
Beauty And A Beat

Joohyun felt out of place, standing in the middle of a foreign country that she had never even stepped her foot on before. She should’ve listened to her sister before she thought, on taking up English lessons during her free time. It would’ve been more useful than the dance lessons that she took.


But hey, at least that’s what keeping her in shape. It’s not as if she wanted to come to Canada on her own will. She had to come for her sister’s graduation in place of their parents, who couldn’t leave their restaurant behind unattended.


Joohyun rubbed her hands together for some warmth, wondering whether she should try asking one of the passersby on where she would be able to get some Korean food. Her stomach had been growling the moment she arrived at the airport. And she could use some hot soup to warm her up.


Joohyun didn’t manage to eat a thing during her whole flight, since the food was terrible. It looked as if the burger that was offered to her was marinated in oil for months and the last thing she wanted on her first time going overseas is to have a heart attack.


“Maybe I should just go straight to where Sooji is,” Joohyun mumbled dejectedly before fishing out her phone from her jacket, trying to ignore the continuous growling in her stomach. Lucky for her, everybody was too busy doing their own thing that they didn’t even notice the weird sounds coming from the girl with the purple luggage.


It didn’t take long for her sister to pick up her call. Joohyun should’ve asked her sister in advance on where she lives at but Joohyun figured that it would be useless anyways since Sooji never really stays in one place back in Korea, moreover here where there are ten times more clubs and pubs.


“Sooji-ah, where are you right now?”


“I’m…somewhere. Ohohohoho.”


And this is one of the times where she felt like giving Sooji a smack. The girl could be dumb sometimes. Joohyun could clearly hear the loud music booming through the phone, accompanied with muffled voices at the back.


“Seriously. Tell me where you are or I’m just gonna take the earliest flight back to Seoul right now and let you have your graduation on your own. Which one is it?”


“….Fine. I’m at club with a friend right now.”


“Just a friend?”


Joohyun quirked a brow, even though the younger girl couldn’t see it at the moment.


“…I’m with a group of friends.”


“That’s more like you,” Joohyun snorted. “Anyways, text me the address to where you are so that I could take a cab there.”


“Wha- Why do you need to go here unnie?” she whined. “I could just give you the address to where I’m staying at no?”


“And what am I suppose to do without any keys my lovely sister?”


“Don’t worry, my housemate should be home by now.”


Joohyun sighed, slowly giving in to her sister. “….Fine then.”


Just as Joohyun was about to hang up on her, Sooji managed to slip in a few words, adding another nightmare for the older girl.


“Oh and by the way, my housemate doesn’t speak Korean unnie. She might look Korean but she speaks full English.”


“What the- Hey, you better come home asap then-“


And Sooji, took the liberty of ending the phone call. Joohyun’s definitely not happy with the situation at all. It’s bad enough that she’s starving and to be left alone with a non-Korean speaker? She’s just hoping that good things were to come in the week that she’s spending there.




Joohyun swore that she’s going to murder Sooji when she’s home. She’s just hoping that the housemate that her sister was talking about would be nice enough not to judge her terrible English.


It only took her a few rings on the bell to get the door open and Joohyun had to drew in a sharp breath upon the sight of the beautiful brunette greeting her.




Uhm, you… Sooji’s friend?” Joohyun tried her best to squeeze her brains out for some English words as she regained her composure, and that was the only words she could come up with.


Sooji? Oh, you mean Suzy?”  Her eyebrows creased a little for a moment and the girl soon chuckled when she realized what Joohyun was talking about. “You must be the sister she’s talking about.


Joohyun didn’t even know what the brunette was saying to her at first but as soon as she heard the word ‘sister’, she only nodded her head in return.


“Hmm, I’m guessing that you don’t speak English too,” she muttered to no one in particular, eyeing Joohyun from head to toe before breaking into a smile. “Come on in then. My name is Wendy,” the girl gestured Joohyun to enter the house, to which Joohyun was more than glad for.


She’s finally going to be able to get some comfortable sleep and food. Yes, food. But asking the girl to make her something on their first meeting would be too much no? Joohyun thought to herself. But if she were to barge to their kitchen all of the sudden, that would be rude as well.


“We’ve got a spare room thankfully. Our other housemate had just moved in with her boyfriend recently so the room is all yours,” Wendy nodded.


“Room?” Joohyun blinked for a few times and repeated to herself in Korean when she understood what it meant. “Ah, room.”


