
A different kind of love.



It was finally today, the day I had been waiting for since..well forever. There were only feelings of excitement, happiness, and a general positive vibe filling the air. This would be the first time I would get to see her. Not that I wasn't looking forward to other things in general, however it would be blatant lie to say my main focus wasn't seeing that person. My mind buzzed with images of all the things I had been planning for us to do over the past few months. Hell, my mind had been wrapped in making plans even before we had set a date for this to happen. This trip was surely going to be interesting.


I should probably explain the specifics of everything before I get too carried away in my delusions. I'm Krystal Jung, a college student studying journalism. I plan to move to New York later, but for now I'm living in Seoul. My sister is Jessica Jung, a household name these days. She's the owner of a famous fashion brand. Did I mention she's crazy protective of me? I live alone with her and I'm not allowed to date according to her rules. She hasn't a clue of what I plan to happen when we arrive in Busan later. I guess it's best I explain that too...'m..a lesbian. I guess it's kind of an open secret though? I think my sister knows, but she never says anything about it. My close friends know, and girlfriend knows of course. Yeah, I know I just said I wasn't allowed to date but..


A few months ago at university, my best friend Jonghyun got an assignment of having a pen pal. He ended up getting a super hot chick as his and she lives in Busan. Long story short he found she was a lesbian as well and got us talking. We've never met, but I'm 100% sure I'm completely in love with her. Her name? Choi Jinri. We've given her the nickname Sulli though. We talk to each other at every chance we get. I was the one who came up with the plan to meet up since I know my over worked sister needed a vacation anyways. She agreed without questioning a thing. That was the easy part of course.


I'm not really sure how my sis will react when she finds out. I'm pretty much a hipster no matter how it comes down to it, and on the wild side. She's in a rock band which means shes got a few tattoos, multiple ear piercings. She is always bragging about her industrial. She even has a tongue ring which she's described how she'll use it to pleasure me on multiple occasions. God...I love steamy 2 am phone calls. Umm..oops off topic.


The point is that Sulli is the exact definition of the kind of person my aristocratic older sister can't stand: Loud, lustful, wild, unruly, cocky, spontaneous, possessive, free spirited, irresponsible.

Jess thinks everyone should be a functioning member of society which means getting a good education. You know being studious and the like. Sulli, dropped out of high school and does drugs with her friends on weekends. Jessica is gonna be livid.


Honestly, she's my first girlfriend which means everything we do will be my first time. Let me say that she's extremely satisfied about this. I've been attracted to all sorts of people, but I never expected that I'd end up with the bad girl type. I really don't know what it is about her, but she drives me crazy in the best way possible. I can't wait for her to corrupt me and break me into so many new things that I'd never done before. I just really can't wait to be with her.




It's June 10th now. We're going today. Finally.


Not just me and Jessi though.


My best friend Jonghyun.


Her personal assistant Victoria.


Victoria's boyfriend Changmin.


Last but certainly sister's douche of a boyfriend: Taecyeon.


Yeah..the car ride will be interesting to say the least.


The guys are loading up the van with the various luggage while I watch my sister and Victoria pack lunches for everyone. I offered to help, but they insisted the contents are a surprise of some sort. In a state of boredom I check my phone and see a text from my babe.


[From]: Sulli


Bb did ya leaveeeeee yet? I just got out of the shower. Should I send you pics? ;)



Oh hell yeah. It's 8 am, but I sure as hell like where this is going.


[From]: Krystal


Nah..not yet my sis is packing lunches & takin 4eva -.- … plz ;-;


“Yah! Soojung! Who are you texting so much this early in the morning?” Jessica called from the kitchen leaving me a bit stunned. I couldn't make my usual excuse of Jonghyun considering he was outside in our driveway. I just mustered a smile and quickly changed the subject.


“Unnie...are you wearing that today? You look beautiful in that.” I could see her entire face light up just from that one small compliment. I don't even think I've seen her make that face from her own boyfriend's comments. I just chalked it off to me never saying these types of things to her. I did like seeing her so elated though from something so small. I'll say it more often for her sake.


