The Spirit at Gamer Manor

Hurried steps were heard in the dorm.

It was very late, the unholy hour, at the best guess. Heechul woke up, startled with the sudden vibrations of the floor. Flashlight at one hand and pillow at the other, he the lights and began to investigate. His eyes squinted as he took a few strides forward. Some ocassions, Heechul would open his eyes at dawn and feel someone walking around the place. He felt the presence.

Room to room, his cat eyes shifted in every direction in a span of ten seconds. Ryeowook and Siwon in their small room were sound asleep, the snores of both proved so.

More steps. The second leader of Super Junior felt knots forming in his stomach.

Heechul quickly left the room and made an appearance in the hallway. All rooms were fully occupied, so what--who made this noise? The bamboo floor squeaked once for each step he made. The brave man counted carefully. He made two steps forward, but there were two more squeaks other than his. A tiny bit ghouled by this, Heechul felt he had to quicken his pace; the faster he walked back to his room, the more steps came.

"S-show yourself!"

The flashlight he held didn't matter anymore, as long as there were sounds other than those steps, he'd be alright. He threw it on the ground and was almost overjoyed by just hearing the material shatter into how many pieces. There was almost no light illuminating in the room except for the dim radiance of the disappearing moon. Heechul ran back into his room, avoiding the shards of blue plastic.

For once, Heechul was happy to be up so early to see the rising sun. The night was over, no more ghosts, he thought. The smell of porridge being cooked downstairs roused him awake and sent him heading to the kitchen.

"It's nice to see you early," Ryeowook, the personal cook of the group smiled. "you seem very happy today, why?"
"So I'm not happy on other days?" Heechul rolled his eyes. "I woke up last night and heard some steps. I checked all your rooms and you were all asleep."
"Maybe you heard your own steps," He replied.
"Of course I heard my own steps, I'm saying I heard more steps than my own!" He shot back.
"Maybe it was your cat."

Heechul sighed. "You think I should check again? Right now, I mean."
"Go for it and have some food once you're finished."

Ryeowook watched him leave the kitchen and thought, Sungmin should be awake by now. He put the porridge onto the bowls and walked back upstairs to wake up his cooking partner. Since the other wouldn't be able to cook breakfast and stayed in his room shared with Kyuhyun, Ryeowook decided he would be cleaning up the mess.

He stared at the hallway with widened eyes. A broken flashlight? Definitely one of Heechul's paranoia tactics late at night. Sungmin would be cleaning that too, out of obsessive compulsive disorder in his veins. Ryeowook hopped over the junk and knocked on the door.

"Good morning," Sungmin groggily answered, opening his door. "sorry I couldn't cook today, I was awake the whole night."
"Awake? Heechul told me about some steps he heard last night."
"Maybe they were his own?"
"Exactly what I told him," He chuckled.
"Kyuhyun's still sleeping, so I'll just be cleaning up the kitchen later," Sungmin nervously added, "It's pretty obvious that You'd make me clean, anyway."
"Your flashlight, Heechul!" Leeteuk's voice echoed across the hallway.
"Ulterior.. motive?" Ryeowook raised a brow. Sungmin asked what he was talking about, but his only reply was a peek at Kyuhyun's body, covered with blankets all the way through.

Sungmin only smiled, slightly pushing him out the door and into the hallway again. "I don't know what you mean, Ryeowook. So how about that porridge again? I'll wake everyone up."
"Whatever you say." Ryeowook eyed him suspiciously.



I took way too long to do this! Anyway, I hope this is okay for the day.

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parkhyojin169 #1
This looks so interesting
Hello there, I'm Claraine of Designified Fountain.
You requested for a poster, but I see that you haven't used it or credited us, just wondering if you have not received it?

In case so, here it is! ^^
sounds interesting, is it thriller?