“Yes, for you,” Wendy somehow couldn’t get rid of the smile on her face. Joohyun was beyond cute. It was as if the latter is some kind of pet that she had just gotten for herself. But of course, Joohyun is just her housemate’s sister. She should probably keep it that way if she didn’t want things to be awkward with Suzy. And it’s not as if she could communicate well with Joohyun if she were to hit on her. “Are you hungry? I could whip up something for you.”




And out of nowhere, Joohyun just had to embarrass herself in front of Wendy. By letting a growl escaping from her stomach, followed by another one.


“I’m guessing that’s a yes.”




“I… Thank you,” Joohyun nodded her head shyly, watching Wendy serving a plate of spaghetti in front of her. From the looks of it, the girl seems to be a good cook. The food smelled really good that it was enough to make her swallow the excess bit of saliva in .


“Go ahead then,” Wendy propped her chin on the table and grinned.


Joohyun carefully took a bite of the spaghetti as she gave Wendy a glance, as if asking for her permission to eat and as soon as she had a taste of the spaghetti, Joohyun just threw away all of her dignity in front of the other girl.


No one could blame her for doing so though, since she hadn’t been eating all day long.


“You must’ve been really hungry,” Wendy chuckled, placing a glass of water next to Joohyun. “Here you go.”


Joohyun’s cheeks were flushed the moment she realized that she probably looks silly in front of Wendy. She continued to eat her late dinner in silence, with Wendy staring at her the whole time.


It was around when she was done with her food that the bell rang, and Joohyun could only pray that it was her lovely sister. Whom she would like to unchoke the life from, for leaving her like this.


“Oh, that must be Suzy,” Wendy got up from her seat. “Let me go get the door.”


And Joohyun’s prayers were answered when the door opened, revealing her sister’s face.


“Hey, what’s up?” Sooji playfully saluted her housemate as she entered.


“Oh hey, your sister is already here-“


Within a split second Joohyun was already in front of her sister, grabbing the younger girl’s ear, pissed.


“You twerp, you dare to leave me alone like this!”


“Ouch ouch ouch!” Sooji squealed in pain and immediately had her puppy-eyed look on, trying to charm her way out. “Unnie, what did I do wrong?”


“You should’ve come back home earlier you idiot!”


“Well I’m sorry, I had a few rounds of drinks with my friends earlier,” she smiled sheepishly. “Ehe.”


“Ehe your !” Joohyun frowned and flicked her sister’s forehead. Wendy on the other hand just watch the two siblings’ antics, an amused smile playing on her lips. It turns out that the girl whom she thought to be shy earlier wasn’t that shy at all.




“Oh hey, where’s your sister?” Wendy tapped her friend’s shoulder, scouring the living room for any sight of Joohyun and she pouted dejectedly as soon as she realizes that the girl wasn’t there.


“She’s taking a shower right now I think,” Sooji shrugged and widened her eyes as soon as she realizes that Wendy actually woke up early, on Sunday morning. That never happened before during the three years that she lived with her. “Why are you looking for her? And more importantly, did you eat something wrong last night that you’re awake this early?”


“No reason. And no, I didn’t eat anything wrong last night. There’s nothing wrong with waking up early.”


“Hah, how odd,” Sooji took a glimpse at her friend in suspicion. Those words should not be coming from the Wendy that she knew. “Anyways, I think my unnie is still in the shower.”


“Oh, I see…”


All of the sudden, Joohyun walked into the living room with only her towels on and Wendy were definitely taken aback with it. She should be used to these sorts of things since she is living with girls but in Joohyun’s case, it’s different. The Canadian girl couldn’t help but to scrutinize every inch of Joohyun’s figure and boy it was perfect.


“Sooji-ah, did you happen to go through my things last night because I couldn’t find my Mickey Mouse shirt-“ Joohyun froze on spot as soon as she saw that Wendy was also in the room, feeling a bit embarrassed with the fact that she’s dressed inappropriately. “Nevermind, I’ll just go wear something else.”


Joohyun quickly scurried away, leaving her question unanswered and Wendy a bit bothered.




“I would love to show you around unnie but I’ve got an appointment to go to,” Sooji smiled apologetically. “How about we go tomorrow instead?”


“It’s okay, I don’t really mind it,” Joohyun nodded, ushering her sister to be on her way. “Be careful on your way alright? The snow seems to be thick.”


