rehearsals got in the way. And…and I know that’s not an excuse and I should’ve remembered but it slipped my mind. Baby, I’m really sorry. Please, just open the door. Please.”

You wouldn’t have relented and opened the door for him but the please broke your resolve. At the end of his little speech, your heart sped up a little from the sincerity in his voice and you couldn’t help but fall a little bit more in love with him. You unlocked the door and took a step back as he pushed open the door and stared at you with hesitant eyes.

You smiled a little, “well, aren’t you going to come inside and close the door?”

He stepped into the threshold, closing the door behind him softly but still didn’t move any closer to you. Like he was scared you were going to yell at him.

“I’m still upset with you.” You watched as his body tensed up. “But I forgive you. I understand how your schedule and being an idol is difficult and you forget things. It’s okay.”

He shook his hand frantically. “I shouldn’t forget the things or people in my life. Especially you. You’re one of the main reasons I keep pushing forward in the industry and I just can’t-.” He stopped in the middle of his sentence and took a seat on the couch and sighed.

“I just can’t forget one of the most important people in my life.” He resumed as he stared you in the eyes.

Your heart skipped a beat and you sat next to him, grabbing his hand. “Hey, hey. Don’t beat yourself up for this, okay? Please? For me?”

“But-” He started.

“Oppa.” You said firmly and he relented, biting his lip. “You know, there is a way you can make it to me for forgetting our anniversary.”

“What is it?”

Your fingers slowly crawled up his arm, just the way he liked it and rested your hand on his neck, over a sensitive spot and added slight pressure and watched as his hips canted up from the spark of pleasure. You leaned over to get closer to his ear, your breath sending a small shiver through him and you smiled evilly to yourself.

 “You can make dinner for me since you missed the reservation.”

And you bit his ear before jumping up and running to your room.

“Yah! You don’t have to be a tease with it!”

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