Chapter 11

Untamed Love (HIATUS)
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A/N: New update! Sigh, reading all the comments I might disappoint you that this chap doesn't justify all your expectations. Hehe. Anyway just enjoy. My trip got cancelled, so I write to make my boring life alive. I watched T-ara's concert streaming. Daebak! I never seen a concert like that that fans are allowed to use gadgets. T-ara's fandom really amaze me. I may not a fan for too long but seeing them crying really touched me. Indeed, they are strong to surpassed all the struggles. I salute T-ara and the Queens. I'm thankful to T-ara's Maknae for bringing me in to the fandom, and to know more about them.




Chapter 11



“Jungie wait!”


Eunjung did not stop nor listen to Gyuri’s call. All she knew was to approach fast where Jiyeon is dancing. She couldn’t let those unknown boys touching Jiyeon. Not before her eyes, and definitely not in front of her. Eunjung pushed people that blocks her way. A guy shouted at her but she chose to ignore him. There’s nothing more important than to come where Jiyeon is and take her out of this damn club.


Eunjung saw the boy who tried to touch Jiyeon’s back earlier was now grinding his body behind her, touching Jiyeon’s hips. And Jiyeon was moving her body like she was completely enjoying it. Even her hands were around the other boy’s shoulder. Eunjung gaze narrowed, she takes her big step, approaching them.


“Get your ty hands off of her!” She strongly pushed the boy who’s behind Jiyeon until he fell on the floor on shocked. The people around them yelled and looked at them curiously.


“JB!” Seungho shouted, immediately stops his dancing. He pulled Jiyeon with him putting his hands around her shoulder, protecting her. Jiyeon who seemed daze with the sudden happening around her gasped, seeing Eunjung stands in front of them looking angrily.


“E-Eunjung unni—.” Jiyeon whispered, her eyes widened while covering her own mouth. She instantly backed away, almost tripping at Seungho’s foot.


“What the hell!” Eunjung heard the boy named JB shouted, his face turned red, obviously embarrassed that he fell on the ground.


Eunjung ignored him, trying to pull Jiyeon into her. Seungho who was completely surprised too with sudden arrival of an older girl, holds Jiyeon’s hand tightly, refusing to let Jiyeon go. Eunjung eyes darkened.


“Don’t touch her.” Eunjung said coldly, gritting her teeth. She saw the boy’s face turned white but still holding Jiyeon’s hand. “I said, don’t touch her.” She repeated.


Seungho felt his blood rapidly pumped, feeling nervous. He doesn’t know who the older girl in front of them, but her strong presence really made him to question his own self to protect Jiyeon. Eunjung looked at him. 1… 2… 3…!


“LET HER GO!” Eunjung shouted angrily, pulling Jiyeon forcefully. She heard Jiyeon cried. She knew that she was hurt her arm but she doesn’t care. Her mind was clouded with anger, to the boys who she danced with and to Jiyeon who disobeyed her. She broke her promise to me…


Seungho was dazed; his hand eventually lost his grip to Jiyeon’s hand. He heard Jiyeon’s cry out of pain, but those dark eyes that fiercely looked at him made him to stay on his spot. He saw her turned her back pulling Jiyeon who hardly walk because of drunkenness. Seungho’s eyes following them and caught JB yelling and running towards the duo.


The people were obviously enjoying the scene in front of them, whispering. Seungho heard his classmates asking him who’s the other girl, but he can’t answer them. He was too, had no idea who the girl was and he was so worried about Jiyeon. JB was angry, he definitely won’t let the girls go that easily particularly when he was drunk, and he will probably get some help to his father’s underling.


“You crazy woman! Do you think I will let what you did that easily?!” JB gripped Eunjung’s shoulder, forcing her to face him.


“Don’t touch me.”


JB pointed his index finger to Eunjung. “You’re so brave but you made a mistake.” He stepped in front of Eunjung. “You can’t walk out of that door before me without my order.”


“Oh yeah? I don’t listen to a mere boy who is spoiled as you are. Just go hide under your mom’s skirt.” Eunjung said coldly as an ice, turning her back to JB.


JB who seems offended to Eunjung’s word, pulled her arm and tried to slap her. Jiyeon gasped, but silently relieved with Eunjung’s fast reflexes to avoid his hand. Eunjung held JB’s hand tightly before letting it go; she knows the boy was completely under alcohol; hence she was preventing herself to take him seriously. JB caught surprised but he hid it. He then noticed how Eunjung holding Jiyeon’s hand, trying to hide her at her back.


JB smirked. “Heh… I know now, you like that girl too, ha? Is she your type? Do you want to bang her? We can share you know. I am very generous pers—.”


JB fell into the ground again, his nose bleeding. Eunjung clenched her jaws, balling her fist again. You are just a piece of plank to me. No one can say anything bad to Jiyeon. Her eyes were burning with anger. Eunjung felt Jiyeon’s hands, stopping her.


“N-no, Eunjung unnie…” Jiyeon whispered, shaking her head. She looked down at the floor avoiding Eunjung’s eyes. Eunjung glared at her. She already punched JB’s nose two times before he fell but for her it wasn’t enough. I’m still not yet finished. She yanked Jiyeon’s hand, walking towards JB again.