“I’m sorry again unnie.”


“Is there anything wrong?” Wendy who had secretly been listening to the sisters’ conversation, in spite of not knowing what they were talking about, curiously peeked her head out of the living room.


“Oh nothing much, I was thinking of showing my sister around but you know that I have to meet up with the graduation committee. So I told her that I would be taking her out tomorrow instead.”


Wendy’s ears perked up upon hearing what her friend was saying and it was this time where she needs to take the chance of spending some time with Joohyun. Besides, she didn’t wake up early for nothing.


“How about I show her around instead? I have nothing in plan.”


“Are you sure?”


“Uh huh.”


“Well…alright then.”




It took Sooji a lot to persuade her sister in going with Wendy. It’s not as if Joohyun disliked Wendy. In fact, she would be glad to go with her if she could speak English. Joohyun just didn’t want to make things awkward while they were out there.


“I think we’re good to go,” Wendy smiled, offering her hand for Joohyun to hold on and the latter figured that she shouldn’t refuse the girl’s offer. She had been nice to her and there’s no harm in doing so anyways.


Everything went smoothly so far. The two of them had just finished having their lunch at this diner that Wendy brought her to and Joohyun had to admit that the food was quite good, not what she expected. No wonder Wendy seems so excited on bringing her to the place.


The longer Wendy stared at the older girl, the cuter she found Joohyun to be. Her nose was starting to turn red, along with her cheeks and Wendy kept a mental note to herself on how Joohyun tend to rub her nose cutely at times. Just like a little kitten.


It was then Wendy had realized that Joohyun hadn’t been wearing her jacket properly the whole time. The zip was halfway done and if Joohyun were to let it be, the girl would probably get a cold by the end of the day.


“Hold on for a sec,” Wendy scrunched her nose and stood in front of Joohyun, carefully fixing the older girl’s jacket before zipping it up to her neck. For some odd reason, the close proximity was making Joohyun a bit nervous. It suddenly reminded her of a scene from a drama, where the two characters would end up kissing in the end. And little did she know, she wasn’t the only one who had the same thought.


Thank you,” Joohyun bit her lower lip and shyly averted her gaze away from the girl.


“You’re welcome,” Wendy slightly cleared up and took Joohyun’s hand into hers once again, leading the way for the two of them. “Do you know how to ice skate?”


“Skateu?” Joohyun thought for a moment before shaking her head.


“Yeah, skate,” Wendy smiled. “I could teach you if you want, I’m pretty good at it.”




“Me. Teach, ” Wendy carefully pronounced each word and pointed towards the older girl. “You.”


“Ah…” Joohyun scratched her nape and smiled lopsidedly. “Okay.”




Wendy was happy. Happy that there weren’t a lot of people at the rink. It just means that she gets to have Joohyun all to herself. Wait, that sounds kind of wrong.


But yes, she is happy.


Wendy swore that she could have a muscle cramp in her face for smiling too much that day. She just couldn’t contain her smile again, seeing Joohyun struggle with her ice skates.


“Let me help you with that,” Wendy immediately rushed over to Joohyun, getting on a knee to help the older girl out. She looked charming in front of Joohyun’s eyes. “There you go.”


“Thank you,” Joohyun smiled childishly and slowly stood up with the help of the other girl. She couldn’t wait really, to get Wendy to teach her. Wendy carefully led Joohyun to the rink, not wanting the latter to fall. Even she who frequently skates could fall sometimes, if she’s careless.


“Just follow my steps alright?”


“Follow?” Joohyun blinked for a few times. “Ah, okay!”


“Cute,” Wendy muttered to herself and went on to skate backwards in front of Joohyun, holding both Joohyun’s hands at the same time. Joohyun was a quick learner when it comes to physical things, so it didn’t take long for her to catch on Wendy’s techniques. She even decided to let go of Wendy’s hands when she felt that she had gotten it. “Oh hey, you’re a fast learner,” Wendy chuckled, watching Joohyun slowly skate away from her.


“Thank you!” Joohyun shouted towards Wendy from a distance and grinned. She would’ve said tons of other things if the girl could understand her mother tongue but Joohyun figured that even a small thank you would be enough. It was a good thing that her sister had persuaded her earlier, because she wouldn’t have been able to have this much fun without Wendy.


“You’re welcome-


Wendy widened her eyes in alarm upon seeing Joohyun suddenly slipped, and rushed to help her out but something fortunate- or should I say unfortunate happened instead. Instead of falling flat on the rink, Joohyun fell on top of her instead.