“Mm. I am. It's my new piece from my line.” I kind of tuned her out as she began to drone on about her work. In the midst of her rambling, I got a text full of pictures of my girlfriend. I was biting my lower lip and fully aroused by 8:05 am. Typical day. I was probably just staring at the screen in awe for several minutes before tucking my phone back into my pocket, but not before replying of course.



[From]: Krystal can you be so hot? I'm sooooo right now..helpppppppp




“Soojung! We're leaving now.” I heard from Victoria. I gave her a curt nod, and composed myself despite being...well completely focused on the sensation in my shorts to be blunt. I exhaled slowly, and got into the back seat of the car sitting next to my best friend. Taec had taken the driver seat with Jessica beside him. I planned on ignoring him as much as possible. He was self entitled and ignorant, the kind of guy who thought girls were only lesbians because they couldn't get boyfriends. Yeah, that.


“You took long enough there dyke. Finally we can go!” I shot him the finger, and Jessica slapped his arm proceeding to turn on the radio straight after. Jonghyun was laughing at the unfolding scene. Victoria and her boyfriend were riding in their own car. How lucky they were. I took out my MP3 player and stuck one ear bud in my ear and offered the other to Jonghyun. He took it willingly without any word of protest. Straight away I my favorite song: Daft Punk – Get Lucky. We were bobbing our heads to the beat when I felt a vibration go off in my pocket. New text message.



[From]: Sulli


Hmm just stick your hand between your legs and send me a voice clip of your moans~




As much as I'd like to do that..I kinda can't.



[From]: Krystal


Nah..unless you want Jjong to watch me get off


I smirked to myself knowing damn well she'd answer quickly in a jealous way. I felt my phone go off almost immediately afterward.



[From]: Sulli


Nobody can ing see that but me.


Called it.


Jjong was actually reading the conversation such far and he chuckled. “You better be careful with her Soojung. She's just the type to cover your neck in hickeys and bites.” He whispered this in my ear so the “authority” figure in the front couldn't over hear. I knew he was right too. I wanted that though. To be wanted like that. I craved it. I craved it quite often. Why? I really liked the idea of being only hers.



The next few hours were rather uneventful. I mean well besides exchanging steamy texts with Sulli that is. I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw the sign: Now entering Busan.

I was so close to her now. In just a little while I could be in her arms. I could be kissing her. That meant so much to me. I couldn't wait to be beside her finally.



“We're here.” Douchelord announced as he successfully pulled into a parking space at the hotel we were staying at. Victoria's car was pulling up in the empty spot beside ours. I'd be staying in a room with my sister since being alone in a room with a boy would be inappropriate. That logic made me roll my eyes. She knew best that Jonghyun was basically an older brother to me. He on the other hand was looking forward to rooming with Taec so he could play various pranks on him as revenge for him annoying the living hell out of me. I was looking forward to those stories.


“Let's unload everything hyung~” Jjong suggested and gestured to the large pile of crap sticking out from the back. Taec nodded in agreement and both of them exited the vehicle leaving me alone with Jessica.


“Come on Soojung. Let's go get our room key and check it out!” I nodded and followed my sister out to inside of the hotel. I needed to text my baby the address to the hotel so she could come pick me up, but I needed to be alone to do that. If Sulli came to get me in the presence of my sister...oh man would go down. I sighed to myself and leaned against a decorative pillar whilst watching my sister get the key from the front desk staff. She really did seem like she was happy to finally be going on a vacation. I felt happy I could do this for her even though it was for underlying selfish reasons. She turned and jingled the key at me with the biggest smile. I returned the smile and grabbed her hand going towards the elevator. Our fingers interlaced as we walked inside the elevator, she immediately pressed the button for the 12th floor. I felt her rest against my shoulders in a relaxed way.