Jiyeon left stunned. She suddenly felt the alcohol losing its control over her body. She still feels the dizziness but it clears to her what is Eunjung going to do again, and she couldn’t stop her anymore. It’s her fault, if only she didn’t go there, it won’t happen.


Wooyoung saw what Eunjung did; he rushed off to where the three are. “Eunjung, stop!” He stepped between JB who was on the floor and Eunjung. Wooyoung helped JB to stand up who suddenly cried seeing the blood in his hands. Gyuri stood beside Eunjung reaching her hand, but to her surprise, Eunjung refused to be touched. Gyuri saw how badly Eunjung’s hand shaking. She never had seen her like this. While Qri and Hyomin stayed at the side watching.


Hyomin felt sorry for the boy. She knows how terrible Eunjung when gets mad, that’s why no one tried to mess up with her even before they are kids. The last time she remembered was when they were in high school, their classmate got hospitalized with a nearly broken ribs when Eunjung kicked him because he touched Qri’s . Qri didn’t saw what exactly Eunjung did to the boy but Hyomin did. Eunjung almost got suspended by their school if not only for Mrs. Ham’s connection to their school. That’s why her parents decided to turn Eunjung’s interest to a piano instead, and insisted to her to join different clubs like Dancing, Arts or Literature. They even taught Eunjung how to knit. Her friend agreed to her parents, but Eunjung knows how to be stubborn sometimes. Unknown to her parents, she still continued learning Taekwondo and got her black belt in the process.


“You crazy !” JB shouted, wiping his nose. He saw his father walking fast with his bodyguards following behind.


“What’s happening here?”




“Who did that to you?!” Mr. Im asked angrily seeing his son with seemingly broken nose.


“That crazy woman. He punched me even I didn’t do anything to her!” He spitted, pointing at Eunjung who is looking at the ground.


“Hey!” Wooyoung frowned, pushing him; he doesn’t like what the boy did. He was so rude spitting to people. Life of a spoiled rich kid… The bodyguards readied themselves to attack Wooyoung, but Mr. Im stops them.


“Do you know I can sue you for punching my son, young lady?” Mr. Im put his hands to his hips. He doesn’t like people hurting his youngest son. He looked intently to the young girls in front of him.


“But we can sue you too for allowing minors in your club, Sir.” Boram cut in. She won’t let this man be little her sister. “You can see, Sir. My sister here is just making our younger sister out of your club when we saw her here.”


Mr. Im looked surprised knowing there’s a minor aside from his son that got in his club without him knowing. He looked at his son who turned white. “But, she still doesn’t have the right to hurt him! She probably broke his nose.”


“And for that, Sir, I am apologizing. If you want, Sir I can bring him to the doctor and pay for the bills.” Boram gazed flew around them. “I know my sister won’t hurt someone else unless your son did something bad.” Boram glanced at JB who didn’t talk. Soyeon tried to hide her smile seeing the boy’s face. Jungie really punched him hard ha… she thought.


Mr. Im fell silent. He knows his son has an attitude when gets drunk. He wanted to punish who did that to him, but he couldn’t let his business tarnished by his trouble too.


“However, if you still continue of suing my sister, we will sue your club too, Sir. I believe that some of here are still underage.” Boram saw Luna and Jiyoung at the side looking nervous. She knows the girls look familiar; she already saw their faces

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Nangnang #1
Chapter 43: im come and read this fic again haha really miss eunyeon fanfic TToTT
i think last cp seem like happy ending already reading with bloom heart in in end ^^
drxx07 #2
Chapter 43: Hello, author-nim. I'm a new reader of yours. Your writing is so good it makes me addicted and tbh, it's rare to find good fics, Eunyeon esp, so I will keep waiting for an ending to this fic. It's so good. Cheer up, author-nim. Pls take care. Pls know that we appreciate you and will wait for you.

Also.. I kept talking to myself while reading last few chapters. "TELL HER THE TRUTH BRUHHHH." That's all. Stay safe.
gen_30 #3
Chapter 43: this story is so good and still a cliff hanger 😂😂😂 any update??? thanks
jmae1015 #4
Chapter 43: hehe Queen's maybe busy but we will always be here waiting for this story to finally have it end, don't change it just keep going, never forget u still have us here waiting this to have its ending
Nangnang #5
Chapter 43: Long time no see you not update at all heol really miss this one of my love fanfic
Omg i’m the one ..only one who is still waiting you ??
Hope you can continue til its end ????
Btw hope you safe too be careful and take care
whiteroze #6
Chapter 43: I got excited When i saw the notif from you and im thinking "finally may updated na rin sa favorite story ko" and well see this..ohhh okay hahahhaha...

I hope you will continue ans finish this story not only this one but also all your storiess.

Keepsafe always ;)
1123 streak #7
Chapter 43: I got excited when I saw the notif but.... oh well hope you find your way back to writing and finishing your stories again... stay safe too authourssi
greenjade21 #8
Chapter 43: Ooh! I am hoping you'll find again the amour, if not for Kpop but, at least for your unfinished stories?! Still hoping! Your story "Untamed Love " is one of my favorite stories here in AFF! Still hoping! Hoping! Stay safe too! :)
ShainaloveTara #9
Chapter 43: Yes please continue this story we love it. Thank you.
finna57 #10
Chapter 43: I hope u end ur stories. But its up to u if u cant author. I support u whatever ur decision would be.

Yeah stay at home n keep safe.