“Ouch…” Wendy groaned lightly and was about to ask whether the other girl is okay or not but soon choked on her breath at the sight of Joohyun on top of her. Perhaps, Wendy should be the one asking that question to herself. On whether ‘she’ is the one who’s okay or not. But yeah, no one should be okay with Joohyun on top of them. Whether on purpose or accidentally.


If it weren’t for the guy who came over to them to help them out, the two would’ve stayed in the position forever. Both of their cheeks were flushed as soon as they got back on their feet and no one dared to speak a word to each other.


“You girls are alright?” the lad, who is probably a worker at the rink judging from his outfit and the nametag ‘Cutter’, smiled as he tried to strike a conversation. And Wendy could notice him ogling on Joohyun. Which she didn’t like for one bit.


“Yes, we’re alright. Thanks for the help man,” Wendy flashed a sweet smile and wrapped an arm around Joohyun’s waist, pulling the older girl closer to her. “Now please excuse me, my girlfriend and I needs to rush home since she’s getting a bit hot inside. It’s our anniversary you see,” Wendy winked and quickly made her way out, bringing Joohyun along.


The guy on the other hand just stood on his spot, his mouth agape.




“So did you two had fun earlier?” Sooji plopped down on the couch, taking over the empty space next to Wendy.


“Yes, we did. Now move over to the other couch so that Joohyun could sit here.”


“Hey, you’re chasing me away for my sister?” Sooji pouted. “Since when did you two become bffs?”


“We’re not bffs,” Wendy mumbled.


“Then what are you guys?” Sooji snorted, reaching over for the plate of fruits on the coffee table but Wendy swatted her hand away before she gets the chance to even grab a slice. “Ouch, what was that for?”


“The fruits are for Joohyun, not you.”


“And now you’re getting cranky- Oh my god. Please don’t tell me it’s what I think it is.”




“You… You have the hots for my sister don’t you?”


And she was right on the spot. Wendy was a terrible liar and Sooji could tell whenever her housemate is lying. The girl would be shifting in her seat uncomfortably, and it’s exactly what Wendy is doing right now.


“What are you talking about you idiot?”


“Oh my god, you really do!”


“Stop speaking nonsense and have this slice of Kiwi,” Wendy shoved the slice of fruit into Sooji’s mouth, trying to silence her friend.


“I thought that you said the fruits are for Joohyun,” Sooji rolled her eyes, chewing on the kiwi nevertheless.


It was not long after that where Joohyun came out from the kitchen with a bottle of water and naturally took a seat next to Wendy. The latter offered the older girl the plate with a smile, and Joohyun returned the smile that was given to her.


“…You two are gross. I’m out of here.”


“What was that Sooji?” Joohyun looked over to her sister questioningly.


“Nothing. I just told Wendy that I’m taking a shower.”


“…Why do you even need to tell her that? You can just go straight to the bathroom.”


“Yes yes, you can have Wendy all to yourself now unnie,” Sooji sighed exasperatedly, leaving the two lovebirds in the making on their own.


“What was that supposed to mean,” Joohyun murmured, her cheeks starting to redden a bit. Coming over to Canada wasn’t that bad she thought. Wendy was probably the best thing that happened to her ever since she arrived at the country. Although, she is going to have a hard time learning English, to woo Wendy. But then again, she already has the younger girl at the palm of her hands. Without knowing it of course.


Author’s Note – The cheese and corn in this. I’m so sorry sobs. ; u ; 

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Chapter 1: Theyre so precious
Favebolous #2
Chapter 1: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 1: Joohyun is so cute :'(
Thank you! This had me like uwu all the time
fatalpuppy #4
Chapter 1: Cute! Thanks for the fluff :)
Favebolous #5
Chapter 1: Wow I love that
byuntaengislove #6
Sequel :(
Chapter 1: SEQUELLLL PLEASEEEE , this is too cute!!
Chapter 1: Sequel please T.T
Chapter 1: sequeeeeeelllllllllllll
seungwan15 #10
Chapter 1: OH MY~~~ THIS NEEDS A CONTINUATION!!!! PLSSS PLSS??? reading sooji and irene interact as sisters is soo funny I CAN'T And wendy such a gentleWAN when it comes to bae, LOLOL GOSH PLS can u continue this?? *begs* ;^;