Chapter 15

Untamed Love (HIATUS)
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A/N: Chapter 15 updated.It's midnight sorry for the lame chapter or mistakes. Goodnight.




Chapter 15



Jiyeon opened her eyes slowly; she bolted up and sat seeing the bright rays coming from her windows. It was already past eight in the morning and Jiyeon slapped her forehead gently for waking up late. She hastily looked for her phone and found it under the beddings. She chuckled. Jiyeon knew she fell asleep again talking to her.


Jiyeon immediately sorted out her message but got disappointed in the end not seeing such a good morning or wake up now princess message from the person that she expected to send her like the other days. Jiyeon pouted, contemplating if she should type and send her a message instead. Maybe she’s already in the middle of working now. She sighed. After some battle to herself inside her head, she decided to try to greet her this time. Trying won’t hurt right…


Good Morning! :-D


Jiyeon pressed send and waited for the reply, and not that long she jumped hearing her phone ring. She didn’t expect a call from her that early. Jiyeon panicked to the point that she accidentally rejected the call. agape almost cried out loud and was actually ready to punch her innocent Rilakkuma pillow beside her when she heard her phone ringing again.


Jiyeon carefully slid her finger this time to her phone. She excitedly answered. “Hello?!”


“Ouch! Are you planning to make me deaf?”


“I’m sorry.” Jiyeon bit her lips.


“Heh, it’s okay.”


The line literally got silent. Jiyeon heard her chuckled.


“Are we not going to speak?”


“Why do you call?”


“Hmm… because you texted me? Oh, by the way, I’m glad you’ve initiated this time.”


“On what?”


“On texting me.”


“I always do that before!”


“I know but that was before, not lately…um… since….”


Jiyeon felt her face got hot suddenly. “O-Okay, I’ll take initiative from now on.”


“Hahaha. Ji, no it’s alright, don’t take it seriously. I’m just looking if you will actually send a message to me.”


“So, you intended not sent any message just to try me?!”


Jiyeon sensed the hesitation from her. She heard her cleared . “Ah… um…”


“Ham Eunjung…” Jiyeon said sternly. It as if she was threatening the older girl.


“Y-Yeah. Sorry.”


Jiyeon sighed. Eunjung surely act like a kid sometimes. How did she ever actually love her? She shook her head.


“Are you upset?”


“No. I always knew you’re a kid too.”


“Hahaha. Look who’s talking.”


They both laughed in the line.


“Why are you not working?”


“Soyeon still not here. We can still do everything we wanted here. Have you had breakfast?”


“Not yet.”


“You should now.”


Jiyeon wanted to say later so that they can talk long, but she knows Eunjung will not agree if she skips breakfast.




“By the way, you’re nothing to do tomorrow, right?”


Jiyeon paused for a moment. “Y-Yeah, why?”


“Ah… L-Let’s go out. It’s been a while since we strolled together.”


Jiyeon fidgeted the side of her pillow. If she agreed, tomorrow will be the first time that they’ll meet again after what happened between them, after they kissed to be exact. Jiyeon unconsciously touched her lips.






She heard her laughed huskily. “I said, are you okay if we go?”


“S-Sure. What time?” Jiyeon wanted to knock her head for getting blank again.


“Morning. Past ten, maybe. I’ll pick you up.”




“Okay, I’ll hang up now, Soyeon is already here.”


“Y-Yeah, bye.”


“Bye.” Eunjung hung up.


Jiyeon threw herself on her bed again, burying her face on the pillow. It still not change, talking Eunjung still bringing that fluffy feelings on her stomach, making her heart beats faster as if she was running to an endless road. She took a deep breath. Tomorrow, she will see her again. Jiyeon blushed, she knew to herself, she was too excited.




Eunjung put down her phone, all smiles. She’s going to start her work now with full of energy. Assa!


“Whoa… someone is happy right now?”


Eunjung looked at Soyeon, innocently. “Who?”


“Tell me who?”


