Chapter 31

Untamed Love (HIATUS)
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A/N: Chapter 31 updated! Read and comment. Vote if you like. Sorry for any grammar mistakes and misspelled words! Please please, tell all your thoughts about this story. Thanks. Cheers!^^







Chapter 31



“H-Have you ever thought of coming back to me?”


Eunjung’s eyebrows rose up with the sudden question. What? Though she may look calmed on the outside or hasn’t expressed of being surprised directly but the actual truth was, Eunjung was panicking and worried to be exact about a certain matter.


If the younger girl in front of her could only see how her hands turned cold, how her ears became numbed to hear a single sound and how her eyes were close, open, close and open again like in a slow motion. If only she could realize how nerve racking her question was for her. Eunjung moved on silence, straightening herself on the seat while swallowing hard.


Even if she replayed the question inside her head repeatedly, she was sure to what her answer could be. It was ‘yes’ of course, no doubt about it. All the years she spent being away from her, were also the years she thought of coming back to her. But why she was hesitant right now?


Granted that she might lie… she might tell the truth. But who else would bother to tell lies anyway if both ways, she could still be hurt? Shut up Eunjung, stop thinking! She was just asking you a single question…


Eunjung heaved a sigh, putting down her phone on the table and mindlessly playing with it, distracting herself from more unwanted question that might come. Her eyes found Jiyeon’s hand above the table, noticing the small glint of silver in her finger. A hint of sadness crossed in her eyes.


It fit her perfectly.


Eunjung shifted her eyes to look at her. “Was that a couple ring from him?”


“Huh? Y-Yeah…” The other girl froze.


Then, where is my ring Jiyeon?


They’ve been sitting there for a quite a while now, but the two have yet to exchange a single word. It was as if they were frozen in time, looking at each other; the one was waiting and the other half was pondering.




“Huh? Y-Yeah…” Jiyeon nodded, hiding her hand under. She felt awkward that Eunjung saw her ring. Jiyeon suddenly felt of wanting to take it off from her finger. A rush of guilt hit her. Jiyeon stop! Don’t act that way… She sighed.


Minutes have passed, Jiyeon felt more and more unease. She could counted again and then stop. She was confused now why Eunjung seemed to prolong everything before giving her an answer. There were too many possibilities that Eunjung may refuse to give her an answer or if ever she was, it may only bring disappointment and vague dissatisfaction on her part. Then, their simple night would be ruined and ended unpleasantly, and that was the last thing she wishes to happen.


Jiyeon inhaled sharply, clenching her bag under. Forget it, Jiyeonie… She looked at her again after shaking her head softly, with a flushing face and a smile she said, “I-If my question made you uncomfortable, please just—.”




Jiyeon could hear herself gasp. What? What did she say? “W-What?”


“I said, yes.”


“Oh…” There was a light flicker in Eunjung’s eyes that telling her she shouldn’t be surprised. She didn’t trying to be oblivious but Jiyeon chose to pay no attention to it, she was afraid.


“Yes. I considered coming back to you. I’ve been always thinking that.”




Her lips curved with a smile. “There. I answered you.”


“Y-Yeah.” Jiyeon averted her eyes. She was the one who had asked about it but why she herself became so anxious? She admitted the truth that she at least expected a ‘yes’ from her, and hearing it gave her an indescribable feeling that she couldn’t even utter a right words to say.


Jiyeon continuously fidgeted her bag and seeing Eunjung looking away from her didn’t help to make her tense feeling less. Still, deep within her there’s this little voice telling her to be more peculiar.


She knew that it wasn’t the right time pinning, cornering Eunjung with the things she was curious about considering their ‘friendship’ was still in the budding process or anything that you can call it right. But that strong desire, ignited inside of her, drew her to ask more and it was so damn hard to stop when curiosity filled her.


“T-Then why you didn’t return h-here in Seoul…” This time she drummed her fingers on the table, nervously. “…t-to come back to me?”




“W-Why you need to be back after five years?”


Jiyeon stared at her long, watching her every move; observing her face— how her eyes turned soft, how she chose to be quiet, how she pressed her lips in a thin line.


“And you know, five years was so long to wait, Eunjung…”




“Hey tiger…”


Eunjung lifted her head from the blueprints, frowning that the newcomer bothered her from her busy work. But her expression changed fast when she realized who the person was. “Yes, unnie?”


The older girl smirked. “Did you already see?”




“Oh my Eunjungie!” Soyeon rolled her eyes, putting the iPad on Eunjung’s desk, above the blueprints. “Have a look…”


Eunjung’s brows met, wondering what made the older girl eager. She peeked, seeing better the list of names, specifically her name and have to stop just to have a glance to the other girl, asking quietly if what she has thought was right. Soyeon nodded with a smile that made Eunjung to stand up from her seat with those bigger eyes.


“Congratulations, tiger!” She pinched her cheeks playfully.


“Unnie!” She hugged Soyeon tightly with tears in her eyes. “I did it!”


 “Yes you did!”


“Thank you, unnie, for the support.” She whispered.


“You know you’re always welcome.”


Eunjung couldn’t believe she passed the exam that the federation of Korean Architects supervised overseas. After all the hardships and stresses she’s been through and now she overcame it with flying colors. A year exactly have passed, and she thought she could go home now to the people she loves the most, to Ji—


“What’s the drama here?”<

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Nangnang #1
Chapter 43: im come and read this fic again haha really miss eunyeon fanfic TToTT
i think last cp seem like happy ending already reading with bloom heart in in end ^^
drxx07 #2
Chapter 43: Hello, author-nim. I'm a new reader of yours. Your writing is so good it makes me addicted and tbh, it's rare to find good fics, Eunyeon esp, so I will keep waiting for an ending to this fic. It's so good. Cheer up, author-nim. Pls take care. Pls know that we appreciate you and will wait for you.

Also.. I kept talking to myself while reading last few chapters. "TELL HER THE TRUTH BRUHHHH." That's all. Stay safe.
gen_30 #3
Chapter 43: this story is so good and still a cliff hanger 😂😂😂 any update??? thanks
jmae1015 #4
Chapter 43: hehe Queen's maybe busy but we will always be here waiting for this story to finally have it end, don't change it just keep going, never forget u still have us here waiting this to have its ending
Nangnang #5
Chapter 43: Long time no see you not update at all heol really miss this one of my love fanfic
Omg i’m the one ..only one who is still waiting you ??
Hope you can continue til its end ????
Btw hope you safe too be careful and take care
whiteroze #6
Chapter 43: I got excited When i saw the notif from you and im thinking "finally may updated na rin sa favorite story ko" and well see this..ohhh okay hahahhaha...

I hope you will continue ans finish this story not only this one but also all your storiess.

Keepsafe always ;)
1124 streak #7
Chapter 43: I got excited when I saw the notif but.... oh well hope you find your way back to writing and finishing your stories again... stay safe too authourssi
greenjade21 #8
Chapter 43: Ooh! I am hoping you'll find again the amour, if not for Kpop but, at least for your unfinished stories?! Still hoping! Your story "Untamed Love " is one of my favorite stories here in AFF! Still hoping! Hoping! Stay safe too! :)
ShainaloveTara #9
Chapter 43: Yes please continue this story we love it. Thank you.
finna57 #10
Chapter 43: I hope u end ur stories. But its up to u if u cant author. I support u whatever ur decision would be.

Yeah stay at home n keep safe.