“ really are gonna enjoy this vacation hm?” I watched the numbers changed on the digital display as we continued to go higher up into the building. I could feel her weight shift against me before she spoke.


“Mm..of course. Spending time at the beach with my baby sister, I couldn't ask for anything better.” A barrage of kisses filled my right cheek leaving me flustered and embarrassed despite it being only the two of us inside. I whined and tried to pull away, but it ended with her holding me in a back hug.


“Yahhh unnie. I'm not a little kid anymore, stop treating me like a baby.” She insisted on holding on to me and talking to me as if I were some young child. Read: torture.


“You're my baby though. My Soojung is so cute and innocent. I have to protect you.” The elevator door opened and she dragged me down the hall with a skip in her step.


“I'm really not innocent though..” I muttered under my breath not loud enough for her to hear. She unlocked the door and rushed inside. I am more than likely sure she wanted to go test out the bed, a king sized bed at that. I explored the large hotel room, and took a large interest in the balcony which overlooked the ocean. I could see the beach and people playing on it. I could only think of being on the beach with Sulli. I wanted to see her now more than ever. How could I get rid of my sister for a little while? A knock on the door. Perhaps the answer to my prayers?


I opened it and saw Victoria.


“Could you get your sister? I know we're on vacation but....a big investor wants to make a deal with her.”

I didn't even have to open my mouth. Jessica whirled past me straight to Victoria.


“Soojung, go play with your friend. I need to talk with Victoria.” I happily obliged as I was ushered out of the room in haste. Thank God. I whipped my phone and sent a text to Sulli right away.



[From]: Krystal


Babbbyyyyyyyyyy~ I'm here in Busan ^______^ here's the address:

-Insert address here-


Not even a minute passed before I got a reply.



[From]: Sulli


I'm actually really close by...I'll see you in 5 minutes or less meet me in the parking lot


My heart was pounding out of my chest. I was finally going to get to see the girl I really loved in the flesh. I raced to the elevator and pressed the button to the ground floor. Thought of all the things we could do together went through my mind again. I ran out when the door opened to the ground floor. My legs felt like jelly when I walked through the lobby to the outside. Jjong and Taec passed me by with the luggage. He told Taec to go ahead and stood by my side. He was fully aware of what was happening without me saying it.


“Are you nervous?” He looked me straight in the eye with his usual cocky expression. I nodded feeling my throat go dry when I saw a car entering the lot. He waved over towards the car which was coming towards our direction now. I was so nervous. The car parked. Time seemed to stop at that moment. I remember it perfectly.


The door opened and out stepped Sulli. Long brown hair, legs that went on for miles, and an eye smile which made my heart stop when I saw it the very first time in person.

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Chapter 2: omg this is so fine i like it so much update soon
Chapter 2: What the--asdfghjkl-- THAT WAS REALLY HOT !
Love this story already, hope you update soon ~
YulSicSLTTR #3
Chapter 2: Dat was HOT!!!!
I love JungLi and it looks like I will love the story too xd
Hope you update soon(?)
Chapter 2: Wow! Love the fadt progression of jungli <3
I hope sulli feels the same way too. She seems to be the bad boy type of characters who only like to play around. But hopefully not with soojung.

Thanks for the hot update ^^
Chapter 2: update soon :))
YulSicSLTTR #6
Chapter 1: Update!!!!! Please don't be cruel XD
Fighting!! ^^
zysteyeon26 #7
Chapter 1: Ohhhh gosh update sounds like this gonna be have some hahahahha this is great update please
oh really a bad girl sulli 0_0
this is odd most likely soojung always a bad girl
oh right!this is gonna be interesting update soon as possible
Chapter 1: Oh you're back!!!!! Yay!!!!!
Jungli and a slight jungsis ^^

Badass ssul and not so innocent krys are love~
I love all the characters here, including the douche bag taec, victoria, and jong bro~
What's going to happen next?!?

Update soon please :)
Chapter 1: Update soon
yoonyul12 #10
Chapter 1: Chapter 1, A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. update soon :)