Eunjung raised her eyebrows, smiling. “I don’t know who’s that person, ma’am. I’ll start to work now before you bark on me again.” She turned her chair and faces her computer.


Soyeon laughed, shaking her head. She walked at her table, putting all her things. “Guys, I have a bad news for you.”


All her team members looked at her. She chuckled at their serious faces. “Don’t worry it’s not that serious. Sorry. Well, just a bad news for those who have date tomorrow.”


“Why?” Eunjung reacted.


“Oh, Ham Eunjung… so you have date tomorrow?”


Eunjung turned red. “N-No. I just have schedule.”


Soyeon smirked. “We have work on Saturday, tomorrow. Is there anybody who wants to react?”


A man named Lee Seo In raised his hand. “It’s my wedding anniversary.”


All in the team laughed, except Eunjung. She was thinking hard about her schedule, if she should cancel. She wanted to continue it of course but her work is much more important. Eunjung reached her phone again ready to message Jiyeon to cancel.


“Well, actually guys I’m just requesting you to work in the morning. You can go in your own schedules or whatever dates you have in the afternoon, no worries. I just want you all present here, to see all your faces here in the morning. Is that okay?”


“Yes, Architect!” All the members shouted.


Eunjung exhaled, silently thanked Soyeon in her head. Though they will meet late, at least she won’t cancel. She swiftly sent a message to Jiyeon for a change of plan. She told her that she can’t pick her up and to just meet somewhere. Eunjung didn’t wait that long for her answer. She smiled, covering her face with her hands. If people will see her right now, they can say that she is like a high school boy who just had received a text from his biggest crush. Eunjung leaned back on her chair while putting her phone aside, whistling. She couldn’t believe that she was too excited over a simple outing. Heol, it’s not my first dat—  I mean to actually go out with Jiyeon… aish… Eunjung slapped her face

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Nangnang #1
Chapter 43: im come and read this fic again haha really miss eunyeon fanfic TToTT
i think last cp seem like happy ending already reading with bloom heart in in end ^^
drxx07 #2
Chapter 43: Hello, author-nim. I'm a new reader of yours. Your writing is so good it makes me addicted and tbh, it's rare to find good fics, Eunyeon esp, so I will keep waiting for an ending to this fic. It's so good. Cheer up, author-nim. Pls take care. Pls know that we appreciate you and will wait for you.

Also.. I kept talking to myself while reading last few chapters. "TELL HER THE TRUTH BRUHHHH." That's all. Stay safe.
gen_30 #3
Chapter 43: this story is so good and still a cliff hanger 😂😂😂 any update??? thanks
jmae1015 #4
Chapter 43: hehe Queen's maybe busy but we will always be here waiting for this story to finally have it end, don't change it just keep going, never forget u still have us here waiting this to have its ending
Nangnang #5
Chapter 43: Long time no see you not update at all heol really miss this one of my love fanfic
Omg i’m the one ..only one who is still waiting you ??
Hope you can continue til its end ????
Btw hope you safe too be careful and take care
whiteroze #6
Chapter 43: I got excited When i saw the notif from you and im thinking "finally may updated na rin sa favorite story ko" and well see this..ohhh okay hahahhaha...

I hope you will continue ans finish this story not only this one but also all your storiess.

Keepsafe always ;)
1123 streak #7
Chapter 43: I got excited when I saw the notif but.... oh well hope you find your way back to writing and finishing your stories again... stay safe too authourssi
greenjade21 #8
Chapter 43: Ooh! I am hoping you'll find again the amour, if not for Kpop but, at least for your unfinished stories?! Still hoping! Your story "Untamed Love " is one of my favorite stories here in AFF! Still hoping! Hoping! Stay safe too! :)
ShainaloveTara #9
Chapter 43: Yes please continue this story we love it. Thank you.
finna57 #10
Chapter 43: I hope u end ur stories. But its up to u if u cant author. I support u whatever ur decision would be.

Yeah stay at home n keep safe.